So, who's fault is it, anyway? When given a chance to respond to Jesus, your response is in your hands, not anyone else's. Pilate was handed the responsibility to respond to Christ properly. He tried to let others decide what he would do with Christ. He did not like what they said, but he went with popular opinion anyway. It is stated like this in Matthew 27.24- So when Pilate saw that he was gaining nothing, but rather that a riot was beginning, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying, “I am innocent of this man's blood; see to it yourselves.”
Pilate did not have to follow their wants. He chose to ask them first. Let it be a lesson. We do not need to ask anyone else how we should respond to Jesus when we are given the responsibility and the opportunity. It is not their fault what we do and they will not answer to the Lord for we you do. We will.
Let's let our decision for Christ be what is most important in our lives and make a commitment not to get caught up in the world's wants, woos, and woes.
In every situation respond to Christ obediently today. It is your responsibility and, oh my, what an opportunity!
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