Saturday, March 31, 2012
No Holds Barred
We have the opportunity today to make a difference for the Lord. If we wait for smooth sailing to share...or no problems before we pray...or no hindrances before read His Word...or no hangups before we are witness for Him, we will never be what we could be for the Lord. However, the reality is, that many of us will have a golden opportunity today to share a Word for Him, or spend some extended time giving Him praise, or sharing His Truths will someone else. If we wait for no hangups or hindrances, we will have missed those golden opportunities. I love the vision that Paul shares in I Corinthians 16:8- But I will stay in Ephesus until Pentecost, 9 for a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries. ( Let's let nothing come in the way of shining for Him today!
Friday, March 30, 2012
Alive in Christ
A neat event happened last night at our church that us fellows was not able to attend. It was a ladies banquet in honor of our heroes at home- that is, the wives of our Sapper men serving in Afghanistan. The speaker was our U.S. Senator's wife, Mrs. Wicker. The entrance fee was to bring a snack to be packed up and sent to our Sapper men. The surprise highlight was a welcome video from some of our soldiers serving. Dawn was bubbly about it last night and Facebook (yes, I just took the plunge) is lit up about it as well. Thank you ladies for working so hard to honor our ladies and our Lord on such a great night!
I am highly anticipating Sunday when we will celebrate the Lord's Supper together and talk about the darkness of the cross and the sealed tomb. However, keep in mind...Sunday is coming. Resurrection is very near. When I read I Corinthians 15 this morning, it makes me want to rush to the empty tomb. I Corinthians 15:54-57 -When the perishable puts on the imperishable, and the mortal puts on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written: “Death is swallowed up in victory.” 55 “O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?” 56 The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. 57 But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Live the victory today! Share the victory today! Enjoy the victory today! If you are in Christ, you are dead in your sin. You are alive in Christ. Let's live like it today....and have a blessed one!
I am highly anticipating Sunday when we will celebrate the Lord's Supper together and talk about the darkness of the cross and the sealed tomb. However, keep in mind...Sunday is coming. Resurrection is very near. When I read I Corinthians 15 this morning, it makes me want to rush to the empty tomb. I Corinthians 15:54-57 -When the perishable puts on the imperishable, and the mortal puts on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written: “Death is swallowed up in victory.” 55 “O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?” 56 The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. 57 But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Live the victory today! Share the victory today! Enjoy the victory today! If you are in Christ, you are dead in your sin. You are alive in Christ. Let's live like it today....and have a blessed one!
Thursday, March 29, 2012
I Will Not Talk
I have always been a talker. I believe that came naturally. I had a bad speech impediment as a child and I believe the humor came to try to compensate for it. Who knows? An armchair psychologist is a dangerous is a boy with a big mouth. Big mouths make your hands least when I was in school. I have clear memories of having to write "I will not talk." for homework numerous times. I learned the art of the two pencil, two line trick. (I also found that wrestling two pencils actually takes longer.) The "I, I, I, I, I, I, will, will, will, will, not, not, not, not, not, talk, talk, talk, talk..." procedure is the quickest. However, every two years there was some smart teacher that liked long sentences like "Due to causing a hindrance in the teaching and training of the classroom, I realize my inappropriate and untimely talking will not benefit me or the class, therefore I will no longer talk when it is not beneficial to do so." (Teachers, I just made that up, but you can borrow it.) The only good news about such a sentence is that I only had to do it 25 times instead of the typical 500 for "I must not talk."
The tongue and its talk will get you in trouble. Corinth had trouble with the tongue. Actually, they had trouble with tongues, but it does not take a charismatic outburst for the tongue to cause trouble in the church. It can be a tremendous problem when we speak words of our native language. When speaking of the tongue and the inappropriate action from it, Paul said in I Corinthians 14:12- So with yourselves, since you are eager for manifestations of the Spirit, strive to excel in building up the church. ( What we say should build up the church. If you really want the Spirit to move in the church, don't say things that will be a hindrance. There is nothing I want more for the church than for the Spirit of God to have full rule and reign everytime we come together. Let nothing I say nor we say ever get in the way of the Spirit's movement building up the church. Watch what you say today! For most of us the consequences will be much greater than having to write! Remember, slow to speak and quick to listen. Have a great day!
The tongue and its talk will get you in trouble. Corinth had trouble with the tongue. Actually, they had trouble with tongues, but it does not take a charismatic outburst for the tongue to cause trouble in the church. It can be a tremendous problem when we speak words of our native language. When speaking of the tongue and the inappropriate action from it, Paul said in I Corinthians 14:12- So with yourselves, since you are eager for manifestations of the Spirit, strive to excel in building up the church. ( What we say should build up the church. If you really want the Spirit to move in the church, don't say things that will be a hindrance. There is nothing I want more for the church than for the Spirit of God to have full rule and reign everytime we come together. Let nothing I say nor we say ever get in the way of the Spirit's movement building up the church. Watch what you say today! For most of us the consequences will be much greater than having to write! Remember, slow to speak and quick to listen. Have a great day!
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Grown Up Love
I got my first kiss from a girl in the back of a station wagon...on the way to church...I was 6 years old. I thought she was the one. Shortly there after, my dad retired from the Air Force and we moved a thousand miles away. I ain't considered her since. The other day, Millie, she's 5, was waiting on me in the hall at church. One of the little boys that she is kinda cute on came by with his dad. They got real close to each other and whispered and giggled for a minute together. I came out of the office and we started to leave. She looked up and said, "Me and him had a little 'date' there" and blushed. She made little quote marks with her hands when she said date. Young love...real young love...that is when it is still cute. Before long such a thing will scare me to death probably!
When you are a child you are expected to love like a child. When you grow up, you ought to love like a grown up. Paul put it this way, When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways.- I Corinthians 13:11 (
It is time to love like grownups. I don't mean more physically. Puberty and irresponsibility can take care of that. I mean mature love. Love that waits when you don't want to, smiles when you feel like you can't, hushes when you are dying to talk, steps backwards when running ahead would be natural, sorrows instead of snickers, and rejoices instead of envying. Let's love- not just when it is easy or with who it is easy. Let's love because Jesus taught us to. Puppy love and pre-teen love are for puppies and pre-teens. Let's grow up in Christ and love like Him.
When you are a child you are expected to love like a child. When you grow up, you ought to love like a grown up. Paul put it this way, When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways.- I Corinthians 13:11 (
It is time to love like grownups. I don't mean more physically. Puberty and irresponsibility can take care of that. I mean mature love. Love that waits when you don't want to, smiles when you feel like you can't, hushes when you are dying to talk, steps backwards when running ahead would be natural, sorrows instead of snickers, and rejoices instead of envying. Let's love- not just when it is easy or with who it is easy. Let's love because Jesus taught us to. Puppy love and pre-teen love are for puppies and pre-teens. Let's grow up in Christ and love like Him.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
The Crumbling Foundation
America was founded on the principles of Christianity and for the freedom of worship and a government for the people and by the people. I am concerned about the future of America. I am concerned about the tremendous lean toward socialism that our government often seems to betray. I read a quote some time ago that was attributed to Karl Marx, although he may be like Yogi Berra. Yogi Berra wrote a book entitled, "I really did not say everything I said!" Marx has been claimed as saying, "Democracy is a form of government that cannot long survive, for as soon as the people learn that they have a voice in the fiscal policies of the government, they will move to vote for themselves all the money in the treasury and bankrupt the nation." That is the dude that wrote the Communist Manifesto and that is scary, because sometimes I see it coming to light.
