Friday, September 30, 2011

God's Manure Pile

It is always interesting to hear how people handle the parables of Jesus.  Some see them as allegories and try to take every part of the parable and make it stand for something.  It seems intuitive but sometimes that is not what Jesus intended.  He just knew how to tell a good story that hit right where you live.  The classic line about a parable is that it is a "earthly story with a heavenly meaning."  Point well taken, but I have heard a lot of people use that line that do not know how to read a parable.   Jesus told one in Luke 13 ( that intrigued me this morning. It goes like this: "A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came seeking fruit on it and found none. 7And he said to the vinedresser, 'Look, for three years now I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and I find none. Cut it down. Why should it use up the ground?' 8And he answered him, 'Sir, let it alone this year also, until I dig around it and put on manure. 9Then if it should bear fruit next year, well and good; but if not, you can cut it down.'" (Luke 13:6-9).
Immediately people look at this parable and say that the tree represents Israel.  Ok, a fig tree often represents does an olive tree.   It probably does here.  However, it can also represent a lot of other people and the audience that heard it that day probably were not thinking about national ramifications.  They were probably thinking about the same thing we are:  the day to day stuff and how WE are going to handle it.  Those who love to 'identify' everything in a parable ought to have fun here identifying the manure.  They are probably the same folks that will get a little 'squirrelly' when the manure is identified
Let me tell you what I think it means and why it gives me and you hope for today.  The tree stands for those who need a touch from God.  They either don't know the Lord or they are too crowded with the everyday to live for Him as if they know Him.  We are quick to dismiss them and to give up on them.  We have waited long enough.  However, God is the God of second chance.  If we can get the world away from their roots and put the 'good stuff' of God in there, then growth can come.  Give them a little longer.   Thank you, Lord!  Sometimes I need a little longer.  
Now, before you ploop back and sink your roots into the world a little deeper for another season of fruitlessness, notice as well, time does run out.  God will clean your roots with his conviction and give you the opportunity for good stuff but you better take advantage of it.  The ax will be laid in the future.  Let's not waste another day! Let's sink our roots into the good stuff today, God's manure pile,  and live fruitfully for Him!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Bigger Barns

I visited a man one time that had a lot.  He had done well in business.  He had prided himself on his work.  He had a collection of nice things.  What he thought was nice was different than some.   He did not show me boats and houses and rec equipment.  He showed work equipment, vast collections of the finest things in his craft.  He was an old man who had worked a long time, loved what he did, and had done well.  That is what we talked about.  I took the tour.  He talked about the weak work ethic of today and how craftsmanship is no longer appreciated.  He told me that he had done well, worked 16 hour days, had not blown his money, and had a lot...again and again and again.  It was impressive but weighing over me more was another impression.  So I ask, "You have been blessed with so much.  God has been good to you.  He has given you health, strength, and a keen mind for the task and you have made the most of it in your field.  However the big question to me is, 'Have you ever given your heart to Jesus?  Have you ever committed your life to the Lord?'"  His difficulty in hearing required me to repeat and rephrase the questioning.  I was hoping I was making a connection with a mind that had been amazing but was fading away in his latter years . He looked at me and said, "I did not have time for that.  I was too busy working.  Sunday was just another day that I could work."  I probed again but with no more success.  Suddenly all the things I had admired, the things that were so amazing, and so well made, lost their luster in my mind.  I could not help but think that all of these things had not only become his focus but had taken away his life more than actually making his life.  It all seemed haunted in one way and no more that kindling for a fire in another way.  I left disheartened and burdened. 
He crossed my mind today as I read Luke 12:16-21 (  16And he told them a parable, saying, "The land of a rich man produced plentifully, 17and he thought to himself, 'What shall I do, for I have nowhere to store my crops?' 18And he said, 'I will do this: I will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. 19And I will say to my soul, Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; relax, eat, drink, be merry.' 20But God said to him, 'Fool! This night your soul is required of you, and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?' 21So is the one who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God."
The bigger the barn the hotter it burns.  Invest today in something that will last.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Modeling Prayer

It is hard to model something before someone in hopes of teaching them a concept and to help them get the concept without mimicking during the attempt.   I think about preaching with fellow 'preacher boys' in the early days. I took a preaching class or two in seminary and we would get up and preach on a passage.  We were graded on how we handled the text, how we handled the audience, and how we handled ourselves.  The flies on the wall either really had a good laugh or fell asleep.  It is interesting to watch young preachers.  Many have not learned much about public speaking.  Most have not learn much about Scripture. Too many have learned idiosyncracies and habits from their favorite preacher.  For the 'big time preacher' it is just the way they do it and they do it with success.  For the 'little green preacher' it is just some bad habit that need not be picked up. 
When I was in college, I would travel to churches on weekends and on spring break with other 'preacher boys' and we would do youth revivals and such.  It was always quite interesting to watch my friends carve out their mannerisms in the pulpit.  One time a fellow came with a pocketwatch.  He was decked out.  He had a tie pin, a collar bar,  and that pocketwatch on a chain in the pocket of a vest he was wearing.  Looked like Ben Franklin in a school play.  He started into his introduction and reached down for that watch.  His attempt was to detach it from the chain and place it on the pulpit like some great preacher that he had seen do it before. In his attempt to one hand the latch he was unsuccessful...and then again...and then again.  He looked like he had a belly itch and he fought that watch and tried to keep his thoughts straight at the same time.   He was fascinating to watch but not fun to listen to.  As a fellow young preacher my thoughts went from 'hey, that's an idea' to "oh, he is going to take it off (what drama!)" to "Dude, get it loose." to "Dude, give it up." to "Dude, do you want me to get it." to "Hey, what are you doing?!"  It was so bad we didn't even harrass him about it.   I don't remember him wearing that watch again.
I think we do the same thing with the 'Lord's Prayer'.  Jesus was trying to teach us how to pray and not just give us a prayer to mimic.  Luke 11:1-Now Jesus[a] was praying in a certain place, and when he finished, one of his disciples said to him, "Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples." 2And he said to them, "When you pray, say:       "Father, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. 3 Give us each day our daily bread,[b] 4and forgive us our sins,  for we ourselves forgive everyone who is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation."   Jesus was teaching us not to be ritualistic in our prayers.  It was instead steps in prayer.
Father, hallowed by your name. Acknowledge Who you are speaking to. 
Your Kingdom Come. Put Him in His proper place.  Remember prayer is not about getting your will done, but submitting yourself to His. 
Give us....Petition Him for your needs. 
forgive us...Receive cleansing from sin and forgive others at the time. 
And lead us.... Find strength for the temptations you face.  
It was not meant to be a prayer that we memorize and spit out in large public settings with great ritual.  It was meant to be a teaching tool to teach us the concepts of true prayer.  I have heard it better named the 'Disciples' Prayer' or the model prayer.  He was teaching us a concept not a prayer to memorize and not His prayer to follow (Christ did not ask for forgiveness when he prayed.)  It was for us to learn the parts of prayer and then with that knowledge begin to carve our own prayer life.   Remember practice makes perfect.  Pray daily.  Not some repetitious ritual but real prayer.
I pray you are blessed while you do...and be careful with those pocket watches!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sitting At His Feet

