Saturday, June 30, 2012
The Worst Kind of Famine
Today is a special day in Houston: the day for Houston Homecoming. The court square will be filled with folks, good food, good music, and fireworks. We love it each and every year and hate to miss it. I always wonder- are we going to burn up today out there? Well, Houston, I think you might today. Get your water handy.
Listen to Amos today-
Amos 8.11-12- 11 “Behold, the days are coming,” declares the Lord God,
“when I will send a famine on the land—
not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord.
12 They shall wander from sea to sea, and from north to east;
they shall run to and fro, to seek the word of the Lord,
but they shall not find it.
I recently heard from some friends that went to the less evangelized end of the Dominican Republic. They went to see if an ongoing work could be established there. They rode to a school to see if they could minister there in the future. When they arrived, the principal was standing in the yard and she began to cry. When they got out and began to talk to her she said, "Years ago. My pastor had a vision for a ministry here. I caught that vision and came and have been praying that someone would come to lead these people to Jesus. When I saw the white men in the cab, I knew God had answered my prayer. I have two prayers: 1) I pray we can go back and minister to her people. 2) I pray that America never gets so starved for the Gospel.
The Gospel is shared less and less in our days now. Let's keep setting the table with the message of God's Word so our neighbors will not starve.
We've a story to tell to the nations...and to our neighbor...even today.
Friday, June 29, 2012
At Ease in Zion
(By the way- for some time now every day when I post my blog it runs everything together with no paragraphs or breaks in the body of the blog. I don't write like that. I know what a paragraph is and I am sorry if it makes it complicated to read. I think it is the clash of a Google blog and an iPad. As always, thanks for reading!)
Well, we had a whirlwind ride yesterday. We rode up to see our youth at missions camp in Chatsworth, Georgia. What a camp it is! Great worship and Bible studies, community missions in the afternoon, all kinds of fun and challenging activities to try, and great worship again before bed. They were jacked up, wore out, and appreciative. We were soon back on the road to SC. Look at a map: you can't get to Greenville,SC from Chatsworth, GA, or, at least, that is what the girls thought! We made it though.
Amos is my favorite prophet to preach. He speaks to the heart of the matter,very plainly. We are challenged at his words if we take the time to apply. For instance, Zion, or Mount Zion was a name for the Temple mount or for the worship place. Notice what he says-
Amos 6.1- “Woe to those who are at ease in Zion, and to those who feel secure on the mountain of Samaria..."
How casual are you in your worship? How flippant are you in your walk? How loosely are you committed to worshipping with your congregation? How spiritually prepared are you when you do come to worship? It is something to think about. Amos says, Woe to you!, Shame on you! What's wrong with you! God deserves our best, not just what is left. We have appointments with God in our lives. Let's show up on time, ready to roll, as if He means the world to us...because He does!
Give God your attention today...and have a great day!
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Scratching the Itch
Paul warned Timothy in 2 Timothy 4.3-4 -For the time is coming when people will not endure sound[a] teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.. (
I think we are there! A lot of folks don't want to hear the Word today. Of course, I think Timothy saw people that were 'there' as well. Under the influence of the Roman Empire was not an easy place to minister. So what do we do? Do we whine and complain about our world? That does a lot of good. Do we get angry at people that aren't like us? That sounds real Christian, don't it? I Think we keep following Paul's advice. He preceded this statement by saying that Timothy needed to trust,know, and share God's Word. Don't lose confidence in the Word, even though some won't want to hear it. Rely on It and live It. It is still the answer.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Second Guessing Scripture
Solomon was a wise and rich man. As a matter of fact, the wisest ever and probably the richest ever. Solomon got to second guessing some things in his midlife. Not odd. A lot of people suffer during midlife. However, when it is a king like Solomon, there are huge ramifications. Solomon decided to second guess what God would have for Him. He wanted to explore and experiment. And, boy, did he ever! He tried it all, bought it all, built it all, and lived all of it up. When he got to the end, he was a seasoned man that walked with a limp. He had regret for wasting so many years on matters that did not matter. His story is provided in Scripture (the book of Ecclesiastes) for us to learn from and not to follow in his errant steps.
Paul tried to encourage Timothy not to waste his life trying it all, but just sticking to Jesus and the Word of God. Paul put this way-
2 Timothy 3.16-17- All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God[b] may be complete, equipped for every good work.
You can trust the Word of God. It is true, timeless, and terrific. Don't you dare waste your life not spending time in the Word. Don't you dare even waste a day!
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
The Blessing of Opportunity
Timothy was a young preacher. He needed the guidance of one older and wiser. I have been blessed that while pastoring my first church, I met a preacher that became a pastor and mentor for me. A constant encourager, listener, and advisor, I thank God for how He has used Ken Smith in my life. Ken hosts a conference every year that I and about 12-15 other preachers attend. There, over several days, we challenge one another, pray for one another, laugh, cry, and eat together. It is a great time, a great challenge, and a great blessing. Why do we do it? One reason is mentioned in 2 Timothy 2.5- Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.
Preachers need that kind of fellowship...that kind of tooling. We all need it. We all are blessed to have the opportunity of the fellowship of the church to challenge us, pray for us, and fellowship with us. We also all have the opportunity to 'handle the Word' daily.
May we walk carefully, read carefully,and obey completely...and encourage each other along.
Monday, June 25, 2012
A Legacy of Faith
2 Timothy 1.5- I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well. (
I, like Timothy, have been blessed with a wonderful heritage of faith. Any excuse I try to give does not come back on my mother or grandmother. I have no excuses...nor do you. Whether a legacy of faith or beginning a new family faith heritage, we are to live everyday leaning on the Lord. Let's just make sure our grand kids can say that they have a strong legacy of faith....and let's live like it today.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Minding Yours
Some people are never happy unless they are 'raising a ruckus', stirring the pot, causing a disturbance. No need in such as that. You don't have to be the center of attention. Everyone does not care what you think. Some people do, but not everybody. You don't need to know the latest gossip, have all the inside information, or go digging and whispering, and pointing into someone else's life. Instead, keep a handle on your own life, take as much interest in your family, problems, situations, and learn to be content with what you have. 1 Timothy 6.6-7- But godliness with contentment is great gain, for we brought nothing into the world, and[c] we cannot take anything out of the world. That is what Paul was talking about. And as my friend says- That's what the good book says, and the good book never lies.