Let me tell you, however, what I am more concerned about. I am afraid we are headed toward days like those after the death of Joshua. Judges 2:10- And all that generation also were gathered to their fathers. And there arose another generation after them who did not know the Lord or the work that he had done for Israel. ( If we do not teach our children Christian principles and the hope that is found in Christ, they will not get it from this world. How do we teach it? We tell them what we know. We keep the words, the truths, and the stories of the Bible fresh on our lips. We live out our lives as Spirit-filled believers and shine forth Christ in our actions, our words, and attitudes. We find ourselves a Christian, God centered, Gospel driven body of believers to worship alongside and we give Sunday back to the Lord as His Day. We only let the extraordinary keep us out of church, instead of anything and everything that may present itself as a Sunday opportunity. To put simply: We live for Christ. If we don't live for Christ or if we attempt to do half-heartedly, don't be surprised when every generation that follows us grows more spiritually weak and biblically illiterate. It happened in Joshua's day and it has happened many times over. Live for Christ! Let's set the pattern today that we want the future of this country to build on.
Let me tell you, however, what I am more concerned about. I am afraid we are headed toward days like those after the death of Joshua. Judges 2:10- And all that generation also were gathered to their fathers. And there arose another generation after them who did not know the Lord or the work that he had done for Israel. ( If we do not teach our children Christian principles and the hope that is found in Christ, they will not get it from this world. How do we teach it? We tell them what we know. We keep the words, the truths, and the stories of the Bible fresh on our lips. We live out our lives as Spirit-filled believers and shine forth Christ in our actions, our words, and attitudes. We find ourselves a Christian, God centered, Gospel driven body of believers to worship alongside and we give Sunday back to the Lord as His Day. We only let the extraordinary keep us out of church, instead of anything and everything that may present itself as a Sunday opportunity. To put simply: We live for Christ. If we don't live for Christ or if we attempt to do half-heartedly, don't be surprised when every generation that follows us grows more spiritually weak and biblically illiterate. It happened in Joshua's day and it has happened many times over. Live for Christ! Let's set the pattern today that we want the future of this country to build on.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Hey Ya'll, Wach'tis!
Where I'm from, usually when someone says, "Hey Ya'll, Watch This!" in a slightly less pronounced way, it means danger. I think about the time when the tire swing rope broke and sent that boy sailing down the hill in my friend's backyard. I think about the boy with the new 'school', 'tenny' shoes missing the jump over the creek by 6 inches...which happened to be enough to run his new 'school' jeans into the muddy bank. I think about that ditch we jumped with our bikes by going off the side of a driveway and jumping 'into' the ditch on purpose. Who thought that was going to end well? I guess they may be why, "Hey Ya'll, Watch This" is often considered the last four words of a redneck.
This morning Paul tells us in his own way, "Hey Ya'll, Watch This!". It is found in I Corinthians 11:1- Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ. ( At first take, it may be easy to misunderstand this statement. It may seem like Paul is mighty proud of himself. Not really, though. Paul knew that folks need a tangible witness for Christ that they can watch and learn from. He had patterned his life in such a way that he felt good about others watching him to see how to live for Christ. It speaks not of his pride, but of his discipline. It speaks not of his 'raising', but of his Lord. He was just trying to reflect Christ in such a way that others could see how they should respond, act, talk, and interact with others. Be aware, if you are not, the world is watching Christians to see how they respond. Let's reflect the ways of Christ today, instead of the redneck ways of wild antics or the lazy ways of slothful living. Imitate Christ today! When you do, someone close by may be saying to their neighbor, "Hey ya'll, watch her!" or "Hey ya'll, watch him."
This morning Paul tells us in his own way, "Hey Ya'll, Watch This!". It is found in I Corinthians 11:1- Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ. ( At first take, it may be easy to misunderstand this statement. It may seem like Paul is mighty proud of himself. Not really, though. Paul knew that folks need a tangible witness for Christ that they can watch and learn from. He had patterned his life in such a way that he felt good about others watching him to see how to live for Christ. It speaks not of his pride, but of his discipline. It speaks not of his 'raising', but of his Lord. He was just trying to reflect Christ in such a way that others could see how they should respond, act, talk, and interact with others. Be aware, if you are not, the world is watching Christians to see how they respond. Let's reflect the ways of Christ today, instead of the redneck ways of wild antics or the lazy ways of slothful living. Imitate Christ today! When you do, someone close by may be saying to their neighbor, "Hey ya'll, watch her!" or "Hey ya'll, watch him."
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Chair Pulling
Oh, the middle school years! How awful! I was awful. My friends were awful. We made the teachers (most of them) awful. When my daughter finished the 5th grade, I told her, "I am sorry, honey. You are going to be miserable for the next 3 years!" Nothing like some encouragement to get your child going, huh? However, she is proving me wrong. She is having a good least most of the time.
There was a rite of passage that we had to endure in middle school. It was the Great Chair Pulling Movement. Now I have always been one to try not to "agg" things on. I figured what comes around will go around. Don't be pranking! However, as innocent as I am, I still fell victim to the Great Chair Pulling Movement. You know what it is... a perfectly timed yank of someone's chair out from under them right as they are about to sit down. It will make a 7th grade class explode into laughter, clapping, finger pointing, and high-five-ing! 19.8% of middle school blushing comes from chair pulling and, always remember, 98.3% of statistics are made up on the spot. They make chairs hooked to desks (all in one units) now because of the hardship of chair pulling in previous generations. If you ever thought, you were safe, you were sure to fall victim...especially if your mouth was as big as mine.
That is somewhat the message I got from the apostle Paul today. If you think you are too big, too great, or too perfect for it to happen to you, be careful, you are not. Paul was not speaking of chair pulling but of sin. You are not above it. If you think you are, it will be like a middle school chair is pulled out from under you, when you mess up. Be careful. Paul put it this way in I Corinthians 10:12-13- Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall. 13 No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. ( Always look behind you...around you...within you. Please walk carefully with the Lord and know that you are not alone. He is right there with you. The devil would love to pull the chair out from under you spiritually. You don't have to fall. God has provided a way out.
Let's stop "sitting down" where we haven't already looked and if one does get the chair pulled out from under him/her, let's not laugh, clap, high-five, whisper, gossip, or rumor about him. Let's help her up! Hope to see you in church today!
There was a rite of passage that we had to endure in middle school. It was the Great Chair Pulling Movement. Now I have always been one to try not to "agg" things on. I figured what comes around will go around. Don't be pranking! However, as innocent as I am, I still fell victim to the Great Chair Pulling Movement. You know what it is... a perfectly timed yank of someone's chair out from under them right as they are about to sit down. It will make a 7th grade class explode into laughter, clapping, finger pointing, and high-five-ing! 19.8% of middle school blushing comes from chair pulling and, always remember, 98.3% of statistics are made up on the spot. They make chairs hooked to desks (all in one units) now because of the hardship of chair pulling in previous generations. If you ever thought, you were safe, you were sure to fall victim...especially if your mouth was as big as mine.