Sometimes life gets pretty busy.  Even when it is not as much about the clock as it is about the weight of the matters that you are dealing with, it can just get hectic.  Something has got to go.  Just be careful what it is.  In our reading today ( we have two completely different perspectives in responding to Christ.  Luke 10:39-42  says - 39And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to his teaching. 40But Martha was distracted with much serving. And she went up to him and said, "Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me." 41But the Lord answered her, "Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, 42but one thing is necessary.[e] Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her."  Who is correct?  Well, you're right, Mary is, but you cheated.  Jesus clarified the matter.  I don't believe this is saying either sit at His Feet or get busy serving Him.  Instead, I believe the focus is that we need to spend time with the Lord ( a precious, God-given opportunity) and by spending that time as our first priority, we are guided in how to prioritize the rest of our lives.  You need a daily time with God. We need to sit at His Feet.  Listen to His Word. Hear His Voice speak through it.  Then we go about the day serving Him.  Sometimes it is obvious that we are serving Him.  Sometimes we bring Him honor and glory by serving others.  Our biggest hindrance is when our focus is on serving ourselves.  
I hope each and every day that you commit to read the Scripture along with us.  Ask God to give you a stand out verse that is your verse of the day and then ponder, write, and pray about what that verse means and how it applies to your life today.  Pray and ask God to let it 'stick' all day long.  Then check out the blog and let's walk together and talk about our seat at the feet of Jesus.  Have a blessed day!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Figuring the Transfiguring

The Transfiguration in Luke 9 ( has always been fascinating to me.  It appears to only happen once and it is not immediately clear about its purpose (at least to me).  I spent some time studying it a few years ago but everytime I read about it, I am fascinated.  Part of my fascination is my belief that this may be the greatest touch of heaven on earth in history.  It is definitely up there with the resurrected body of Christ and His Ascension in giving us knowledge of heavenly things.  One part that fascinates me is Peter, James, and John's recognition of Moses and Elijah.   Remember they did not have photographs of these guys nor Old Testament Bibles that had portraits of OT events like some Bibles do today.  How did they know it was Moses and Elijah?  Was it a young Moses and Elijah?  Was it what they look like before they left us? It really don't matter.  They recognized them.  I believe that is what heaven will be like. I believe I will know Peter, Paul, and, yes, Jesus, although He  will not look like He has been portrayed in American movies.  (If I am wrong, come tell me in heaven.)  However to Peter, James, and John, and to Jesus these were not just two devout saints they represented the Old Testament- the complete message of God before Christ.  The Bible that they had (our Old Testament) was called the Law and the Prophets.  The Law is Moses and the Prophets were represented by Elijah.  The message to the watchers and to Jesus as He neared the cross was that all of the Testimony of God affirms Him.  The cloud of witnesses cheer for Him.  God in that voice from the cloud endorses Him.  The word is LISTEN TO HIM!
That is still the Word today.  All of heaven affirms Him.  All of Scripture looks to Him. All of the saints better LISTEN TO HIM!  Listen to Him today, follow His Guidance, and enjoy His Presence!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

How Do You Respond?

In our reading today ( we have a combination of Ezra and the beginning of the rebuild and Luke with the ministry of Jesus.  As I read I was fascinated by three different episodes where there were two distinctly different responses each time.
First it is in Ezra that they are beginning to rebuild the previously destroyed house of God.  As they begin, there is a mixed response.  Ezra 3:11-13And all the people shouted with a great shout when they praised the LORD, because the foundation of the house of the LORD was laid. 12But many of the priests and Levites and heads of fathers’ houses, old men who had seen the first house, wept with a loud voice when they saw the foundation of this house being laid, though many shouted aloud for joy, 13so that the people could not distinguish the sound of the joyful shout from the sound of the people’s weeping, for the people shouted with a great shout, and the sound was heard far away.  My, my!  What a scene! I can just hear the Rebuild Committee in their meeting afterwards- So, this is a good thing!  Right?
Now let's look at the pigs that the demons were cast to.  The healed were glad.  The pig owners were mad.  And the majority was scared.  Luke 8:37 -Then all the people of the surrounding country of the Gerasenes asked him to depart from them, for they were seized with great fear. So he got into the boat and returned.  It can be fairly fascinating to watch how people respond when God moves. 
One more passage:  the raising of Jairus' daughter.  The crowd is waiting on Jesus.  He is told the girl is dying.  He stops to heal the lady plagued with bleeding.  He gets to Jairus' house and the girl has died.  The people who have prayed for Him to come... waited on Him... put their hope in Him... are overwhelmed by the opportunity to see God do they respond when He says she is sleeping (meaning: this is only temporary)?:  Luke 8:53-And they laughed at him, knowing that she was dead.  God speaks and they laugh. 
Let's put them together:  God allows His people to build and some cry about it.  God heals and it scares people.  God speaks and people laugh.  Now if these were all one time occurrences, it would be fun to look back and see how people used to respond when God moved.   The problem is this same stuff still happens.  We still lack the vision to see God do new and mighty things through us.  We still are scared that God is going to do something that we have never seen.  We still scoff or laugh when God speaks. 
I am in a time of prayer for revival in my church and I am encouraging all of the members of  FBC to pray for revival.  However, I know, going in, that revival has a bunch to do with how we will respond when God moves.  So the question is: How do you respond?  Is your response determined by what happens or WHO causes it to happen?