I hope to see ya in church in a little while.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
The Short or Long Run
It is so good to wake up in my own bed this morning. We've been visiting my in-laws, attending the convention, taking in some of New Orleans, stopping back through Hattiesburg, and now we are home. It is good to go but it is good to be back!
Whether it is today or tomorrow, your sins will find you out. Paul put this way in
1Timothy 5.24-The sins of some people are conspicuous, going before them to judgment, but the sins of others appear later.. Let's live to avoid sin. We will all come out better the short run or in the long.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Watch out!
As we return home from the convention, I am reflecting on some of our proudest moments. There is always an undercurrent that actually stirs the pot. The evidence of that is the activity on the floor. However, it helps to know what else is going on. There is an undercurrent about the 'name change'. It is not a name change at all but a mere adding of a subtitle or, as it has been called, a descriptor that churches can use if they prefer. Some believe that all official agencies will slide into this name. I don't believe that is the case and, personally, am not very concerned about it.
There was a resolution that gave adamant support for the 'sinner's prayer.' By sinner's prayer some are concerned about shallow confessions without commitment. I am concerned about the spiritual damage such has caused. However, the resolution was written with the intention ( I think) of saying that there needs to be a conversion experience with a prayer of surrendering commitment. Although I am not sure the words 'sinner's prayer' needed to be included, I believe we have come to time in our convention when we need to acknowledge the need of confessing commitment. Calvinism, a theological stance that effects your view on salvation, and the strong emphasis that some give to its beliefs are the next tough spots for Southern Baptists, I am afraid.
The electing of our first African-American president of the SBC is huge as well. Not only does he represent us, but his position is one that has considerable nominating power. As that influence is made known, I hope it is as wonderful a transition as it was an election.
Now for today. Even you aren't a God-gifted speaker or teacher for the Lord, I believe you need to apply today's passage to your life.
1 Timothy 4.16- Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers.
Watch out today! For yourself!
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Where It's At
Well, the Convention ended early yesterday evening with the North American Mission Board's presentation. Earlier in the day, the highlight had been the resolutions committtee presentation. There was a particular resolution concerning the 'sinners prayer' that made for a lot of debate. Some believe it is too shallow and too simple to come to Christ through a repeated prayer. Instead, there needs to be more emphasis upon repentance. The resolution was to affirm that a prayer, not a mere recantation but a real surrendering and committing prayer, is how you come to Christ. After all the debate, it passed. The resolution states that after a truly committing prayer is prayed, one is saved.
Yesterday afternoon we attended the New Orleans Seminary alumni and friends luncheon on the seminary campus. After a BBQ meal on the grounds, there was a wonderful worship service in the chapel. It recognized the distinguished alumni of the year and ask us to give to help the rebuilding process (after Katrina) continue. The campus was beautiful and it is amazing the progress that has been made. Once again my heart was stirred as we sang It is Well With My Soul. As the organ roared and the trumpet played and we sang, I flashed back to 1992 when I came on that campus following the Lord's Will with fear and trembling. I thought about the path that He has led me on the last twenty years, his wonderful faithfulness, and his willingness to use me, and I could not sing. I just closed my teary eyes and thankfully listened to the strong men's choir and the congregation in that beautiful chapel. One more great experience this year.
However, let me know tell you where it was really at. This year was the first year Abby could be a part of the youth activities at the convention. Instead of a Centrifuge type event, as in the past, they did missions events with the youth. On Tuesday she prayer walked two miles across the city to a homeless shelter. Once there, she cleaned the bathroom. On Wednesday they went to New Orleans Seminary campus as well and ministered to some children in an on-campus day care. She said she made popcorn and handed it out to the children. She was so excited to share the details. She also told me about walking up to a man on the streets and asking him if he knew her best friend, Jesus. She then shared how he could be saved. It was a great Tuesday and Wednesday for Abby. She will understand that even more in years to come.
This morning as I read the qualifications of overseers (pastors) and deacons, I was reminded of a phrase that we need to hang on to today in I Timothy 3.9- They must hold the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience. That is what we are to do! We live by faith on the mystery of the Gospel and we serve the Lord and live for the Lord so faithfully that we can do it with a clear conscience.
That, my friend, is Where It's At! Have a great one!
Yesterday afternoon we attended the New Orleans Seminary alumni and friends luncheon on the seminary campus. After a BBQ meal on the grounds, there was a wonderful worship service in the chapel. It recognized the distinguished alumni of the year and ask us to give to help the rebuilding process (after Katrina) continue. The campus was beautiful and it is amazing the progress that has been made. Once again my heart was stirred as we sang It is Well With My Soul. As the organ roared and the trumpet played and we sang, I flashed back to 1992 when I came on that campus following the Lord's Will with fear and trembling. I thought about the path that He has led me on the last twenty years, his wonderful faithfulness, and his willingness to use me, and I could not sing. I just closed my teary eyes and thankfully listened to the strong men's choir and the congregation in that beautiful chapel. One more great experience this year.
However, let me know tell you where it was really at. This year was the first year Abby could be a part of the youth activities at the convention. Instead of a Centrifuge type event, as in the past, they did missions events with the youth. On Tuesday she prayer walked two miles across the city to a homeless shelter. Once there, she cleaned the bathroom. On Wednesday they went to New Orleans Seminary campus as well and ministered to some children in an on-campus day care. She said she made popcorn and handed it out to the children. She was so excited to share the details. She also told me about walking up to a man on the streets and asking him if he knew her best friend, Jesus. She then shared how he could be saved. It was a great Tuesday and Wednesday for Abby. She will understand that even more in years to come.
This morning as I read the qualifications of overseers (pastors) and deacons, I was reminded of a phrase that we need to hang on to today in I Timothy 3.9- They must hold the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience. That is what we are to do! We live by faith on the mystery of the Gospel and we serve the Lord and live for the Lord so faithfully that we can do it with a clear conscience.
That, my friend, is Where It's At! Have a great one!