That is somewhat the message I got from the apostle Paul today. If you think you are too big, too great, or too perfect for it to happen to you, be careful, you are not. Paul was not speaking of chair pulling but of sin. You are not above it. If you think you are, it will be like a middle school chair is pulled out from under you, when you mess up. Be careful. Paul put it this way in I Corinthians 10:12-13- Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall. 13 No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. ( Always look behind you...around you...within you. Please walk carefully with the Lord and know that you are not alone. He is right there with you. The devil would love to pull the chair out from under you spiritually. You don't have to fall. God has provided a way out.
Let's stop "sitting down" where we haven't already looked and if one does get the chair pulled out from under him/her, let's not laugh, clap, high-five, whisper, gossip, or rumor about him. Let's help her up! Hope to see you in church today!
Saturday, March 24, 2012
On The Level
On the road to Birmingham today for a dance competition. You didn't know I was a dancer, did you? Get that image out of your mind. It's my daughter.
The Word is clear this morning. We must do all we can to share Christ with the world. I Corinthians 9:22- To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some. ( Let's do all we can to reach as many as we can where they are, so that God can bring them to the place that He would have them. It does not mean to lower to their level morally. Instead it means to shine for Him on their level.
The Word is clear this morning. We must do all we can to share Christ with the world. I Corinthians 9:22- To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some. ( Let's do all we can to reach as many as we can where they are, so that God can bring them to the place that He would have them. It does not mean to lower to their level morally. Instead it means to shine for Him on their level.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Not There Yet
Well, my girl, had a big day yesterday! After winning her division in the science fair, she was able to participate in the regional fair yesterday. Not only is this a day out of school, a ride on a bus, eating out with friends (all of which are huge to a 6th grader!), but also a chance to get a pat on the back. Well, she got one. She won her division in the regional as well! Her presentation board caught the attention of local media as well and she had a sound bite on WCBI last night. One slight problem though...her project was on the rate of traffic stopping at busy intersections with stop signs. In the sound bite, they only having her saying, "What I thought was interesting was the police car didn't stop but the buses did." Ya'll pray for her Daddy's driving record! Congrats, Ab!
We aren't there yet! Don't try to pretend you are. God is still working on you. He is Lord over others. We are not to lord over others. Let's walk carefully and listen to His Words of wisdom instead of always spouting ours. I Corinthians 8:2 puts it best- If anyone imagines that he knows something, he does not yet know as he ought to know. ( Honor Him Today!!
We aren't there yet! Don't try to pretend you are. God is still working on you. He is Lord over others. We are not to lord over others. Let's walk carefully and listen to His Words of wisdom instead of always spouting ours. I Corinthians 8:2 puts it best- If anyone imagines that he knows something, he does not yet know as he ought to know. ( Honor Him Today!!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Minding Yours
Well, yesterday was a fun day. I drove to Jackson to pray the invocation for the state Senate's session. I left early to run around Jackson a little before I was to be there, however, on the way, my senator told me to come on. When I got there it was rainy and stormy and Russell (my senator) met me at the car with an umbrella. He ushered me into a luncheon held by the Egg Board. We made are own omelets, got a goody bag, and hitched a ride with the Capital Police back to the Capital. The lieutenant governor, who presides over the Senate, had a meeting in Washington, DC that morning and that delayed the session (and the prayer) until 4 PM. Our Rep. Preston Sullivan ate with us and walked around with us as well until his session started at 2 PM. We went to the House Session, was introduced, and moved on. At 4 PM I was introduced by Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves and prayed the invocation. I prayed for safety for the citizens of our state on a stormy day. I prayed for the personal salvation of each lady and gentleman of the Senate. I prayed that they would, based on that relationship, as Solomon seek the wisdom of the Lord, follow His Counsel, and lead our state to be the best state that He can allow us to be. I was welcomed to remain on the Senate floor with full privileges for the day. It was a neat day. I had great conversations with Sen. Polk of Polk Sausage and Sen. Hudson of Hudson's Salvage as well. I am very thankful to Sen. Jolly for asking me to come and accommodating me so. (I also saw T. Boone Pickens, the oil man turned gas and wind- that sounds bad- that is also an Oklahoma billionaire, in a press conference with the governor. I passed him in the hallway but I am none the richer for it- get it?)
Tonight we are hosting the Pastors and Wives Welcome Banquet for our new part-time Associational Missions Director, Gary Permenter. That will be another neat opportunity to serve fellow pastors.
Next week I've got jury duty! That might be interesting as well.
In I Corinthians 7 Paul gives a lot of instruction about honoring the Lord through marriage and sexual purity. It is great instruction to live by. We can both follow it and advise from it. The verse that struck a chord with me this morning, however, is I Cor. 7:17- Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him. This is my rule in all the churches. ( Let's live our lives for the Lord! Counsel when needed. Don't nose in so much about others. Each walks their own road. We all are to be guided by the Lord and Godly counsel, not hearsay logic. Honor Him today!
Tonight we are hosting the Pastors and Wives Welcome Banquet for our new part-time Associational Missions Director, Gary Permenter. That will be another neat opportunity to serve fellow pastors.
Next week I've got jury duty! That might be interesting as well.
In I Corinthians 7 Paul gives a lot of instruction about honoring the Lord through marriage and sexual purity. It is great instruction to live by. We can both follow it and advise from it. The verse that struck a chord with me this morning, however, is I Cor. 7:17- Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him. This is my rule in all the churches. ( Let's live our lives for the Lord! Counsel when needed. Don't nose in so much about others. Each walks their own road. We all are to be guided by the Lord and Godly counsel, not hearsay logic. Honor Him today!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Not Your Own
Today I have the opportunity to do something that I look forward to and I believe is one of those unique things that God has given me a chance to do. I will open the floor of the Mississippi State Senate today in prayer. I was previously scheduled to do it this morning but the days are so pretty, the Senators do not want to start meeting until 4 PM. (I don't know why the change.) It caused some rambling around of the schedule but I still plan to be there this afternoon.
The passage that spoke to my heart this morning is one that I dedicated to memory as a teenager and have leaned on for years. I encourage you to do the same.
I Corinthians 6:19-20- Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, 20 for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. ( Sexual immorality is a plague in America (and our world) today. You do not have to fall into it, however, without the proper defenses too many will. One of the greatest defenses is a mind set on Christ. Living for His Glory and not our passions will solve a lot of woes. Today, and everyday, remember: you belong to Christ. Honor Him with all you are!
The passage that spoke to my heart this morning is one that I dedicated to memory as a teenager and have leaned on for years. I encourage you to do the same.
I Corinthians 6:19-20- Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, 20 for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. ( Sexual immorality is a plague in America (and our world) today. You do not have to fall into it, however, without the proper defenses too many will. One of the greatest defenses is a mind set on Christ. Living for His Glory and not our passions will solve a lot of woes. Today, and everyday, remember: you belong to Christ. Honor Him with all you are!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Be Intolerant!
Tolerance is a big political jargon word today. We are suppose to be tolerant of anyone and everybody. I am intolerate of some tolerance. We can become so openminded that our brains fall out.
We are too tolerant about our own lives too. In this morning's readings ( Joshua tells us about when Achan had hidden sin and how that hidden sin, when tolerated (by him or others) caused everyone to lose. Get the sin out and victory comes!
