I always get fascinated when people begin to talk authoritatively about the will of God. I have heard all my life about the perfect will of God and the permissive will of God. I have yet to have someone answer my question about how a sinful people (or person) can ever follow the perfect will of God. If we get it right one time, we may mess it up again. Romans 12:2 talks about the perfect will of God- Do not be conformed to this present world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may test and approve what is the will of God-what is good and well-pleasing and perfect. I don't believe that refers to some higher life plane that almost everyone falls off of except the few really, spiritually elite folks. I believe it has more to do with turning our heart toward the Lord and loving Him so, that our heart desires for Him, and He, therefore, gives us the desires of our heart. I was plagued by the looming fear of stepping out of God's perfect will during my college days. What if I meet and marry the wrong person, work at the wrong church, move the wrong place, preach the wrong sermon, drive the wrong car.... I am not making light of it, I am being serious. It can scare a college kid that loves the Lord to death if he believes that one wrong decision can upend his whole life. Now, don't misunderstand me, I also know that wrong decisions can upend someone's whole life. However, those decisions usually are concerned with either obeying God or disobeying God by sinning against Him in a matter clearly marked by Scripture. I have made wrong decisions in my life. I am a sinner that is forgiven and cleansed by Christ. I have probably made some life directional decisions that were not too good, either, although I don't know the difference. God has blessed me in spite of myself. However, this whole idea of trying to find God's Will like a needle in a haystack went away from my life a few years ago. I was at a very pivotal decision. It would effect my family and my ministry and I wanted to know exactly what God would have me do. I pleaded in prayer, asked if I was getting it right, asked for it to be crystal clear. God replied, "Do what you want to. I will bless you either way."
As Yogi Berra said, "When you come to a fork in the road, take it." I didn't know what to say.
I prayed again and 'heard' the same message again and again. My only explanation is that God knew what I wanted was to be in His Will more than anything else. He also knew what direction I was leaning in. He gave me freedom and yet I believe I remained in His Will. When it comes to major, directional moves in my life, I want to be in the Lord's Will more than anything else. With that kind of desire and the decision making to follow, even a fallible guy like me is going to be OK. God's Will, however, is not just the big moves. It is the little moves...the daily moves. It is seeking His Face and His Will daily. If we do that, when the big stuff comes along, we will be right in step with what the Lord will have for us. I like the way the Psalmist put it this morning in Psalm 37:23-24- The steps of a man are established by the Lord, when he delights in his way;
24 though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the Lord upholds his hand.
We won't be perfect at it, but we should be pursuing His Will and His Way everyday. Thank God for His Grace!
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