God, forgive us of our agenda and let's openly submit to yours.  Help us respond to your move in a way that pleases, honors, and glorifies YOU!  Only in the Name of Jesus do we pray, Amen.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Not Improved Version

I have been preaching out of the NIV for almost twenty years.  A few people anywhere I go don't like it, however, it became popular when I started reading Scripture on my own and I found it much easier to read.  It is not, nor is any other translation but NKJV, a renovation of KJV.  Most translations are translated directly off of the Greek and Hebrew.  NIV took the freedom to move phrases around in sentences if it flowed better in English when translated without changing the meaning.   KJV is more 'wooden' and translates directly word for word instead of phrase by phrase.  The New American Standard (NAS) is probably the most accurate but it is harder to read than NIV yet easier than KJV.  The thought is that NIV is written on a 7th grade level. NAS- 10th grade.  KJV-12th grade.  With a burden to get people in the Word with less excuses and a favoritism toward the version, I choose to preach out of NIV for almost all my preaching ministry.   I am no longer.
About a year ago I started preaching out of the English Standard Version.  It is a new version with a great combination of readability and accuracy.  More than the version, I like the ESV Study Bible.  I found it to be the best study Bible I have ever used or seen (by far).  My daily use of it led me to become familiar with the version enough to change the text from which I preach.  I also had received some indications about something that was about to go down that I did not want to be in the middle of.   In the 2004 Zondervan Publishing attempted to improve their version, NIV, by coming out with the TNIV.  It was not taken well at all in the states.  Europe embraced it a little better.  The problem: it was focused on taking masculine pronouns and making them gender inclusive when they felt appropriate.  i.e. 'the sons of God' into 'the children of God'.  At times this may be an appropriate 'understanding' but in translation, just translate it.  They made other decisions that made it confusing as well.  The NIV continued to be sold alongside the TNIV in the stores that choose to sale the new version.  Many did not like the new one (TNIV). 
Things are changing though.  The publisher has now decided that a new improved version (with the same difficulties) will replace both the NIV (1984) and the TNIV and will be called the NIV.  Confused yet?  You are supposed to be.  Maybe you won't notice: that was part of their plan.  Well, I have noticed and I am warning people that the NIV you buy tomorrow (or some time soon) will be different and less accurate.  My encouragement is to keep what you have but if you are replacing a Bible, don't replace it with an NIV.  Try the Holman Christian Standard (the Lifeway Version), the New American Standard, the English Standard Version (the Crossway version), the NKJV or the KJV, but just don't get the NIV mixed up with what it used to be.  The only reason I say so much about it is because my encouragement led many people to buy it and I do not regret it.  It has been a wonderful version.  It is no more.  I also say that because I always put a link on my blog to the reading ( and that site always defaults to the NIV- the new one.  However, you can select any you want and each morning I select the ESV (an unpaid recommendation).  Hope all this helps.
If not, read the following article that helped me: .

Enough of that!!  I was blessed today by Psalm 84:10- For a day in your courts is better
than a thousand elsewhere.  I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God
than dwell in the tents of wickedness.  
I hope you will be in church tomorrow.  Not only will you be blessed, but you will be a blessing.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Persimmon Perspectives

When I first moved to Mississippi and I saw a persimmon, I was shocked.  Persimmons are almost the size of an average tomato.  That was shocking!  You see I grew up with a persimmon tree in my backyard.  It was absolutely good for nothing, except maybe some shade.  The shade wasn't worth it though.  The persimmons never got bigger than a cherry tomato and they only had three states:  green, too ripe, and on the ground causing a mess.  You see that persimmon tree sat where second base was. Many good homeruns in our wiffle ball games was knocked down by that tree.   I bet my homerun count would be double if not for that tree.  The limbs were too small and too tight to climb it.  They started too high up the tree to do much to it.  The only thing the tree was ever good for was daring somebody and getting nasty.  We would dare each other to bite into a green persimmon.  It will suck the saliva out of your mouth.  One bite parches the mouth. Saliva glands close off and sometimes picket inside the mouths of 9 year old boys who dare each other with green persimmons.  They went from that state to on the ground and nasty in a few hours (at least it seemed).  Don't slide into second under a persimmon tree or you will spell slid into second under a persimmon tree.  Its worse than throwing a rotten tomato at somebody.  It just gets you nasty. 
With that being my history of persimmons, can you imagine what I thought when I came to Mississippi and saw them as big as tomatoes and people talking about cutting them up and eating them? Some people are just pure-T nasty!  I bet if they slid under a tree that has lost a bunch of them, they would not eat another.  My perspective of persimmons is that they are a bad fruit.  (Please don't be bringing me no bag of persimmons.  I'll wait til mater season.) Once I was exposed to it as a bad fruit, I probably will not be convinced that it can be a good fruit.  Hey!  Jesus said that today in Luke 6:43- For no good tree bears bad fruit, nor again does a bad tree bear good fruit, 44for each tree is known by its own fruit.  I have just got to ask:  what do people think about your fruit? Once they have seen it bad, it is hard to convince them that it can be good.  Let's bear good fruit today!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