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
A Great Day
Yesterday was a great day in the history of Southern Baptists and I am thankful that I am here (New Orleans) and able to experience it. We, Southern Baptists, elected our first African-American president, Fred Luter. It was an awesome scene to witness. The convention area looked full (the best I could see; I was on the front row). There was an electricity in the air and the Spirit of God enveloped the place as well. He was the only one nominated and the tradition is that the recording secretary casts one vote to represent the convention. However, on this hallowed occasion, they allowed us all to be a part of it by standing. We stood and held up our ballots (many waving them) in celebration. The ovation was so loud that our current president, Bryant Wright, could hardly be heard as he introduced Fred Luter. I have watched Fred Luter for years and spoke to him many times. He is a kind and strong servant of the Lord. Tears rolled down my face (and his) as he was introduced. It was a great moment! I found a rough youtube video that may help you understand- ( . Watching a video cannot capture the moment though.
That was followed by a tense discussion over adding an optional descriptor to the name of the Southern Baptist Convention. After deliberating about changing the name of the Convention to make for more effective outreach, a task force presented the idea of allowing churches or organizations to be called 'Great Commission Baptists', if they so chose. The vote was not to legally change the name at all but to simply allow churches and organizations to use that alternate description if they desired. The 'ballot raising' vote was too close to call, so we voted by ballot. The results will be announced this morning. After such a time of elation, this tense discussion brought us right back down to earth, however, it could never take away any of the joy of the election experience.
The 'elephant in the room' this year is the increasing conversation about the role of Calvinism in the life of Baptists. John Calvin was a theologian who is best known for his theological doctrines on the sovereignty of God, the election of God for salvation, and the permenance of salvation. His theology is the basis for the Presbyterian church. The discussion requires too many details for this blog, however, the debate centers around the shallow salvation processes that have often been used by Baptists. I believe we have to lead people to Christ with integrity and make sure that they understand the process and do not just 'raise their hand' when no one is looking. That part of the conversation is wonderful and needed. Some, however, go further to say that only some are to be saved and have often carried the attitude that if you disagree, you just don't understand. Well, I don't understand the depths of the mind of God when it comes to salvation, nor does anyone else. The apostle Paul called it a 'mystery'. We are finite and He is infinite. However, I do believe that Jesus died for all and the opportunity is not only open to all the world, but Christ commissioned us to share with all the world. This morning I read I Timothy 2.5-6- For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time. (
I believe it, including the part about the ransom for all.
Maybe Charles Spurgeon, the great Baptist theologian, put it best: As we approach the gates of heaven, we'll see written overhead as we enter, "Come, Whosoever Will". Then, as we pass through the gates and look over our shoulder, we'll see the backside, where it reads, "Chosen Before The Foundation Of The World". Personally, I will leave those matters up to God and spend my time enjoying, sharing, and celebrating my salvation until He comes! Let's do it today!
That was followed by a tense discussion over adding an optional descriptor to the name of the Southern Baptist Convention. After deliberating about changing the name of the Convention to make for more effective outreach, a task force presented the idea of allowing churches or organizations to be called 'Great Commission Baptists', if they so chose. The vote was not to legally change the name at all but to simply allow churches and organizations to use that alternate description if they desired. The 'ballot raising' vote was too close to call, so we voted by ballot. The results will be announced this morning. After such a time of elation, this tense discussion brought us right back down to earth, however, it could never take away any of the joy of the election experience.
The 'elephant in the room' this year is the increasing conversation about the role of Calvinism in the life of Baptists. John Calvin was a theologian who is best known for his theological doctrines on the sovereignty of God, the election of God for salvation, and the permenance of salvation. His theology is the basis for the Presbyterian church. The discussion requires too many details for this blog, however, the debate centers around the shallow salvation processes that have often been used by Baptists. I believe we have to lead people to Christ with integrity and make sure that they understand the process and do not just 'raise their hand' when no one is looking. That part of the conversation is wonderful and needed. Some, however, go further to say that only some are to be saved and have often carried the attitude that if you disagree, you just don't understand. Well, I don't understand the depths of the mind of God when it comes to salvation, nor does anyone else. The apostle Paul called it a 'mystery'. We are finite and He is infinite. However, I do believe that Jesus died for all and the opportunity is not only open to all the world, but Christ commissioned us to share with all the world. This morning I read I Timothy 2.5-6- For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time. (
I believe it, including the part about the ransom for all.
Maybe Charles Spurgeon, the great Baptist theologian, put it best: As we approach the gates of heaven, we'll see written overhead as we enter, "Come, Whosoever Will". Then, as we pass through the gates and look over our shoulder, we'll see the backside, where it reads, "Chosen Before The Foundation Of The World". Personally, I will leave those matters up to God and spend my time enjoying, sharing, and celebrating my salvation until He comes! Let's do it today!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Ya'll Be Nice!
Yesterday was a great day of inspiration and praise for us. The Pastor's Conference takes place on Sunday and Monday and is made up of just preaching and worship. It was wonderful. Dennis Swanberg made us laugh, David Platt made us cry, and Fred Luter will make you shout. It was a great day. Millie goes to 'camp' and she is having a good time during the day there. Abby will start with the youth today. They are learning about missions and then doing some missions at local Baptist work, so she is excited and scared all at the same time. This intro into youth stuff for her has made this summer great.
Today the convention starts. It is the annual business meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention. It will be a historic day. This afternoon we will have the opportunity to elect our first African-American president, Fred Luter. That will be followed by a vote concerning the addition of a subtitle to our name. The proposal (I think) is that we will be the Southern Baptist Convention: Great Commission Baptists. Just pray that the vote will be clear, because if it is not, it will go to ballot. I am on the Teller Committee, so pray for unopposed elections and clear votes. (Although, really, I don't mind doing it. It is an honor to serve.) Seriously, please pray that we will shine today before the world and that God will be honored and Christ exalted!
As we have walked the streets of New Orleans, I have encouraged my kids not to ask me about people, point out people, or stare at people on the street. "We will talk about it later." I will tell them this story when they wake up this morning to further my point. 2 Kings 2.23-24 - He (Elisha) went up from there to Bethel, and while he was going up on the way, some small boys came out of the city and jeered at him, saying, “Go up, you baldhead! Go up, you baldhead!” 24 And he turned around, and when he saw them, he cursed them in the name of the Lord. And two she-bears came out of the woods and tore forty-two of the boys. ( Although I am familiar with that story and love to watch kids' eyes when I tell them that story, nobody told me that story in Sunday School or VBS growing up. Teasing and bullying may stop if we would share those Bible stories.