We then read I Corinthians 5 and Paul tells us the same thing: Cleanse out the old leaven that you may be a new lump, as you really are unleavened. For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed. 8 Let us therefore celebrate the festival, not with the old leaven, the leaven of malice and evil, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.(v.7-8). Because of Christ and what He has done for us, we are changed (or at least have the wonderful possibility of change). It is time we throw out the old and go with the clean and pure life offered to us through the forgiveness of Christ. We need not have anything buried in our tent. Sin that we try to bury up close to us that causes much greater harm, whether we realize it or not. We need not hold on to the old in our life that poisons what is fresh and new in Christ. Let it go! Be intolerant! Let's walk in a way that will please the Lord and make us happier too!
We are too tolerant about our own lives too. In this morning's readings ( Joshua tells us about when Achan had hidden sin and how that hidden sin, when tolerated (by him or others) caused everyone to lose. Get the sin out and victory comes!
We then read I Corinthians 5 and Paul tells us the same thing: Cleanse out the old leaven that you may be a new lump, as you really are unleavened. For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed. 8 Let us therefore celebrate the festival, not with the old leaven, the leaven of malice and evil, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.(v.7-8). Because of Christ and what He has done for us, we are changed (or at least have the wonderful possibility of change). It is time we throw out the old and go with the clean and pure life offered to us through the forgiveness of Christ. We need not have anything buried in our tent. Sin that we try to bury up close to us that causes much greater harm, whether we realize it or not. We need not hold on to the old in our life that poisons what is fresh and new in Christ. Let it go! Be intolerant! Let's walk in a way that will please the Lord and make us happier too!
Monday, March 19, 2012
Memorial Stones
As we read Joshua today, we read of exciting travel into the treasured Promise Land. For generations the Hebrews had looked forward to having their own place. Now they tread a path on that territory. It will not come without a fight...actually many fights...some within themselves, but, thankfully, it will come. Before they got very far though, they took a few moments to commemorate the glorious event. They took time to celebrate what the Lord had done and to leave a marker for future generations. Joshua 4:5-7 -And Joshua said to them, “Pass on before the ark of the Lord your God into the midst of the Jordan, and take up each of you a stone upon his shoulder, according to the number of the tribes of the people of Israel, 6 that this may be a sign among you. When your children ask in time to come, ‘What do those stones mean to you?’ 7 then you shall tell them that the waters of the Jordan were cut off before the ark of the covenant of the Lord. When it passed over the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan were cut off. So these stones shall be to the people of Israel a memorial forever.” (
These stones were to serve as memorials for future generations to reflect on the faithfulness of the Lord and to see how He worked in the lives of their parents, grandparents, and on and on for the generations. These stones were also there to serve as reminders for the very generation that crossed over into the Promised Land. When the battles and the struggles come, even in the promised life, do not forget where you came from.
We all need such memorial stones. The biggest is, of course, our salvation. We need to be able to come back to a spiritual marker in our lives where we know that we have received the Lord, can rest in it, and reflect on it. We need spiritual markers in our lives. We need to somehow mark the great moves of God in our lives so that we can reflect and we can share them with future generations. My spiritual markers are my salvation, my wife's salvation, my call, my first pastorate, our marriage, our moves in ministry, the birth of our children, and the salvation of one of our children (in chronological order). I savor the opportunity to place that spiritual marker of my youngest child's salvation in the near future.
I don't know if I need literal rocks in the yard for these. I have struggled with doing it, just for the conversations that it could cause with my kids, my wife, and me. However, if you never place literal stones down for such a thing, there must be spiritual stones placed in your life. Spiritual markers to reflect on and to pass on to your children. What are yours? Ponder on that today. Celebrate each and every one with the Lord that gave them to you. You will not only have some holy moments with the Lord; you will also be able to share them with others.
These stones were to serve as memorials for future generations to reflect on the faithfulness of the Lord and to see how He worked in the lives of their parents, grandparents, and on and on for the generations. These stones were also there to serve as reminders for the very generation that crossed over into the Promised Land. When the battles and the struggles come, even in the promised life, do not forget where you came from.
We all need such memorial stones. The biggest is, of course, our salvation. We need to be able to come back to a spiritual marker in our lives where we know that we have received the Lord, can rest in it, and reflect on it. We need spiritual markers in our lives. We need to somehow mark the great moves of God in our lives so that we can reflect and we can share them with future generations. My spiritual markers are my salvation, my wife's salvation, my call, my first pastorate, our marriage, our moves in ministry, the birth of our children, and the salvation of one of our children (in chronological order). I savor the opportunity to place that spiritual marker of my youngest child's salvation in the near future.
I don't know if I need literal rocks in the yard for these. I have struggled with doing it, just for the conversations that it could cause with my kids, my wife, and me. However, if you never place literal stones down for such a thing, there must be spiritual stones placed in your life. Spiritual markers to reflect on and to pass on to your children. What are yours? Ponder on that today. Celebrate each and every one with the Lord that gave them to you. You will not only have some holy moments with the Lord; you will also be able to share them with others.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Stepping In His Will
I always get fascinated when people begin to talk authoritatively about the will of God. I have heard all my life about the perfect will of God and the permissive will of God. I have yet to have someone answer my question about how a sinful people (or person) can ever follow the perfect will of God. If we get it right one time, we may mess it up again. Romans 12:2 talks about the perfect will of God- Do not be conformed to this present world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may test and approve what is the will of God-what is good and well-pleasing and perfect. I don't believe that refers to some higher life plane that almost everyone falls off of except the few really, spiritually elite folks. I believe it has more to do with turning our heart toward the Lord and loving Him so, that our heart desires for Him, and He, therefore, gives us the desires of our heart. I was plagued by the looming fear of stepping out of God's perfect will during my college days. What if I meet and marry the wrong person, work at the wrong church, move the wrong place, preach the wrong sermon, drive the wrong car.... I am not making light of it, I am being serious. It can scare a college kid that loves the Lord to death if he believes that one wrong decision can upend his whole life. Now, don't misunderstand me, I also know that wrong decisions can upend someone's whole life. However, those decisions usually are concerned with either obeying God or disobeying God by sinning against Him in a matter clearly marked by Scripture. I have made wrong decisions in my life. I am a sinner that is forgiven and cleansed by Christ. I have probably made some life directional decisions that were not too good, either, although I don't know the difference. God has blessed me in spite of myself. However, this whole idea of trying to find God's Will like a needle in a haystack went away from my life a few years ago. I was at a very pivotal decision. It would effect my family and my ministry and I wanted to know exactly what God would have me do. I pleaded in prayer, asked if I was getting it right, asked for it to be crystal clear. God replied, "Do what you want to. I will bless you either way."
As Yogi Berra said, "When you come to a fork in the road, take it." I didn't know what to say.
I prayed again and 'heard' the same message again and again. My only explanation is that God knew what I wanted was to be in His Will more than anything else. He also knew what direction I was leaning in. He gave me freedom and yet I believe I remained in His Will. When it comes to major, directional moves in my life, I want to be in the Lord's Will more than anything else. With that kind of desire and the decision making to follow, even a fallible guy like me is going to be OK. God's Will, however, is not just the big moves. It is the little moves...the daily moves. It is seeking His Face and His Will daily. If we do that, when the big stuff comes along, we will be right in step with what the Lord will have for us. I like the way the Psalmist put it this morning in Psalm 37:23-24- The steps of a man are established by the Lord, when he delights in his way;
24 though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the Lord upholds his hand.