He Will; Be Clean

I love the encounters that people have with Jesus.  He tells fishermen to throw their nets back out after a long day of fishing and they catch a record breaking amount of fish.  His point, however, is not fish but the success of following the Lord's Will in sharing your faith. 
They lower someone through a roof to get to Him.  They are amazed when He heals the paralyzed man but some are mad when He said He could forgive sin.  Christ's concern was the sin, not the physical.  I wonder how He would feel about our prayer meetings in the local church. 
A tax collector is saved and he gets so excited that he invites his lost friends to have a meal with Jesus.  Church folk didn't like it.  Why would Jesus hang out with such folk? He then replies that it's the sick that need a doctor, not the well.  He wants to lead people to everlasting life. 
That brings us to that leper that I am thinking about today.  Leprosy is a horrible disease, both physically and socially.  After reading Philip Yancey's book, The Gift of Pain, years ago, about Dr. Brand's work in a leper colony, I learned more about leprosy.  It is not near as contagious as people thought it was.   It is not the disease that causes you to lose body parts either.  It is the effect of losing sensation in your nerve endings and causing injuries that you are not aware of.  Those injuries and infections lead to the loss of parts.  However, as is well documented and overpreached, leprosy was such a social curse in Biblical days and before medicines were found to cure it that the people suffered in multiple ways.  This guy with leprosy comes to Jesus and says "If you are willing, you can make me clean."  Jesus simply says, "I will. Be clean." (Luke 5:13).  After Jesus' touch (a socially significant event) the man is clean.
But remember from our other stories: it was not the fish, not the healing nor the social status, that Jesus is concerned about. It is instead cleansing from the much more dreadful disease of sin. And I am firmly convinced that if one comes to Christ and sincerely asked Him to make her clean because she knows that He can, He will still respond,"I will. Be clean."  Because He can and because He will, I celebrate today the forgiveness that only comes through Christ.  It puts a skip in my step and I hope it helps you to have a great day.  

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

An Opportune Time

We read about the desert experience of Jesus today in Luke 4 (  I call this Jesus' seminary experience. Moses had one for 40 years in the desert.  Paul had one for 3 days after he met the Lord on the Road to Damascus.  It is that time in between the calling and the opportunity (or at least a time of preparation for the calling) and it is a time of reflection and praying as God prepares your heart for what is to come.  For Jesus it was about being the Messiah.  Different interpretations of Messianic prophecies led people to think all kinds of things about the coming Messiah. 
-Some would want him to be one that provided for the people as Joseph provided for the known world during the famine.  That was part of the temptation about the bread. 
-Others would want him to be a world leader and bring Israel back to its status under King David or even greater.  Christ will lead the world but the timing was not right in the 1st century but that was the temptation about having all the kingdoms. 
-The temptation about jumping off the temple concerned being a worker of magic and marveling the folks with wonder works in an Elijah kind of way or even greater.  Jesus did many miracles but that was never His Focus.  His miracles were about pointing people to the more important mission of spreading the Gospel. 
People would often try to lead Him to be the Messiah they expected or the one they wanted, but before He ever dealt with such people, He faced that kind of temptation in the desert alone battling the evil one.  I believe He walked out of the desert resolute after such temptation.  The people's wants may have been a bother but they were not tempting to him.  Even before Luke 4 is over, the people are trying to lead Christ off mission and be what they want Him to be (v.43).  He does not seem detoured by it one bit.  He had already dealt with that in the desert or His seminary experience (His training ground).
But was the desert 'the temptation to end all temptation'? No. Notice v. 13- And when the devil had ended every temptation, he departed from him until an opportune time.  Do what? ( that's a little more southern term for 'Huh?' or a redneck version of 'Beg your pardon.') After terrorizing the Lord in the desert- sticking food in his face during a fast, promising Him the world, and quoting Scripture at Him- He now is going to come back for another season of it.  Of course!  He is the evil one.  He roams around like a hungry lion looking for the slowest hyena. Jesus faced it again and again.  And so do we?  Once the Lord ascended, the devil focused his attack on God's people.  Now he attempts to tempt us in every way to keep us from carrying out the task that he has set for us.  When do we need to prepare ourselves to stand strong against temptation?  All the time, because he looks for the opportune time.  What is the opportune time? The time when no one is looking.  The time when we are not prayed up or spiritually prepared. The time when we place ourselves in a tempting situation or in a place where we have sinned before.  The time when our minds are not focused on the things of God.  The time when....we least expect it. That is when the lion jumps out from behind the bush after the hyena.  That is when the terrorist's landmine goes off...when we least expect it.  No greater terrorist than the evil one.  He developed guerilla warfare.  Be careful for you may fall into the opportune time of the evil one. 
The good news is the opportune time for temptation is also the opportune time to stand for the Lord and to be stronger from it.  I pray you do today.  Stand strong.  What an opportune time!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Stand Up

You have got to love Daniel (! You have got to love anybody named Daniel....oh well, I tried. There are two things in our reading of Daniel this morning that stand out so strong to me.
They call to Daniel and ask him to interpret a dream.  The king tells him that he will give him royal clothing and allow him to rule if he will interpret it.  Daniel replies (5:17)- Let your gifts be for yourself, and give your rewards to another. Nevertheless, I will read the writing to the king and make known to him the interpretation.  Daniel was saying, 'I don't do what I do for your reward.  I do it because God has enabled me with this gift and in this interpetation I am simply making plain what is veiled- the judgment of God upon your wickednesss.' I love his boldness. I love his lack of reserve when it came for standing up for God.
When that king dies, Darius comes on the throne and is enticed to make a new decree to worship only King Darious for a month.  Those that enticed him to make such a law were people who were trying to drag Daniel down.  Daniel openly served God.  He worshiped daily in his upstairs window for all to see.  Their problem was not his worship, it was his success.  It was how well he did his job.  When the decree passed, Daniel did not change his ways.  Daniel 6:10- When Daniel knew that the document had been signed, he went to his house where he had windows in his upper chamber open toward Jerusalem. He got down on his knees three times a day and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as he had done previously.  I love it!  He did not do it in defiance. He did not do it to try to prove a point.  He just did it because it was his custom to do it.  He did as he had always done. 
The combined message of both stands that Daniel took tells me to live for Christ, never back up from it.  Don't do it for a show.  Don't do it to impress. Don't do it to prove a point.  Do it because you love Jesus and let nothing come in the way of taking a stand for Christ and spending daily time with the Savior.  We all need to stand up!  Not to picket.  Not to rebel.  Not to complain.  Just to stand up for Jesus come what may.  Do it today and enjoy your Savior while you do it.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Ponder and Treasure

There are sweet spots in Scripture that preachers tend to visit quite often.  You cannot help but do it.   When Easter rolls around, you speak of the cross and the empty tomb.  When Christmas rolls around, you speak of the prophecy, the birth, and the surrounding characters.  I dig and dig to find a new angle but yet not miss my favorite angles. One I love to preach is the responses to Christmas:  the shepherds praised, the Wisemen gave, and Mary pondered- she took it in.  We ought to be doing all of that.