So the lesson of the day is watch what you say and 'don't be doing no jeering'. That is our lesson today as we are 'walking through New Orleans.' Have a great day!
Today the convention starts. It is the annual business meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention. It will be a historic day. This afternoon we will have the opportunity to elect our first African-American president, Fred Luter. That will be followed by a vote concerning the addition of a subtitle to our name. The proposal (I think) is that we will be the Southern Baptist Convention: Great Commission Baptists. Just pray that the vote will be clear, because if it is not, it will go to ballot. I am on the Teller Committee, so pray for unopposed elections and clear votes. (Although, really, I don't mind doing it. It is an honor to serve.) Seriously, please pray that we will shine today before the world and that God will be honored and Christ exalted!
As we have walked the streets of New Orleans, I have encouraged my kids not to ask me about people, point out people, or stare at people on the street. "We will talk about it later." I will tell them this story when they wake up this morning to further my point. 2 Kings 2.23-24 - He (Elisha) went up from there to Bethel, and while he was going up on the way, some small boys came out of the city and jeered at him, saying, “Go up, you baldhead! Go up, you baldhead!” 24 And he turned around, and when he saw them, he cursed them in the name of the Lord. And two she-bears came out of the woods and tore forty-two of the boys. ( Although I am familiar with that story and love to watch kids' eyes when I tell them that story, nobody told me that story in Sunday School or VBS growing up. Teasing and bullying may stop if we would share those Bible stories.
So the lesson of the day is watch what you say and 'don't be doing no jeering'. That is our lesson today as we are 'walking through New Orleans.' Have a great day!
Monday, June 18, 2012
Answering the World
Tony Evans preached on making a difference for the Kingdom of God by Christians, not just worshiping in private but sharing and living it out in front of the world. He said (and I paraphrase), 'Everyone else seems to be coming out of the closet about the things that are wrong with our world, it is time we come out of our spiritual closet sharing the One that can change the world.' That is the message I heard from the apostle Paul this morning as well- Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. - Colossians 4.6 (
Let's work on that today!
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Happy Father's Day, Pop!
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, 24 knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.- Colossians 3.23-24
As I read this morning, I read with my dad in mind. No, not as I read about the mean exploits of Ahab. Nor, is my mother Jezebel. Instead, I was only seeking a passage that I could use to reflect my father. He definitely did not exasperate me, but, instead, has always been an encouragment to me. As I think of him this morning, I think of his service.
My dad went into the Air Force at 18 and served his country for 20 years. I got in on the last seven and what I remember was blessed...except for the bike wreck...and the bike theft...neither of which my dad was responsible for...lest I regress. I did literally walk to school some days with snow almost as high as my head as we lived about 20 minutes from Canada. My demented brothers walked with me harassing me all the way. I said what I remember was blessed...lest I regress again. I did not know much at that age, but I knew my dad served my country. I had a military ID to prove it.
However, honestly, that is not the service I think of. My dad has always served his family. My dad can fix anything. As a matter of fact, we always complained that we did not get anything new because dad would always fix the old. I wish I would have watched and learned something. Even today when something sounds funny on my car or looks goofy at the house, I call him and he talks me through what it might be. Can you imagine?- Hey Dad, I got this thing hanging down off the pointed part of the house and it is making a clacking noise. I don't think it has a motor. It might just be the wind but it is coming like from inside out out of the house and then back in.... Now you may not understand that, but when my dad reads that, he'll know what it is and can tell me how to fix it with duct tape or a socket wrench. That is my dad. Not ony could he fix, but my dad taught me that if a job needs to be done at the house, do it. Wash clothes, dishes, iron, whatever needs to be done. Do it. On his example, I try to do my part. He made great sacrifices to put me through school. I understand that better the older I get. (And those with college kids tell me I will understand it better by and by....) Beyond all that, he is my dad. We played ball together, now we watch it together, as we have the opportunity. The ol' apple did not fall far from the tree. We like much of the same things and understand each other pretty well. Over fifty years ago, he took on being a dad to me and my older brothers and he has SERVED faithfully at it ever since.
However, what stands out to me the most as I read the passage quoted above on this Father's Day morning is my dad's service to the Lord. Dad loves the Lord. He has leaned on Him and been a leader for Him as long as he has been my dad. I did not have a choice about church. We went and I loved it. The Word is an early morning tool for my dad and it shows. He is quick to serve others, visit others, teach others, and help lead his church. His pastor loves him dearly and he loves his pastor. He serves the Lord heartily. He serves others heartily....including me... That is why I thank God today with tears in my eyes for my dad.
I love you, Pop! Thank God for you. Happy Father's Day!
As I read this morning, I read with my dad in mind. No, not as I read about the mean exploits of Ahab. Nor, is my mother Jezebel. Instead, I was only seeking a passage that I could use to reflect my father. He definitely did not exasperate me, but, instead, has always been an encouragment to me. As I think of him this morning, I think of his service.
However, honestly, that is not the service I think of. My dad has always served his family. My dad can fix anything. As a matter of fact, we always complained that we did not get anything new because dad would always fix the old. I wish I would have watched and learned something. Even today when something sounds funny on my car or looks goofy at the house, I call him and he talks me through what it might be. Can you imagine?- Hey Dad, I got this thing hanging down off the pointed part of the house and it is making a clacking noise. I don't think it has a motor. It might just be the wind but it is coming like from inside out out of the house and then back in.... Now you may not understand that, but when my dad reads that, he'll know what it is and can tell me how to fix it with duct tape or a socket wrench. That is my dad. Not ony could he fix, but my dad taught me that if a job needs to be done at the house, do it. Wash clothes, dishes, iron, whatever needs to be done. Do it. On his example, I try to do my part. He made great sacrifices to put me through school. I understand that better the older I get. (And those with college kids tell me I will understand it better by and by....) Beyond all that, he is my dad. We played ball together, now we watch it together, as we have the opportunity. The ol' apple did not fall far from the tree. We like much of the same things and understand each other pretty well. Over fifty years ago, he took on being a dad to me and my older brothers and he has SERVED faithfully at it ever since.
