From the time He came on the scene, the chief priests and elders followed Jesus around trying to discredit him or get in a pickle. In Luke 11, He turns around and speaks to them. He gives them some 'Woes', warnings about what they were really doing. Notice the one in Luke 11.44 -Woe to you! For you are like unmarked graves, and people walk over them without knowing it.
What does that mean? Well, to walk on an unmarked grave was to venture near the dead without even knowing it. Jesus was saying that doing that is about like hanging out with the evercriticizing Pharisees. They stinketh of having no real spiritual life. Of course, He was right and had a great point. Look at Luke 11.53-As he went away from there, the scribes and the Pharisees began to press him hard and to provoke him to speak about many things, 54 lying in wait for him, to catch him in something he might say. (
Lying in wait? Sounds like my dog chasing squirrels. They were just looking to catch Him saying something that they could go after. I just want to say one thing: Don't be like that. I have seen self-righteous folks get it in for someone and try their best to find away to go after them. I call it making them 'punchdrunk'. It is a boxing term for when you have the worn out dude in the corner. You can beat on him till the cows come home or you can leave him alone and let him fall. Let's leave others alone. We have enough trouble of our own...I bet.
Smile at somebody today....don't hunt them down....and have a good one!
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