There are spots in Scripture that preachers do not venture as much.  It is pretty obvious why.  We don't know a lot about the childhood or early adulthood of Jesus.  All we know is when He was 12, He stayed at the Temple while His family left Him. Left Him?  A large group of  extended family that had several kids traveling with them, you can see how it would happen.  They did not have the luxury of counting heads in a sedan.   They were in a large procession with kids probably mingled throughout.  Plus at 12, Jesus was practically grown in that society.  He had stayed behind and was teaching in the Temple.  Then comes a verse that hung on me like it never has.  Luke 2:51- And he went down with them and came to Nazareth and was submissive to them. And his mother treasured up all these things in her heart.  Jesus left the Temple and went home and submitted Himself to His parents.  That is all we know of His teenage years.... Oh, yeah, we know one more thing... Mary was pondering and treasuring again.  Can you imagine the things she thought?  We know what she thought at His birth.  Her song tells us that.  We know what she thought (at least somewhat) at the beginning of His ministry at the wedding at Cana.  We can only imagine what she was thinking at the cross or the wide eyed approach of an empty tomb.  I bet she spent a lifetime pondering.  I think we should too.  How much do we miss about the Work, Words, and Wonders of the Lord by rushing about our daily duties?  Take a few moments today to ponder and to treasure.  Cut the radio off in the car.  Think Godly thoughts at the short mental break during the day.  In the walk from here to there, ponder...treasure...there is so much for us to consider.   I hope it is a blessed one.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Say Yes on 26

We began reading Luke today ( and when I read about John the Baptist in the womb, I could not help but think about a pending vote in our state of Mississippi.  First the passage- Luke 1:41-43- And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the baby leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, 42and she exclaimed with a loud cry, "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! 43And why is this granted to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me? 44For behold, when the sound of your greeting came to my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joyMy first thought as I read that this morning was- and who said there is not life in the womb?  I believe Scripture and I believe it is perfect.  I believe it does not give Elizabeth's perception here of what was going on in the womb but the Lord's.  Why? Because she was filled with the Holy Spirit.  John the Baptist was overjoyed in the womb over the coming of Christ!  He was so dedicated about preparing the way for the Lord for as long as he had the opportunity, but it started at conception.  Even as a babe in the womb, he jumped for joy in anticipation of the Lord.  That says a lot about his service.  It also says a lot about the womb.
There is a proposal to amend our state Constitution to better define what a person is.   I will let you read it from :

Amendment 26 - The Mississippi Personhood Amendment - is a citizens initiative to amend the Mississippi Constitution to define personhood as beginning at fertilization or "the functional equivalent thereof." Its purpose is to protect all life, regardless of age, health, function, physical or mental dependency, or method of reproduction. The entire proposed Amendment is as follows:
Be it Enacted by the People of the State of Mississippi: SECTION 1. Article III of the constitution of the state of Mississippi is hereby amended BY THE ADDITION OF A NEW SECTION TO READ: Section 33. Person defined. As used in this Article III of the state constitution, "The term 'person' or 'persons' shall include every human being from the moment of fertilization, cloning or the functional equivalent thereof." This initiative shall not require any additional revenue for implementation.
We the people of Mississippi were required to collect and certify 89,285 certified signatures from registered voters (equally divided throughout the state of Mississippi). We far exceeded this requirement - collecting well over 130,000 and having over 106,000 certified.
Now, in November of 2011, we have the opportunity to vote on the question. When the majority of voters in November's election vote YES on 26, abortion will be outlawed in our state; cloning and other forms of medical cannibalism will be effectively stopped; and a challenge will be set up to Roe v Wade.

I am for it.  Vote yes.  If you don't vote on anything else (what a shame!), you ought to vote on this.  We have a responsibility to speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves.  It is of God.  I also think it is cool to live in a state where such is to be voted on.  Praise the Lord.  Praise Him now...praise Him church.  Have a blessed day of worship!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Come, Lord Jesus!

Been having some technical difficulties.  This computer is acting goofy this morning so I've been doing little checks of this and that.  But I am not the only one.  The Hilltoppers had some technical difficulties last night.  Sloppy play and a blocked field goal as time ran out led to a 2 point loss.  Region play is coming with some new opponents this year.  Ought to be interesting.

Well, there is so much in Rev. 22 that it is hard to pick a spot.  Not only does it close out this great book but it gives you several reminders of things already taught.   The river from the Temple is showing that life and fruitfulness only comes through Christ.  (v.1-3).  The names on the foreheads (v.4) go back to the thought of the Shema (Deut. 6:4-8) or the Mark of the Beast (or the world).  Who do you have allegiance to? There is another reiteration for Christians saved by His blood to give complete devotion to Christ (v. 14-15).  Again in v.17 it encourages folks to be saved.   However, what stands out this morning is the eagerness of the church for Christ to come.  It is to be an eager passion in each of us to see Christ come.  We are to be hungry for his movement, hungry for His power, presence, and leadership in all that we do.  We are also to be hungry for His Return.   We need not be escapists-looking for a way out all the time.  However, we are to keep it all in perspective.  This is not all there is.  There is much more in store.   Understanding those things... come, Lord Jesus!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Goodbye, Sea