We won't be perfect at it, but we should be pursuing His Will and His Way everyday. Thank God for His Grace!
As Yogi Berra said, "When you come to a fork in the road, take it." I didn't know what to say.
I prayed again and 'heard' the same message again and again. My only explanation is that God knew what I wanted was to be in His Will more than anything else. He also knew what direction I was leaning in. He gave me freedom and yet I believe I remained in His Will. When it comes to major, directional moves in my life, I want to be in the Lord's Will more than anything else. With that kind of desire and the decision making to follow, even a fallible guy like me is going to be OK. God's Will, however, is not just the big moves. It is the little moves...the daily moves. It is seeking His Face and His Will daily. If we do that, when the big stuff comes along, we will be right in step with what the Lord will have for us. I like the way the Psalmist put it this morning in Psalm 37:23-24- The steps of a man are established by the Lord, when he delights in his way;
24 though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the Lord upholds his hand.
We won't be perfect at it, but we should be pursuing His Will and His Way everyday. Thank God for His Grace!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Our Rock
Well, excuse me for a couple of days away. I haven't been away from the Word, just writing. Good times with folks I love!
Today is a road day, so please keep us in your prayers. Let me tell you who I put my rest in. Deuteronomy 32:4 states it best- The Rock, his work is perfect, for all his ways are justice. A God of faithfulness and without iniquity, just and upright is he. ( It is a joy to know that we can rest in the Rock.
I hope to see you tomorrow. I know many have been traveling. Enjoy, be careful, come on back, and let's get busy for the Rock!! Have a great day!
Today is a road day, so please keep us in your prayers. Let me tell you who I put my rest in. Deuteronomy 32:4 states it best- The Rock, his work is perfect, for all his ways are justice. A God of faithfulness and without iniquity, just and upright is he. ( It is a joy to know that we can rest in the Rock.
I hope to see you tomorrow. I know many have been traveling. Enjoy, be careful, come on back, and let's get busy for the Rock!! Have a great day!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
The Butterfly Effect
The little things can make a world of difference. Edward Lorenz learned that truth in a powerful way. Lorenz was an MIT meteorologist that discovered during a routine experiment in 1961 that seemingly timy and insignificant changes in his data could produce huge differences in the final result. He later, in 1972, wrote a paper concerning his results entitled, Predictability: Does the Flap of a Butterfly's Wings in Brazil Set off a Tornado in Texas? In that paper he states that, no, butterflies' flutters do not cause such storms, however, the chain reaction that can come from such a flutter may lead to giant changes in world-wide weather patterns. Believe it or not, the smallest and, seemingly, most insignificant movements or actions can cause huge changes that may affect millions of people. That is also the message that can be found in our passage today concerning the fruit of the Spirit. Galatians 5:22-23 states- But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. ( It may not be about doing colossally big things for people. It may be about a loving embrace, a joyful presence, a peaceful solution, a patient wait, a kind hand, a good heart or a faithful walk. The little things you do could make a world of difference. The little things we fail to do today could also make a world of difference. Flutter today for the Lord! Make a difference!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
A True Father
I drove overnight to SC with my family to spend some time with my parents this week. We were blessed with good travels, good weather, and an easy ride. Coffee is a miracle drug on such an overnight journey. We got here a little after 9 AM EST and after some time of fellowship with my parents, I napped. Their4, if N-E of this mks no cents, plese understand.
I am blessed this afternoon to spend some time talking to my dear ole Dad. I broke away to read today's Scripture and was blessed by the reminder that it gave me. As much as I enjoy my time with my father and appreciate his Godly example and counsel in my life, he is not the only father I have. Galatians 4:6-7 speaks of this celebratory note: And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!” 7 So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God. ( I have been blessed with a wonderful Pop. I am still blessed to spend valuable time with Him. However, even if you are missing one of these blessings or both, you still have the blessing of having a real Father that loves you dearly, knows you better than you know yourself, and will never let you down.
Celebrate our True Father today! Cry out to Him! Celebrate Him! Honor Him with your obedience!
I am blessed this afternoon to spend some time talking to my dear ole Dad. I broke away to read today's Scripture and was blessed by the reminder that it gave me. As much as I enjoy my time with my father and appreciate his Godly example and counsel in my life, he is not the only father I have. Galatians 4:6-7 speaks of this celebratory note: And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!” 7 So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God. ( I have been blessed with a wonderful Pop. I am still blessed to spend valuable time with Him. However, even if you are missing one of these blessings or both, you still have the blessing of having a real Father that loves you dearly, knows you better than you know yourself, and will never let you down.
Celebrate our True Father today! Cry out to Him! Celebrate Him! Honor Him with your obedience!
Monday, March 12, 2012
The Life in the Cross
The way that Jesus died is significant. Deuteronomy 21:22-23 speaks of it: And if a man has committed a crime punishable by death and he is put to death, and you hang him on a tree, his body shall not remain all night on the tree, but you shall bury him the same day, for a hanged man is cursed by God.
( He had to die to be our substitute and to take our place. Why did He die as He did? This Scripture explains the thought behind it. Jesus did not stay on the cross overnight, nor did the thieves surrounding Him. Passover was to begin a nightfall (of course, remember it was dark in the middle of the day) and the bodies had to come down before the 'typical' darkness. The law of Deuteronomy is stated the way it is to emphasize the shame of the guilt. The Roman law looked to crucifixion because of the powerful illustration it was to the rest of their society. Such ruthless, public executions helped possible criminals to think twice.
He did it for you and me. He died for us so that we could live for Him. Live for Him today!
( He had to die to be our substitute and to take our place. Why did He die as He did? This Scripture explains the thought behind it. Jesus did not stay on the cross overnight, nor did the thieves surrounding Him. Passover was to begin a nightfall (of course, remember it was dark in the middle of the day) and the bodies had to come down before the 'typical' darkness. The law of Deuteronomy is stated the way it is to emphasize the shame of the guilt. The Roman law looked to crucifixion because of the powerful illustration it was to the rest of their society. Such ruthless, public executions helped possible criminals to think twice.
He did it for you and me. He died for us so that we could live for Him. Live for Him today!
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Springing Forward
What time do you think it is? Well, if you forgot to spring forward, then check again. I was almost in a dilemma. The baseball game went into an extra inning after being a pretty slow game. It led to a game that was over three hours. By the time we got in, got the kids settled in, and sprung forward it was midnight. I looked at my radio and did not know how to change it. Before you laugh, it is a nice radio with a remote. A remote that does not have a time button on it. I looked at my phone and tried to determine if it would change automatically. I wasn't sure. Dawn told me not to worry, her iphone would fix itself. (There is a little phone rivalry there.) I went to change the coffee machine clock and my new fangled, one mug system does not have a clock. I went back to bed and set my alarm an hour earlier than I would have and forgot about it. This morning I awoke to the iphone's accurate timing, my Blackberry got it right, and my alarm went off early as set. When I finish writing this, I am going to google an answer to my radio. By the way, I got a flat tire fixed yesterday, only to see that it went down again. Yea, you have a nice day too!
