We bought a new van at the end of last year. After looking at several slightly used cars, we could not find that one that just seemed to solve our needs and was at the right price. We did something that we have never done before...we bought a new vehicle. There is a luxury to having a new vehicle (especially when it is your first) but there is also a curse. The curse: it is a big heavy piece of mammon in the yard. A heavily invested piece of stuff that means too much to you when you get it. I finally told someone that I would be glad when it was no longer in immaculate condition. I needed a scratch. Well, I got one shortly there after. Millie underestimated a turn on her bicycle and lift a small scratch on some piece of plastic. I did not find out when it happened. I found out a few days later. The combination of the time it took for me to know about and my need for the car just to be normal for us, led me to just ask her not to ride close to the vehicles instead of tearing into her. I am thankful for the ride, but I know that is really all it is.
It is easy for us to lose our proper perspective about our stuff. It means too much to us. It can be different things for different people but we all have our pet rocks that we don't want anybody to mess with and that we put too much time and money in. Those things are idols. We may not bow before them, but we walk around them with awe and cherish just a little too much. I could give many examples but I don't want to pigeonhole any particular item(s), because then folks that don't have that but have something else will not think it is relevant to them. It is relevant to you. I promise.
God spoke through Isaiah about idols or good luck charms that people put way too much emphasis on and that hurt their relationship with God. Isaiah 46:6-7- Those who lavish gold from the purse, and weigh out silver in the scales, hire a goldsmith, and he makes it into a god; then they fall down and worship! They lift it to their shoulders, they carry it, they set it in its place, and it stands there; it cannot move from its place. If one cries to it, it does not answer or save him from his trouble. You don't have anything like that, do you? Sure you do. It may not be shaped like a god but there are things that you have put too much money into and thought too much of that do little for you and actually just get it in the way. Melt that gold down today and give it over to God. You are His. Everything you have is His. Give this day to Him as well. You have already dedicated your whole life to Him. Give today as well...and have a good one.
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