I love the ocean.  Growing up in upstate SC, I was in the foothills of the mountains and just a few hours from the ocean: the best of both worlds.  One of the things I cherish about that land is the view of the mountains.  We enjoy them more when we visit now than we did when we lived there.   However, I grew up going to the beach every year as well.  I have always enjoyed the beach.  Walking  the beach, playing in the water, or reading a book with my feet in the sand.  Its nice!  One of my favorite things now is an early morning prayer walk on the beach.  Pretty neat stuff.  The only time I have been out on the ocean, I was on a cruise ship with a patch behind my ear.  No regrets there, either. 
As I read Revelation 21 today, I was reminded of all of this when I read in v. 1- Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.  What is that about?  Well, I'll tell you.  The sea to the 1st century person was a lot less understood than it is today.  They made their living on the sea.  Christ surrounded himself with fishermen.  They shipped cargo on the sea and without planes, trains, and automobiles, they made the sea a very active part of their livelihood.  However, they never got over the mysteries of the sea.  They did not have the sonor technology that we have today or underwater cameras and such, so there was much they did not know.  They did not know the depths of the sea.  They did not know all that lived in the sea.  Often folks would go out to sea and never come back. Where they'd go?  If someone was traveling overseas, postage took so long that I am sure families lived in the mystery of whether their loved one made it safely or not--sometimes for months.   The sea represented chaos as well.  Some of that was the mystery but part of it was the quick squalls that would rise up so fast and so violently that it would take a rowboat under before you knew hardly what hit you.  (Do you remember the horrid fear that a bunch of fishermen had when Jesus was in the boat with them during a storm?)  Many of the godless even thought that the sea was a god, due to its power, mystery, and awesome ways. 
So 'why no longer any sea'?  One day the Christian will receive their heavenly reward and with it will be a city of security, unlike any that has ever been built.  There will be secure walls and the mysteries of the sea will be gone.  There will be no more seperation like the sea can cause.  There will be no more chaos.   There will be no more mystical fears surrounded by mysteries.  We will be together with the Lord without conflict, storms, or seperation.  No more death, mourning, crying or pain.  What a Day that Will Be!
Well, don't live in escapism today, looking beyond the goals and opportunities that this day holds.  Seize the day.   However, keep it all in perspective.  This is not all there is.  Give praise today to the one that brings us together, calms our storms, our fears, and our future.  Rest in that today. 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Judgment Day

I went to court one time on a traffic violation and justice was not served. I learned to drive with a 1970 Volkswagen Bug.  The Bug I drove is not one of these cute convertibles riding around today.  It was wartorn.   One of my brothers decided to clean out every ditch in the county with that Bug.  It should have died many times but my Dad can fix anything. That is usually a good thing.  It sure did not feel like it when I drove the Bug though.  After one of those wrecks we decided to let the Vo Tech at the high school paint the car.  It came home a pretty red (no more bondo fenders).  Over one summer that pretty red turned to a dull flat orange.  It was almost like those toys that turn colors when the water hits them.  It was quite remarkable...remarkably disappointing.  By the time I got it, there was a horrible pitched lean to the front right tire, however, the warped frame (Dad said they pulled it out) tilted the car to the left.  It sounds impossible but believe it is not.  One good thing: the heater worked...all the time. Thankfully the little V-shaped vent window could allow air to blow in the face as you went down the road on 100 degree days.
Well, one day I was in the Bug (not justified in calling it a Beatle), and I needed my borrowed jersey back from a neighbor's house.   I pulled up on the slanted curb, checked my mirrors, and did the nicest U turn on a double line road that you will ever see....or I made half a turn.  As I got about halfway around, I came to an abrupt stop.  It seems that the owner of a flat black Super Nova with no brake lights and oil slick tires was using that road that day as a drag strip and my little turnaround to socialize messed up his landing spot.  It sent me into Kingdom come.  I came to rest in someone's front yard with half that Bug in a crumpled mess.  The punchline: They wrote me a ticket!  I was the clean cut kid in the legal car, doing the equilivalent of a left turn (that is my story and I am sticking to it). It was the thug with the drag car probably hauling Appalachian moonshine for a militia group somewhere fortified in the hills along the NC-SC line. 
The good news: The Bug died.  Now don't misunderstand: Dad brought it home. He looked it over several times but I left little to salvage.  I got me a Honda.
The bad news: I had to go to court and there was no grace.  $60 and 4 points: making an illegal turn on a double yellow line road.  The truth: I was merely making a left turn to nowhere.  I had no time to turn the car "around".  I was interrupted.  I should not be charged for a crime that was interrupted.  I merely had an intention of doing an illegal turn- the big headed boy with the Batmobile stopped me. 

However, my Bible tells me ( that there is a better day of judgment coming for me.
Although I was amazed at the injustice served me that day,  I stand amazed at the grace that I have been given about more serious matters. 
Rev. 20:1-12- Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. From his presence earth and sky fled away, and no place was found for them. 12And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the book of life.
This is often referred to as the Great White Throne judgment. At final judgment all that do not accept Christ will  receive their sentence here. Two books are at the throne of God: a record of our actions, which would condemn us and a record of our salvation. If not for Christ, our actions would be in one and our name would not be in the other. But if you are a child of God saved by the blood of Christ, your eternal destination is not set by your record but Christ.  Without Christ, you cannot do enough and you are eternally doomed.
Well before Batman sent me into space and the courts sentenced my intentions, I gave my heart and life to Christ and now, not only is He my advocate, but He is my substitute.  He has served the sentence for my many sins.  I walk free because of Christ.  If you don't know Him personally, today is the day.  Contact me:  If you have committed your life to Christ, celebrate it!  You are free!  What a blessing!! 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I played high school football and I have been trying to encourage high school football players for years.
I have seen good teams that did not play well and bad teams that played well.  My own Sr. year in high school we went 5-0, was ranked 5th in the state and knew we had it.  Then we went down into the valley of the Trojans.  The Trojans  had a  sorry school, a bad atmosphere, and they were mad about it.  None of them are in the free world today.  All they had was football and they were good at that.  It was rainy, cold, and they were popping!  We wanted to get back on the bus.  Hands were cold, people were hurting, they were running by us...They beat us 30-0.  Even worse- they popped our star running back several times.  Let me let you in on a secret- if you got a scrawny guy who runs real fast with great moves and he keeps getting by you- catch him at an angle and knock the soup out of him.  Get him before he gets going in the backfield and wrap him up and go down with him.  When they weigh 135, they won't want the ball no one.  They may say it is a cramp, or they are winded, or their hand hurts...whatever?  They scared.  If they ever get the fear, running from side to side instead of up and down the field, they are done.  If they are good enough, your team is done as well.  We were.  We went 1-4 in division play and missed the playoffs. The dream team went down really that night in Trojan stadium...with the cramps.
Well, my friend, if you are Christian, that is not going to happen to our team.  The war ends in victory.  Make no mistake, the victory has already been won, but it will be consummated and proclaimed in the end. Revelation 19:11 puts it this way:  I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! The one sitting on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war. 12 His eyes are like a flame of fire, and on his head are many diadems, and he has a name written that no one knows but himself.  He is clothed in a robe dipped in[d] blood, and the name by which he is called is The Word of God.  The one who rode a colt on his approach to the cross, will ride the victorious general's horse (white) in the end. He sees all (fire). He is King of kings and Lord of lords (diadems).  His name is YHWH, which they refused to say (removed the vowels to make sure). He shed His blood for us but this is, more so, the blood from the winepress of God's wrath.  Either way, blood shed in victory.  He is the Word of God (John 1).  Because of Christ we are victorious!  Whether it is a good season in life or rather you feel the wind, the rains, and the pains of Trojan valley, either way, WE WIN!  Don't wait to celebrate that!  Celebrate it today and live it out! We win in Christ.  Inform your face, brighten your world, and have a great day. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Free and Fruitful