However, what stands out to me the most as I read the passage quoted above on this Father's Day morning is my dad's service to the Lord. Dad loves the Lord. He has leaned on Him and been a leader for Him as long as he has been my dad. I did not have a choice about church. We went and I loved it. The Word is an early morning tool for my dad and it shows. He is quick to serve others, visit others, teach others, and help lead his church. His pastor loves him dearly and he loves his pastor. He serves the Lord heartily. He serves others heartily....including me... That is why I thank God today with tears in my eyes for my dad.
I love you, Pop! Thank God for you. Happy Father's Day!
Saturday, June 16, 2012
The Jar, the Jug, and Two Special Ladies
The jar of flour was not spent, neither did the jug of oil become empty, according to the word of the Lord that he spoke by Elijah.- 1 Kings 17.16
This story means a lot to me because when I picture this woman, I think of two special ladies that loved the Lord, depended on the Lord, and are with the Lord.
My Grandma Caton went to be with the Lord not long ago after living almost a century. She loved Jesus. She was quick to tell you, show you, and quote Scripture about why she loved Him. Anytime I went to her home, there was always a well worn Bible at her eating spot at the table. It was not ornamental. It was read every morning with coffee, toast, a cut of cheese, and the presence of the Holy Spirit. She never had much, but her flour was never spent, and she would tell you why: God provides.
We are in Hattiesburg today with my in-laws and are on our way to New Orleans for the Southern Baptist Convention. Yesterday the girls found some old pictures. It means a lot to them because Dawn's father is a shell of the man that he was when Abby (age 12)was Millie's age (5). She often tells Millie, 'I wish you would have known before he got sick.' Another picture was found and Millie brought it to me and asked- who is she? It was who she is named after- Grandma Millie. Grandma Millie was Dawn's grandmother and what a doll she was. She made her coffee wwwaaaaaayyyy too strong and would laugh at you when you drank it. She would stand too close to the gas insert and burn the back of her dress. She was very slow. The legs were practically gone when I met her. She hardly got around. If we were loading her up to take her somewhere, I would get her laughing and it took twice as long. She once (in her latter years) took her cane and attempted to run it up between the legs of her brother as he walked down the aisle at church. To her shock when he turned around it was not her brother, but her preacher! She was great and great fun! She also dearly loved the Lord, her church, and her pastor. She did not have much but her jug of oil was never empty. God provides.
This story also is special to me because my jug or jar has never ran out. I lean on the Lord for guidance, sustenance, and my every need, and I acknowledge my dependence upon Him and my gratitude to Him by giving Him back to Him the portion that is only right for a believer.
God will not let you down. He will provide.
He's fairer than lilies of rarest bloom; He's sweeter than honey from out the comb;
He's all my hungering spirit needs; I'd rather have Jesus and let Him lead....
Let Him lead today and rest in Him.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Bad Feet and A Dumb King
When you get to feeling bad about leadership issues in our country, just read Kings or Chronicles. We are not the first. They had sorry for decades. Asa is a combo of both. Out of the park the first half and out of his mind the second. In 2 Chronicles 16 he is told God will not bless his godless ways. V. 9-10 tell what was said and what happened- For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless[b] toward him. You have done foolishly in this, for from now on you will have wars.” 10 Then Asa was angry with the seer and put him in the stocks in prison, for he was in a rage with him because of this. And Asa inflicted cruelties upon some of the people at the same time. (
So much for appreciating good advice! Well, we are blessed daily with good Godly counsel available to us in God's Word. The question is- do you value it? You better! Or like Asa, you will get bad feet and die! I got bad feet but I call on the Lord. I encourage you to call on Him to and heed the advice of His Word!
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Penny for your Thoughts
Some homeboy sits across the table from his wife, his eyes fixed, staring off into space. In a sweet voice his wife wants to know what it is that is bothering him. What would cause him to sit in this lovely restaurant and, while waiting on their food, be so distracted as to not enter into a deep, relationship-enriching conversation? If she could see in the depths of his mind, what would she see?
Well, little does she know, that at this particular moment he is just staring off to space. If the thinking mind is a work of art, his brain, at the time, is a blank canvas.
There are times when we are not thinking about anything (or is that just me?). Just sitting. However, when we are thinking, lets think about the right things. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.- Philippians 4.8 ( Ponder on those matters today...
Well, little does she know, that at this particular moment he is just staring off to space. If the thinking mind is a work of art, his brain, at the time, is a blank canvas.
There are times when we are not thinking about anything (or is that just me?). Just sitting. However, when we are thinking, lets think about the right things. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.- Philippians 4.8 ( Ponder on those matters today...
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Pressing On
One of the great things about organized sports or working out with a friend or trainer is the second effort that is put in. Sometimes when one is not pushing you, you don't push yourself. Accountability to a coach, friend, or trainer can make you more honest about what you can do, when you don't feel like doing anything else. It is when you stretch yourself and really don't feel like stretching that you accomplish new things.
The same is true in the Christian life. If you just settle for Christian mediocrity, you will not grow. If you rest on previous accomplishments or bemourn previous messups, you will not grow. The way you grow is to press on. Paul put it this way- Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.- Philippians 3.13-14 (
Forget yesterday and quit worrying about tomorrow. Stretch yourself today! Press on today for the glory and the honor of Christ.
The same is true in the Christian life. If you just settle for Christian mediocrity, you will not grow. If you rest on previous accomplishments or bemourn previous messups, you will not grow. The way you grow is to press on. Paul put it this way- Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.- Philippians 3.13-14 (
Forget yesterday and quit worrying about tomorrow. Stretch yourself today! Press on today for the glory and the honor of Christ.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Just Do It!
I am good at buying the gear and being ready but sometimes the planning of the task takes too much time. Years ago I found a great set of dumbbells (hand weights) that were as impressive as any gym. I robbed my personal 'kitty' (not my cat, my stash) and purchased them and a bench to go with them. They look good. Seldom used but good.