I am excited about the day, though. Just remember Galatians 2:20- I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Get yourself out of the way today. I recently heard Bill Stafford, an old time, fire breathing evangelist that is a joy to hear. He said: Jesus spends a lot of time knocking the me out of me. Let Him do that today!
I am excited about the day, though. Just remember Galatians 2:20- I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Get yourself out of the way today. I recently heard Bill Stafford, an old time, fire breathing evangelist that is a joy to hear. He said: Jesus spends a lot of time knocking the me out of me. Let Him do that today!
Saturday, March 10, 2012
The Pocketwatch Point
I have seen and heard preachers of all types. I got to here a variety when I was a "preacher boy" at a North Carolina Baptist schoool, known for sending preachers to seminary. The university was very good at making sure we had opportunities to preach. I would typically preach somewhere one Sunday and then go see Momma the next. (A man needs his drawers washed from time to time.) On spring break we would have revival teams and travel. I remember one week, in particular, we were ministering in central Florida. I would sing one night, testify one night, and preach another night. When I wasn't preaching, I was listening to the other guys. One night one of our students got up to preach. He wanted to be an evangelist and he wanted to look the part. He walked up in a three-piece suit during a time when there were not many three-piece suits. Vests have come and went a couple of times since then. He also had a big, shiny pocketwatch hooked to a chain that latched into a belt loop. He looked fancy. He looked like a young man trying to look a lot older. He was an old school preacher, very loud, plain, and Gospel driven. As if he had rehearsed it, he reached for his watch during the introduction of the sermon and attempted to unhook it from the chain and put it up on the pulpit. He did it for two reasons: He wanted to know the time and he wanted you to know how he knew what time it was. He began to fiddle with the clasp as he preached. He preached a little harder and worked a little harder on his clasp. Before long it looked like he was scratching his belly as one hand dug into the watch, the other hand moved around to make his point (and to distract you from the struggle at the vest pocket). He then became so tore up in the struggle that he began to repeat himself. I am not sure what he said after that because I was watching the struggle. As everyone in the crowd was doing, at first I thought "how cool"....then "get it loose, dude"...then I was quietly laughing within...then I became worried about it...then I wanted to help...then I began to struggle: do I go help, wave him off, or start praying for him. Finally the clasp opened and he went through his train engineer act, put it on the pulpit, and preached on. I really don't believe anybody ever got what he was trying to say. We were just thankful that the watch came loose.
The purpose of preaching is not to impress. Anytime one preaches with that intention, they will be a distraction and will be distracted, no matter how good they are. Preaching is also not to win friends, coerce people, or to convict them. The purpose of preaching is to relay the message that God has given you to preach and then to leave it up to Him to do whatever else needs to be done. It is our job to honor and glorify God, whether preaching or just in our walk with Him, by pointing people to Him, simply as a spiritual host. We are not the attraction. We are to point them the way to go to get to the attraction. Paul did it right. In Galatians 1: 24- And they glorified God because of me. ( Elaborate acts don't bring people to Jesus. Pointing the way brings them to Jesus.
The purpose of preaching is not to impress. Anytime one preaches with that intention, they will be a distraction and will be distracted, no matter how good they are. Preaching is also not to win friends, coerce people, or to convict them. The purpose of preaching is to relay the message that God has given you to preach and then to leave it up to Him to do whatever else needs to be done. It is our job to honor and glorify God, whether preaching or just in our walk with Him, by pointing people to Him, simply as a spiritual host. We are not the attraction. We are to point them the way to go to get to the attraction. Paul did it right. In Galatians 1: 24- And they glorified God because of me. ( Elaborate acts don't bring people to Jesus. Pointing the way brings them to Jesus.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Still Moving Stones
They came to the tomb to prepare Jesus' body for the proper burial on the 3rd day as was custom. They wondered how they would be able to do it. Mark 14:3-4 -And they were saying to one another, “Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance of the tomb?” 4 And looking up, they saw that the stone had been rolled back— it was very large. (
Their intention was to serve the Lord and they needed 'doors' to be opened for them. They wondered how it would happen. What they got was a total surprise. The stone was removed. God took care of that. However, they got a much greater blessing than that. (Although their celebration was prefaced with some fear.)
I come away from this passage pondering on the blessings of serving the Lord. Watching God open doors is a blessing. It may surprise to find that sometimes our service for Him will not be what we intended. It may be different and, many times, it will be much more blessed than we expect.
We simply must be ready to serve Him and watch and see what He does in our service.
Let's serve the Lord and look for the doors He opens and the stones He moves!
Their intention was to serve the Lord and they needed 'doors' to be opened for them. They wondered how it would happen. What they got was a total surprise. The stone was removed. God took care of that. However, they got a much greater blessing than that. (Although their celebration was prefaced with some fear.)
I come away from this passage pondering on the blessings of serving the Lord. Watching God open doors is a blessing. It may surprise to find that sometimes our service for Him will not be what we intended. It may be different and, many times, it will be much more blessed than we expect.
We simply must be ready to serve Him and watch and see what He does in our service.
Let's serve the Lord and look for the doors He opens and the stones He moves!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
No Wear Out Warranty
I am a biological wonder. My feet are older than the rest of my body...except maybe my knees. I have bad feet. I have done the insoles, the injections, and better shoes. All of that helped but at about 30 years of age, I began to find out how the rest of me is going to feel in a few years. I guess that is why Deuteronomy 8:4 stuck out to me so much- Your clothing did not wear out on you and your foot did not swell these forty years. ( They wandered in the desert for 40 years and their clothes held up and their feet did not swell. What a blessing! God always provides what we needs and He has a couple of ways of doing it. First, he blesses us anew with what we need. We don't always know how it is going to come, and sometimes, it seems impossible, but God has a way of coming through and meeting our needs. The other way He does it is sustaining what we have. Dawn and I will be celebrating 17 years of marriage in October. Do you know what else is about that old? Several of our appliances, a lawn mower, and stuff like that. I have stopped praying for God to bless me with more and started praying for God to let what I have hold out a little longer....He can do that too.
It really doesn't matter how He chooses to do it. He can provide new blessings when we need it or He can bless us with the sustaining of what we have. I am just so glad that He is our Provider.
It really doesn't matter how He chooses to do it. He can provide new blessings when we need it or He can bless us with the sustaining of what we have. I am just so glad that He is our Provider.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Refreshing Reflection
Deuteronomy 6:4-9 ( was a very pivotal passage in the lives of the Israelites during the days of the Old Testament. He has continued to be crucial to the lives of Jews, well beyond those early days. It is called the Shema. Shema is the transliteration of the first word in verse four that is translated "hear". The passage speaks to the need of God's Word being first and foremost on our minds and in our lives every day. When I understood its significance (in seminary days), I began leaning on it heavily as well. I see it has a tremedous challenge and a constant reminder to let the main thing be the main thing every day in all I do. I am particularly challenged by the passage to parents, v.6- And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.