I came to the conclusion at the first of this year that I had not read enough classic American literature.  I realized that I knew the titles but not the stories and that I ought to read more.  So I made me a list.  I checked several 'great book' list and came up with a less of 75 books or so.  Almost half way there.  Along the way, some have suggested books that did not make the list.  Some suggestions I took and some I didn't.  One I did (and I am glad I did) was Dollar Cotton by John Faulkner, William's brother.  I wish William wrote so smoothly because he is on my list a few times (he is hard to read).  Dollar Cotton is about Otis Town who had nothing, bought some cheap, poor land in the Delta and made something.  He made something big...then he lost it.  I called it the opposite of Job.  Job had a lot, lost it, and got more back.  These roller coaster rides are interesting to read...but scary to live through.   Ask the Israelites.  Had nothing.  Came out of Egypt and got something.  Built it up, then split it up, and then lost it.  However, through their Messiah, our Savior, the Lord, they got a lot more than land.  They received the opportunity for salvation, personal restoration, and real freedom.  However you want to take Ezekiel 34 ( ) today, I know that there is also a spiritual message there.  Eze. 34:37-  The trees will yield their fruit and the ground will yield its crops; the people will be secure in their land. They will know that I am the LORD, when I break the bars of their yoke and rescue them from the hands of those who enslaved them.  You see I believe that the truths that were spelled out to a people losing their land and going into exile, have truths for us as well.  Psalm 1 tells me that fruitfulness comes by one who mediates upon the Word and then lives it out.  Paul goes on to tell me about spiritual fruit or fruit of the Spirit.  Jesus told me that, unlike the world's yoke, His yoke is easy and His burden is light.  As well, the slavery of sin that we can be released from is well documented in the letters of Paul.   We can be free, fruitful, secure, and at ease, but only in Christ.  What a thing to celebrate with our devotion, our love, and our focus!  Do it today and have a great one!

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Fiery Trials

There is something to be said about boldness.  When someone is a bold Christian and not a quiet one, an irritating one, or a nagging one, it is absolutely impressive.  It is fun to see.  Some Christians are always bubbling over with some Christian catch-phrase spewing from their mouths.  It is encouraging to see the spunk but it just seems overdone and a little fake.  Others seem to twist and turn any conversation into a shallow Bible verse contest.  I am sorry.  I just don't get it.  What I love to see, however, is someone who is bold for Christ.  When it is not a campaign, not a set routine, but a living, loving relationship, it is absolutely refreshing.  That is what Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego had.  They had  an empowering relationship.  The overflow that comes from that is something else.  They would not bow to the idol  and they were confronted.  The answer they gave is classic.  Daniel 4:17- If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. 18 But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.  You have got to love that!  God may or may not, either way we won't bend or bow to anything that does not honor God.
The fiery furnace is not what you will face today.  You may face the fires of criticism.  You may face the heat of temptation.  You may face the burn of alienation.  Honor God regardless.  Don't fall for the tricks and schemes of a wicked world.  Honor God today, come what may!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Revealing Mysteries

Alright, let me take it in another direction this morning!  Preachers do this kind of thing quite often, however, I was taught better and I try to stay away from it.  What you get on these early morning writings are whatever rises to the surface.  Therefore, this is the regurgitation of the day!  In our reading from Daniel today ( Nebby wasn't sleeping well.  Too much late night pizza (spiritually speaking).  He is having some bad dreams.   He wants to know what it all means.  Daniel comes to tell him and gives credit of his knowledge to God.  Nebby then also gives credit (in a very pagan kind of way) to Daniel's God to by saying  in Daniel 2:47- Surely your God is the God of gods and the Lord of kings and a revealer of mysteries, for you were able to reveal this mystery. A revealer of mysteries! 
This is where the preacher twist comes in. 
Although Nebby is not talking about this, do you know the greatest mystery that our Great God has ever revealed?  It is the mystery of the Gospel.   Paul called it a mystery or a secret and I love going back to that.  It is one of my favorite terms because you can't quite get your hands around its total meaning.  Kinda like the Gospel.  What I am saying is the Gospel is bigger.  There is more to it than we can describe, than we can think, than we can imagine.  Paul calls it a mystery because it is something that you cannot adequately describe to someone that does not know the Lord.  Whatever you say, salvation through the Gospel is deeper, richer, and better than the way you describe it.  It is also something that we will never fully grasp until we see Him face to face.  It is bigger than we think it is.  It is a blessed mystery.   The word Paul uses can also be translated secret. The secret part of it is not about not sharing it.  The secret part is there is always a little more to it than you think there is.  We could begin to unwrap our salvation upon our conversion and in no one's lifetime could we know  all that we have when we have Christ. It is the gift that keeps on giving!  Chew on that today and have a great day of worship!!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Worth the Wait

Well, the Toppers got another good win last night.  It is not often you get to see your running back run a 96 yard TD run after stopping the other team all 4 downs inside the 5.   When that fellow hit the gap, he had defensive backs pursuing him and he outran them.  A footrace- almost even at the 50- and he left them.  Congrats, boys! I know the Friday devotion does not do it all.  Ya'll have to play and coach too!