A few years later a friend talked about going on the Appalachian Trail and walking a tough part that leads to the Southern Terminus in Northern Georgia. I started walking, bought me a camelback (water tank for your back), some hiking sticks, better shoes and started reading and doing some research on it. He then blew out his knee in a motorcycle wreck and the whole plan went to pot. I still want to do it but I ain't used by sticks or my waterpouch yet!
Recently I bought some new shoes that have a pedometer in them that works with your ipod. They look cool (even the young people tell me that) and they are cool! I haven't measured one step yet. Still in the planning stages.
We bought bikes last week. I have rode about a mile over a week. I am almost ready. I got the gear. I am just SUCH a planner......
All that planning is not good for my health, however, let me tell you what is more serious- to not work out your salvation. Paul put it this way in Philippians 2:12-Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. ( Let's not only plan to be good Christians. Let's not only buy big Bibles and make big plans. Let's work out our salvation through daily, spiritual exercise- reading God's Word, seeking God's Face, and living out His Will. It is the greatest health plan, spiritual health plan, you could ever have!
A few years later a friend talked about going on the Appalachian Trail and walking a tough part that leads to the Southern Terminus in Northern Georgia. I started walking, bought me a camelback (water tank for your back), some hiking sticks, better shoes and started reading and doing some research on it. He then blew out his knee in a motorcycle wreck and the whole plan went to pot. I still want to do it but I ain't used by sticks or my waterpouch yet!
Recently I bought some new shoes that have a pedometer in them that works with your ipod. They look cool (even the young people tell me that) and they are cool! I haven't measured one step yet. Still in the planning stages.
We bought bikes last week. I have rode about a mile over a week. I am almost ready. I got the gear. I am just SUCH a planner......
All that planning is not good for my health, however, let me tell you what is more serious- to not work out your salvation. Paul put it this way in Philippians 2:12-Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. ( Let's not only plan to be good Christians. Let's not only buy big Bibles and make big plans. Let's work out our salvation through daily, spiritual exercise- reading God's Word, seeking God's Face, and living out His Will. It is the greatest health plan, spiritual health plan, you could ever have!
Monday, June 11, 2012
Ought to be Different
You ought to be different! You should not act, talk, or behave the same as you did before or would without. If Christ is in you, you ought to be different. Your motives ought to change. Your actions ought to change. Your priorities ought to change. Your focus ought to change. However, a lot of folks have a '9/11 kind of faith'. After 9/11 church attendance soared, mindsets became eternal, focus was more heavenly. Then the dust settled (literally) and everybody went back to their carnal selves. Those same 'Christians' will turn to Him when disease comes, when disaster comes, when difficulty arises, and when it settles, go back to what they are doing. That is not the Christian life though. You ought to be different. Paul put it this way. - Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel.- Philippians 1.27 ( Be different!...coming and going...hurting or different! Stand wiht the Lord through thick and thin....and do it today!
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Gird Up!
There is to be a fight is not just is every day. You are in a spiritual battle. It is not a clean- line up and shot- kind of battle. It is guerilla, terrorist warfare. He is like a lion seeking whom he may devour. He wants to defeat you, discourage you, and devastate you- all at the same time. Don't expect today to be any better. Today is the Lord's Day. Satan loves for us to fail to acknowledge the 'set apart' nature of the day. Don't fall prey to it...or any of his other schemes. Lean upon the Lord and upon His Word- Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. - Ephesians 6.10 (
Saturday, June 9, 2012
The End of the Matter
Solomon experimented with every luxury and pleasure that one could come across. He spent the middle years of his life trying to find what was really meaningful in life. When he got done experiencing everything that he could possibly think of, he came to a conclusion. His conclusion is recorded in Ecclesiastes 12.13- The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. ( The real 'find' in life is the Lord. Seeking Him brings the greatest fulfillment.
Work on that today!
Work on that today!
Friday, June 8, 2012
Cheeseburgers and Deep Regrets
It was in the parking lot of the hamburger hangout that we all went to after the high school football games. You could get a jumbo chili cheesburger half and half at 10 o'clock at night and celebrate your victory or sob through your loss with all your friends packing the small restaurant and overflowing the parking lot.
Now for those of you that did not grow up with a Greek, fast food, greasy spoon every two miles (and many times right beside each other), let me explain the menu. Jumbo is not the size of the sandwich but the fact that it is accompanied by fries and slaw. Chili speaks of the spoon full of homemade hot dog chili that is spread on top of the cheese of the cheesburger. Some folks that I know now don't even know hot dogs have chili or they think it comes from a can. The 'half and half' means you want half french fries and half onion rings for an upcharge. The 10 PM means that if I eat that at this point in my life, I would be up half the night speaking a new proverb: The fool says 'Give me a jumbo half -half', even though he knows in his heart, it is time to go to bed. Now if you haven't understood the value of such a meal, I want to let you know two items that I always have to eat when I go to visit my parents in my hometown: a Skin's hot dog and a jumbo half and half of some sorts (either chili or no chili cheesburger). I will save the Skin's explanation for another day.
Back to the parking lot- this particular night two rival high schools had swarmed the same parking lot (a commonality at this particular restaurant) and a fight had broke out. As you are supposed to do in high school, we ran to see the fight. Normally it is some pushing and shoving and yelling back and forth. However, this night it was a dangerous kind of fight. They were going at it. The police came, the fight stopped, one guy ran and hid and the other stood and waited. The wait-er was told to turn around and allow a handcuffing. He immediately started fighting the policeman. Others pulled up and he struggled on. He struggled until a very large policeman came flying in sideways in his car, jumped out, threw the boy down, handcuffed him, picked him up, and threw him in the car. No playing around. I watched the face of the 19 year old in the back of that police car go from wanting to take on the world to just wanting to say 'sorry' and to go home. That change in his look took about 30 seconds. He was then regretting the last 10 minutes of his life. When I read Ecclesiastes 7.9 this morning, I thought about the look in that guy's face from 26 years ago. The passage states-
Be not quick in your spirit to become angry, for anger lodges in the heart of fools. ( Even if your anger does not get you arrested, it will still lead you to do some dumb stuff. Surrender your anger to the Lord today! Stay out of the parking lot and enjoy the cheeseburger! And have a great day!
