Monday, July 16, 2012

In The Deep End

I was young and had just learned to swim.  We were on vacation at Savannah Beach, staying at a oceanside hotel with an outdoor pool.  We were enjoying the pool and I was trying to get the nerve up to go off the diving board into the 'deep end'.  My dad said, "Come on, I'll catch you." He swam to the middle of the pool and started treading.  I walked to the end of the diving board and started pondering.  I remember the struggle.  I wondered: 1) Can he handle this? 2) Should I find out?  3) What if he can't?  I stood there long enough that he shouldn't have been able to handle it for treading water so long.  Finally, I took my first diving board plunge and 'old faithful' was there and did the job. In hindsight my problem was not the strength of my dad, but the focus of my eyes.  I was so busy looking at the deep waters that I would not focus on him.  Once I focused on him, everything else really did not matter.  That was my thought this morning as I read Isaiah 26.3- You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.  ( So it is with the Lord.   Quit looking at the deep waters of life and just focus on Him.  Nothing else will bother you in your plunge. 

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