When do you have your time to talk about the Lord? You let Him penetrate into all your life. You keep Him front and center. You focus upon Him at the beginning of the day, you steady your mind on Him throughout the day, and you think of Him right before you drift off. It is not as much about legalistic practices as it is, as Paul says, having the mind of Christ. It is the makeup of the sanctification process, or the process that makes us more and more like Christ every day. Let's work today on remaining focused on God and the things of God throughout all the day from the time we rise to the time we lie down. Instead of constraining, I bet we find it refreshing. Enjoy!
When do you have your time to talk about the Lord? You let Him penetrate into all your life. You keep Him front and center. You focus upon Him at the beginning of the day, you steady your mind on Him throughout the day, and you think of Him right before you drift off. It is not as much about legalistic practices as it is, as Paul says, having the mind of Christ. It is the makeup of the sanctification process, or the process that makes us more and more like Christ every day. Let's work today on remaining focused on God and the things of God throughout all the day from the time we rise to the time we lie down. Instead of constraining, I bet we find it refreshing. Enjoy!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Open Your Eyes
I have heard it said, " I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather did, instead of screaming and yelling like the passengers in his car did." There are times we need to wake up.
In Mark 13 Jesus begins by speaking of the destruction of Jerusalem and then He weaves the conversation into the last days before His return. It is a complex passage and some say it is all about the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD and some say it is all about the end time. The reality is: it is somewhere in the middle dealing with both, however, where one stops and the other starts is not easy, so most just do not deal with it. Either way, before dealing with details so much that you miss the point, let's get the point. The point is: wake up and open your eyes. Christ says in Mark 13:33- Be on guard, keep awake. For you do not know when the time will come. ( The reality is that society will spiritually lull us to sleep and not make us sensitive to the movement of God around us. We may close our eyes to the opportunities to share His Truth, live out His Word, or rest in His promises. Don't be spiritually adrift. We don't know what this day holds and we don't even know if we will have tomorrow! Let's open our eyes and seize the day for the cause of Christ!
In Mark 13 Jesus begins by speaking of the destruction of Jerusalem and then He weaves the conversation into the last days before His return. It is a complex passage and some say it is all about the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD and some say it is all about the end time. The reality is: it is somewhere in the middle dealing with both, however, where one stops and the other starts is not easy, so most just do not deal with it. Either way, before dealing with details so much that you miss the point, let's get the point. The point is: wake up and open your eyes. Christ says in Mark 13:33- Be on guard, keep awake. For you do not know when the time will come. ( The reality is that society will spiritually lull us to sleep and not make us sensitive to the movement of God around us. We may close our eyes to the opportunities to share His Truth, live out His Word, or rest in His promises. Don't be spiritually adrift. We don't know what this day holds and we don't even know if we will have tomorrow! Let's open our eyes and seize the day for the cause of Christ!
Monday, March 5, 2012
Upon His Soldiers
Of the fond memories that I have as a child, one of the very sweet ones is when I remember the times my father put me on his shoulders and carried me around. Sometimes it was because I was tired. Sometimes it was so I could see. Sometimes, I'm sure, it was so he could keep up with me in a busy place. It is not something that I think about often. It has mostly come when my children ask me to put them on my shoulders. One of my children is too big for shoulders now. The youngest, however, asks several times a week, "Daddy, can you put me on your soldiers?" When I do, I am quickly and quietly reminded of the times my daddy carried me. I knew I would not get lost. I knew I would not get tired. I knew my Dad had me.
What a wonderful, reflecting memory that is when I read Deuteronomy 1:29-31 - Then I said to you, ‘Do not be in dread or afraid of them. 30 The Lord your God who goes before you will himself fight for you, just as he did for you in Egypt before your eyes, 31 and in the wilderness, where you have seen how the Lord your God carried you, as a man carries his son, all the way that you went until you came to this place.’ (
It is a blessing to know that God was willing to carry His People through the difficult times, just as a father carries a child. It is an even greater blessing to know that He still will carry us when we feel lost, afraid, tired, or we cannot see what is ahead. As Christ promised us in John 14:18- I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you. He is reliable. He is there. We can rest in it.
Don't misunderstand me: we have a responsibility to walk with the Lord. It sure is a blessing, however, to know that when we are tired, lonely, or need another view, he is able and willing to carry us on his soldiers....I mean, his shoulders! Rest in that today.
What a wonderful, reflecting memory that is when I read Deuteronomy 1:29-31 - Then I said to you, ‘Do not be in dread or afraid of them. 30 The Lord your God who goes before you will himself fight for you, just as he did for you in Egypt before your eyes, 31 and in the wilderness, where you have seen how the Lord your God carried you, as a man carries his son, all the way that you went until you came to this place.’ (
It is a blessing to know that God was willing to carry His People through the difficult times, just as a father carries a child. It is an even greater blessing to know that He still will carry us when we feel lost, afraid, tired, or we cannot see what is ahead. As Christ promised us in John 14:18- I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you. He is reliable. He is there. We can rest in it.
Don't misunderstand me: we have a responsibility to walk with the Lord. It sure is a blessing, however, to know that when we are tired, lonely, or need another view, he is able and willing to carry us on his soldiers....I mean, his shoulders! Rest in that today.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
A Literary Insight
I am on a least of some sorts. After reading a popular fiction novel in the fall of 2010, I decided that I was going to get more familiar with American classic literature. I googled 'best American literature', found several lists, and started to compile my own. Then I started reading....I read 38 of them in 2011 and I have read about 10 more, so far, in 2012. I have learned many things. I learned I don't remember much. I was encouraged as a student to fill out an index card on a book when I read it. Now I have narrowed it to a simple one-liner on a compilation page. One sentence describes the whole book. I also learned the origin of some of the things we say and do: Did you know that there is a Long John Silvers in Treasure Island? Did you know that half of Moby Dick is a 150 year old encyclopedia about whales? The story is intertwined with it. You may say, 'I didn't know and I didn't care.' Ok, well, it is an interesting quest for me. When I took Contemporary American Literature in college, I was the only guy in a glass of thirteen with a wide-eyed liberal woman teaching. A dozen messy, lazy looking, deep thinking women, one wide-eyed professor, and a clean cut, religion major would sit in a circle, talk about readingn a short story about yellow wallpaper, and then somehow always play 'bash the preacher boy.' It was a horrible experience, but I was not dropping a class. I would not let them defeat me. I came out of there with less than a love for literature. However, now, I read on...whether I like it or not...and most of the time, I do like it.
I have learned something else too: Early writers wrote a lot more politely. Their characters, even the bad ones, were not as crude. The literature left more to the imagination and did not describe everything to every gorey detail. People had manners a hundred years ago, whether they liked you or least in the writing. Modern writing is crude, and modern people are crude. We say mean things. We tolerate less. We hold more bitterness. That may be just a literary analysis, but I bet it is true for society as well.
If it is true for the world we live in, keep something in mind: we are influenced by it. The effects of such crudeness leads to constrained relationships. Bad relations effects a bunch. As a matter of fact, Mark 11:25 tells us that bitterness or lack of forgiveness needs to be dealt with before we can seriously pray. Jesus put it this way- And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses. ( All this casual spite, bitterness, and ugliness that is so very common in today's world is a tremendous hindrance. Not only does it destroy relationships, but it seriously hurts prayer.
Seek to forgive others and seek the face of God. Mighty things can happen!