Now for those of you that did not grow up with a Greek, fast food, greasy spoon every two miles (and many times right beside each other), let me explain the menu. Jumbo is not the size of the sandwich but the fact that it is accompanied by fries and slaw. Chili speaks of the spoon full of homemade hot dog chili that is spread on top of the cheese of the cheesburger. Some folks that I know now don't even know hot dogs have chili or they think it comes from a can. The 'half and half' means you want half french fries and half onion rings for an upcharge. The 10 PM means that if I eat that at this point in my life, I would be up half the night speaking a new proverb: The fool says 'Give me a jumbo half -half', even though he knows in his heart, it is time to go to bed. Now if you haven't understood the value of such a meal, I want to let you know two items that I always have to eat when I go to visit my parents in my hometown: a Skin's hot dog and a jumbo half and half of some sorts (either chili or no chili cheesburger). I will save the Skin's explanation for another day.
Back to the parking lot- this particular night two rival high schools had swarmed the same parking lot (a commonality at this particular restaurant) and a fight had broke out. As you are supposed to do in high school, we ran to see the fight. Normally it is some pushing and shoving and yelling back and forth. However, this night it was a dangerous kind of fight. They were going at it. The police came, the fight stopped, one guy ran and hid and the other stood and waited. The wait-er was told to turn around and allow a handcuffing. He immediately started fighting the policeman. Others pulled up and he struggled on. He struggled until a very large policeman came flying in sideways in his car, jumped out, threw the boy down, handcuffed him, picked him up, and threw him in the car. No playing around. I watched the face of the 19 year old in the back of that police car go from wanting to take on the world to just wanting to say 'sorry' and to go home. That change in his look took about 30 seconds. He was then regretting the last 10 minutes of his life. When I read Ecclesiastes 7.9 this morning, I thought about the look in that guy's face from 26 years ago. The passage states-
Be not quick in your spirit to become angry, for anger lodges in the heart of fools. ( Even if your anger does not get you arrested, it will still lead you to do some dumb stuff. Surrender your anger to the Lord today! Stay out of the parking lot and enjoy the cheeseburger! And have a great day!
Thursday, June 7, 2012
To Know the Love
When I was 10, my hero, my grandpa died and went to be with the Lord. He was a great man. There is no way he could have been as great as my 10 year perspective made him, but a great guy, none the less. In his last days (and the last day I saw him) he was lying in bed fighting cancer. A friend came over to see him. Not wanting to interrupt but wanting to send a message, I brought a little statue that I had previously given him and put it beside his bed. The statue had a little man on it that had his arms stretched out as far as he could reach. On the bottom of the statue it read: I Love You This Much.
The one thing that I wanted my grandpa to know as he lay sick (and dying, whether I knew it or not) was how much I loved him.
I often ask my girls to come see me and sit in my lap or beside me and ask: Do you know how much I love you? I want them to know through the 'No's' and the correction that I love them.
I seldom end a phone conversation or a day without telling my wife, 'I love you.'
I want folks to know. Notice what the apostle Paul wants for you.
Ephesians 3:14-19 -For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, 15 from whom every family[c] in heaven and on earth is named, 16 that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, 19 and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.
Know today that Christ loves you!
The one thing that I wanted my grandpa to know as he lay sick (and dying, whether I knew it or not) was how much I loved him.
I often ask my girls to come see me and sit in my lap or beside me and ask: Do you know how much I love you? I want them to know through the 'No's' and the correction that I love them.
I seldom end a phone conversation or a day without telling my wife, 'I love you.'
I want folks to know. Notice what the apostle Paul wants for you.
Ephesians 3:14-19 -For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, 15 from whom every family[c] in heaven and on earth is named, 16 that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, 19 and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.
Know today that Christ loves you!
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Trucks, Bugs, and A/C Units
Some of the funniest emails I get are pictures of 'redneck engineered' stuff. I think about the small window air condition unit that was put through the back window of a truck and ran with a generator that sat in the back of the truck. Of course, it was duct taped into place. That was not the window they had in mind when they called it a 'window unit'. I learned to drive in a Volkswagen Bug that had cleaned out half the ditches in the county and almost flipped a bridge before I got it. My Mom and Dad's three boys learned to drive in that car, bless its heart. One thing that worked on that Bug: the heat. The heat of a 1970 Bug (I don't know if Bug should actually be capitalized when its real name was Beetle- this thing was not a Beetle though, but just a Bug, I assure you) came out from under the bottom of the seat. In the one I drove, it came out year round. However, it had those small A frame mirrors that you could point. You point them at the front windshield in the winter and you could defrost, if it was not so cold outside that the windows continued to freeze. In the summer, you point them at yourself and you were blown away by God's air conditioner. That is what those windows were for. If you use something in the way it was intended to be used, it works well. If you don't use it for its intended purpose, like a window A/C unit duct taped in your truck, there will be problems.
Let me tell you what we were intended for. Better yet, let Ephesians 2:10 tell you- For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. ( Once in Christ, we are recreated or made anew by His Holy Spirit to do good works for Him. We will do better works, when we practice good works in Him day in and day out. Practice won't bring perfection, even though the old saying says it will, but it will make us better at doing the good work of Christ in all of our lives. Let's practice that today!
Let me tell you what we were intended for. Better yet, let Ephesians 2:10 tell you- For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. ( Once in Christ, we are recreated or made anew by His Holy Spirit to do good works for Him. We will do better works, when we practice good works in Him day in and day out. Practice won't bring perfection, even though the old saying says it will, but it will make us better at doing the good work of Christ in all of our lives. Let's practice that today!
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Waiting on the Lord
Great opening day of VBS yesterday! With clearer skies today, it is going to be even better!
I am not good at waiting. My mind has a hard time settling. I am the kind of guy that reads a book while watching TV. Recording a program helps. I skip commercials. However, for live events, I am always reading a book or doing something else. I don't have to be going all the time, but when I'm ready, I'm ready. When we are leaving on a trip and the car is packed, I can hardly sit. My dear, poor wife!
There is something...Someone worth waiting on though.
Psalm 33.20-22 -Our soul waits for the Lord; he is our help and our shield.
21 For our heart is glad in him, because we trust in his holy name.
22 Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us, even as we hope in you. (
When you do not understand, wait on the Lord. When the answers are not coming, wait on the Lord.