I have learned something else too: Early writers wrote a lot more politely. Their characters, even the bad ones, were not as crude. The literature left more to the imagination and did not describe everything to every gorey detail. People had manners a hundred years ago, whether they liked you or least in the writing. Modern writing is crude, and modern people are crude. We say mean things. We tolerate less. We hold more bitterness. That may be just a literary analysis, but I bet it is true for society as well.
If it is true for the world we live in, keep something in mind: we are influenced by it. The effects of such crudeness leads to constrained relationships. Bad relations effects a bunch. As a matter of fact, Mark 11:25 tells us that bitterness or lack of forgiveness needs to be dealt with before we can seriously pray. Jesus put it this way- And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses. ( All this casual spite, bitterness, and ugliness that is so very common in today's world is a tremendous hindrance. Not only does it destroy relationships, but it seriously hurts prayer.
Seek to forgive others and seek the face of God. Mighty things can happen!
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Get Up!
I was blessed this morning to reflect on the wonderful opportunity of salvation that each Christian has grasped and that each individual can be blessed with. The reflection came from a passage of healing. In Mark 10 there is a blind beggar that is hoping to be healed. He hears that Jesus is coming by and he begins to request Him. Mark 10:46-50 -... Bartimaeus, a blind beggar, the son of Timaeus, was sitting by the roadside. 47 And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out and say, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” 48 And many rebuked him, telling him to be silent. But he cried out all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” 49 And Jesus stopped and said, “Call him.” And they called the blind man, saying to him, “Take heart. Get up; he is calling you.” 50 And throwing off his cloak, he sprang up and came to Jesus.
As I read that, I cannot help but think that is the opportunity for salvation as well. Folks, take heart. Get up and come to Jesus. Not only did He live for you, die for you, rise again for you, ascend for you, intercede for you, prepare a place for you, but He is coming back for you. Get Up and come to Jesus! He is calling you!
What a life-changing message! Celebrate it by sharing it today!
As I read that, I cannot help but think that is the opportunity for salvation as well. Folks, take heart. Get up and come to Jesus. Not only did He live for you, die for you, rise again for you, ascend for you, intercede for you, prepare a place for you, but He is coming back for you. Get Up and come to Jesus! He is calling you!
What a life-changing message! Celebrate it by sharing it today!
Friday, March 2, 2012
Moving Mountains
There is an interaction in our passage ( this morning that means a bunch to me. The reason it means a bunch to me is....I can relate. A demon has caused a boy to have awful seizures. Some believe that it was only disease that caused it, however, Jesus addresses a demon when he heals the boy. If Jesus thinks its a demon, I know it is one. Jesus asks the father of the boy questions and in his response to Christ, he asks for help. Mark 9:22-24 records the conversation- ".....if you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.” 23 And Jesus said to him, “‘If you can’! All things are possible for one who believes.” 24 Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, “I believe; help my unbelief!”
Now what I love about this is the honesty of the guy. He did not have perfect faith. He had been watching his boy suffer with this for too long. He probably wasn't sure there could ever be hope and he was surely scared to death that the episodes would gonna kill him. He was grasping...looking for hope. He could have easily answered Christ, "yea, man, I believe...I am putting all I got in you." Instead he basically said, "I don't have much."
I can relate....I don't have perfect faith. Before you shame me too much, you don't either. We haven't arrived yet. When we do arrive, we won't need it because will see what we have been imperfectly believing face to face. Christ said in Matt. 17:20 that if we had faith of a very small seed, mountains could be moved. Several ways to understand that, but one message I get is that we don't have near enough faith in the one that holds it all in your hand.
So what are you fretting about? What has you worried? Not only does worrying not add a day to your life (as Christ said) but doctors tell us the stress is taking days away from us. Notice that Jesus took care of the boy's problem, even when his Daddy admitted his faith was less that perfect. We would do much better today to admit that our faith isn't perfect and strive to believe Him more. Just be honest about where we are and then believe more.
It's about time we see some mountains moved, you bunch of seedling faith, earth dwellers!!
I am with you on the journey! let's trust Him today!
Now what I love about this is the honesty of the guy. He did not have perfect faith. He had been watching his boy suffer with this for too long. He probably wasn't sure there could ever be hope and he was surely scared to death that the episodes would gonna kill him. He was grasping...looking for hope. He could have easily answered Christ, "yea, man, I believe...I am putting all I got in you." Instead he basically said, "I don't have much."
I can relate....I don't have perfect faith. Before you shame me too much, you don't either. We haven't arrived yet. When we do arrive, we won't need it because will see what we have been imperfectly believing face to face. Christ said in Matt. 17:20 that if we had faith of a very small seed, mountains could be moved. Several ways to understand that, but one message I get is that we don't have near enough faith in the one that holds it all in your hand.
So what are you fretting about? What has you worried? Not only does worrying not add a day to your life (as Christ said) but doctors tell us the stress is taking days away from us. Notice that Jesus took care of the boy's problem, even when his Daddy admitted his faith was less that perfect. We would do much better today to admit that our faith isn't perfect and strive to believe Him more. Just be honest about where we are and then believe more.
It's about time we see some mountains moved, you bunch of seedling faith, earth dwellers!!
I am with you on the journey! let's trust Him today!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
The One that Matters
It is not popular to be an outspoken Christian today. Those that do speak out for Jesus or honor Him openly among those in the world are often poked out and prodded about their fanatical faith. Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow, for instance, has received a lot of ribbing lately, including some straight out criticism for kneeling in prayer on the sidelines of ballgames and mentioning Christ often. I received an email from Franklin Graham yesterday in which he was talking about political correctness. He said political correctness was the inability to say anything critical or to speak against any religion....except Christianity. However, such response to Christ is not new; remember, they killed Him. Before they killed Him and after He ascended, they continued to make His Proclamation as Lord an issue. The Sanhedrin, the religious council rooting against Christ, had as their greatest concern His announcement that He was the Christ, the Messiah that the people had waited for. They did not like his statements about being the only way, the same with the Father, and his teachings that implied such truths. After He ascended, they stoned Stephen, crucified Peter, and imprisoned Paul over the same issues. Today, people don't mind if you say that you have chosen Christ in your life as your personal decision. However, if you tell them He is the only way and that they need Him, it is a whole other matter.
I like the way Jesus addresses this in Mark 8. He asks the disciples about people's impression of Him- who do people say that I am? After telling him some popular opinions, He asked the pivotal question in Mark 8:29- ...“But who do you say that I am?” Peter answered him, “You are the Christ.” ( I love that question because, you see, when it comes down to you and your relationship with Christ, it really does not matter what other people say about Christ. What really matters in your relationship with Christ is what do you say and live and share about Christ? Live for Christ, whether it is the popular trend or even if you are the only for Christ.
I like the way Jesus addresses this in Mark 8. He asks the disciples about people's impression of Him- who do people say that I am? After telling him some popular opinions, He asked the pivotal question in Mark 8:29- ...“But who do you say that I am?” Peter answered him, “You are the Christ.” ( I love that question because, you see, when it comes down to you and your relationship with Christ, it really does not matter what other people say about Christ. What really matters in your relationship with Christ is what do you say and live and share about Christ? Live for Christ, whether it is the popular trend or even if you are the only for Christ.
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