He is worth the wait and He has not went anywhere. You know He will respond.
May His Love fill you up and flow through you as you hope in Him. Trust the Lord today!
I am not good at waiting. My mind has a hard time settling. I am the kind of guy that reads a book while watching TV. Recording a program helps. I skip commercials. However, for live events, I am always reading a book or doing something else. I don't have to be going all the time, but when I'm ready, I'm ready. When we are leaving on a trip and the car is packed, I can hardly sit. My dear, poor wife!
There is something...Someone worth waiting on though.
Psalm 33.20-22 -Our soul waits for the Lord; he is our help and our shield.
21 For our heart is glad in him, because we trust in his holy name.
22 Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us, even as we hope in you. (
When you do not understand, wait on the Lord. When the answers are not coming, wait on the Lord.
He is worth the wait and He has not went anywhere. You know He will respond.
May His Love fill you up and flow through you as you hope in Him. Trust the Lord today!
Monday, June 4, 2012
Opening Day!
Today is opening day of VBS at FBC. That makes it an exciting day for a lot of kids, a lot of teachers that have worked hard to prepare, directors and decorators that have revolutionized our building into a 1980's pop cultural center. Jamboxes, records, Pac-Man, and Rubic's Cube dominate the landscape. We are 'kickin' it ol' school' and I guess that means I am old, because the 80's is when I was in school. I guess the creators of this VBS (the Go Fish Guys) are a bunch of 40 somethings attempting to relive the good ol' days. Either way, it is a fun atmosphere. I heard a teenager talking about how rough it was to do one side of the Rubic's Cube. I told her that I could do two sides of it a long time ago, and could do one side real quick. (However, I remember watching videos of people doing the whole thing in a couple of minutes.) I let the proverbial cat out of the bag and told her that 'in the day' you pop off a center cap and unscrew the cube and it would fall apart. You could then make it look, however, you wanted it to. Fun memories. We will have fun times. Please pray that many kids have a genuine experience of salvation this week and can follow it up with baptism and church membership. We don't play the 'raise your hand, nobody's looking' game. We do present and offer the Gospel and will happily lead them through it. Pray that the Spirit will move.
As I closed out Romans this morning, I think Paul gave us a great summarizing statement to keep in mind when you get discouraged or distracted. Check it out- Romans 16:20- The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. (
Regardless of what Bugs Bunny used to say at the end of his show- This ain't all there is, folks!
Keep your eyes on the prize and the victory in your heart and seize the day for the Lord Jesus!
As I closed out Romans this morning, I think Paul gave us a great summarizing statement to keep in mind when you get discouraged or distracted. Check it out- Romans 16:20- The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. (
Regardless of what Bugs Bunny used to say at the end of his show- This ain't all there is, folks!
Keep your eyes on the prize and the victory in your heart and seize the day for the Lord Jesus!
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Heaping and Burning
I had a grandfather that intensely loved Jesus. He oozed of Jesus. He helped a friend sell tools at the flea market on Saturdays. He could turn a conversation about a hammer into an invitation to come to Jesus as quick and smooth as anyone I have ever been around. I was only 10 when he died. I remember few of our conversations. However, I am fully aware and shadowed by his influence, impression, and my sweet remembrance.
One thing I do remember him saying, or remember my grandmother quoting him, was 'kill'em with kindness.' That was how he described what we are to do to our enemies. In other words, love on them. Show them Jesus when they are giving you the devil. Proverbs 25:21-22 is a passage he would reference- If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat, and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink,
22 for you will heap burning coals on his head, and the Lord will reward you. (
As I read that this morning, I thought of my Papa. He has been in heaven for over 30 years but his love for Jesus is still influential. We need to have a love for Jesus so intense that we can love our neighbors, acquaintances, and enemies, even when they are hateful to us.
Love the Lord today with all that you are and love others as much as you love yourself.
Have a great Sunday of Worship!
One thing I do remember him saying, or remember my grandmother quoting him, was 'kill'em with kindness.' That was how he described what we are to do to our enemies. In other words, love on them. Show them Jesus when they are giving you the devil. Proverbs 25:21-22 is a passage he would reference- If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat, and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink,
22 for you will heap burning coals on his head, and the Lord will reward you. (
As I read that this morning, I thought of my Papa. He has been in heaven for over 30 years but his love for Jesus is still influential. We need to have a love for Jesus so intense that we can love our neighbors, acquaintances, and enemies, even when they are hateful to us.
Love the Lord today with all that you are and love others as much as you love yourself.
Have a great Sunday of Worship!
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Words of Wisdom
Proverbs 22:17-18- Incline your ear, and hear the words of the wise, and apply your heart to my knowledge, 18 for it will be pleasant if you keep them within you, if all of them are ready on your lips. ( Read the Word daily...God always has something to say.
Come to Church Sunday...God works in a people congregated for His Admiration.
Hear from the Lord....and have a great day!
Come to Church Sunday...God works in a people congregated for His Admiration.
Hear from the Lord....and have a great day!
Friday, June 1, 2012
The Step Establisher
Years ago, I heard about a coach who was going to be retiring and he felt strong that one of his assistants wanted the job. He went to the assistant and told him, "I think I am going to step out of the way for you, and recommend you for the job." The assistant looked at the coach and quoted
Proverbs 16:9- The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps. He also said, "You do what God is leading you to do and don't worry about preparing my way. The Lord will put me where He wants me."...And He has.
I thought of that when I read Proverbs 19:21- Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand. (
Let us make sure that all are plans are baptized in prayer, submitted to the Lord, and only followed if the Lord leads in that way. Plans and dreams are great, but outside of the Lord's Will, they will not work. Seek His Face today...and in all your plans for tomorrow.
Proverbs 16:9- The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps. He also said, "You do what God is leading you to do and don't worry about preparing my way. The Lord will put me where He wants me."...And He has.
I thought of that when I read Proverbs 19:21- Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand. (
Let us make sure that all are plans are baptized in prayer, submitted to the Lord, and only followed if the Lord leads in that way. Plans and dreams are great, but outside of the Lord's Will, they will not work. Seek His Face today...and in all your plans for tomorrow.
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