Well, doesn't Lamentations pick you up (  Lamentations is the mourning of a people over their nation which has fallen.  There is little there that brings a lot of encouragement.  Revelation 15 is an interlude passage.  Really it is setting us up for the chapters to come. 

I hope you did not miss the beam of light in the midst of the ashes of Lamentations. It is one of the reasons why the book is in the Bible, I believe.   Lamentations 3:22-23- The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases;   his mercies never come to an end;  23they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
And you just thought it was a great ole hymn!  No, that is Bible!   In the midst of whatever woes you, in the midst of the waiting upon God to respond in His Time, we should all be reminded to wait upon the Lord.  He is not finished yet.  He is still on top of it.  His faithfulness is much greater than ours, regardless how devout we may think we are.  He is in the midst, right there with you! 
Lord, help us to trust you, to sense your presence, and to be faithful in the meantime!
I pray that you trust all day long!!  And have a good one.

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Grapes of Wrath

I started on a journey years ago after reading Revelation 14 (  It was the last verse of Revelation 14 that spurred me on to look into this book a little deeper.  It had always been described to me that the battle of Armageddon would lead to tremedous bloodshed, so much so, that blood would flow through the streets as high as a horse's bridle. Whew! That is a lot of blood.  So one day I looked the passage up.  I guess I was in high school or college. (I am of the age that I was my children's age when I saw the End Times movies in the 70's on a reel to reel that they put in the middle of the sanctuary.  That was a movement of movies in that day as I recall.  We get too much of our theology from movies or fiction books that we put a lot of confidence in.)  What I was surprised to find in Revelation 14 was that Armageddon is not mentioned here at all.  This is final judgment and the great harvest.  I was amazed to find that those that told me about the amounts of blood had never told me that they came from a couple of huge sickles that were swung by angels on clouds.  They did not tell me that grapes were harvested.  They did not tell me about God's great winepress.  The details were left out.   The point of the passage is not the depth of the blood.  The point of the passage is the judgment of God. 
There are many Biblical takes on the return of the Lord.  It was described by Christ as a harvest of wheat where the wheat was celebrated but the tares or weeds were burned.  It was described, as well, as a shepherd calling his sheep away from goats. It was also described as a land owner coming back after a long time away to find out who had been accountable with the investment that he left them. Each one tells us when the Lord returns, the sinner will go to eternal punishment. Here he describes it as a harvest. It describes first the reception of the saints. 2nd, v.17-19, it describes the punishment of the wicked. It says they were gathered when they were ripe, in other words, when the time is ripe.
The grapes are then thrown into the winepress of God. In Israel August or September was the harvest months for grapes. They were gathered and placed in long, wooden or stone troughs.  Then, often to the sound of a flute playing, workers would trample the grapes into juice with their feet. Here God is promising to trample the blood of the wicked like wine in a winepress.   It is not meant literally anymore than the wheat and tares, or the sheep and goats or the owner coming back.  They all are pointing to the same event and giving different nuances of the return and judgment.
Notice all this takes place outside the city.  The wicked does not belong in the city of God's people. 
 1600 stadia is almost the exact distant from the north tip of Palestine to the south tip of Palestine.  The message is that it will effect all of them.  What is the point?   The same one it has been all the time.  Revelation 14:12- Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus.  Hold on, folks!  God will make it right!  Tell as many as you can about Jesus and keep looking up!  Have a great day!    And go Hilltoppers!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Our Allegiance

Oh, don't you love the imagery of the book of Revelation!  Years ago I was watching local Christian television and they were having a fund raiser.  If you ever watch the national Christian television while they are having their telethons, think about such an event happening on that homemade, local level and you will get the idea of what I am talking about.  Their guest that night was an artist who had done several paintings of the scenes of Revelation.  Although the artist was good and the renderings were a faithful attempt at the scenes as described, I could not help but think:  You cannot paint or draw the scenes of Revelation.  They are described the way they are (count the word "like" in Revelation) to try to put the infinite images of the spiritual world and of heaven into some finite description that we can somehow grasp.  However, human words cannot fully describe such scenes.  Not the half has been told.

Another thing to remember when reading Revelation (as well as miracles, parables, and narratives) is always ask the question:  What is this written for?  Of all the descriptions of Revelation 13 and the explanations and identities and time frames of these beasts, notice the stated point of this passage:  Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints. (Rev. 13:10).  We must stand firm.  That was the message for the 1st century, 21st century, and every century in between and any future ones.  The message is a timeless message.  Revelation's message is not just for the last generation unless you include all since the ascension of Christ and until the return of Christ as the last generation.   This message was for them and is for us. Endure!  Stand Strong!  Have faith!

One way to make sure you are standing strong is to check your allegiances. A very familiar passage that is brought up in Rev. 13 is the mark of the beast passage (v.16-17):  Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave,[e] to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, 17so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.  Have you ever heard anything like that before?  Anywhere else in Scripture?  I will tell you what it reminds me of.  It reminds me of the Shema, one of the most popular passages of Scripture in the Old Testament for the Jews and one of the most popular in the 1st century among Christians.  It is found in Deuteronomy 6: 4 and following: 4"Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one.[a] 5You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. 6And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart....8 You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes."  I will always believe that the concern there is not the hand or the forehead, but the activity (symbolized by the hand) and the thought pattern (symbolized by the forehead- keeping it ever before you) of doing everything that you do, whether in word, deed, or thought to the glory of God.  Many Jews made the mistake that this meant tying Scripture on your arm or head, however, if you don't digest and live by it, what difference does it make?
Now once you realize that the first audience of the Revelation (those seven churches in Asia Minor under the influence, power, and persecution of the Roman Empire) knew this Shema passage "like the back of their hands" (excuse the pun, it was not intended), then you realize how they would interpret such a passage as that in Rev. 13:16-17.  I have heard this described as a tattoo, a barcode, a computer chip, and I bet some are saying now, a scan code. Those that do, I believe are missing the point, just like the Jews did when they tied their boxes of Scripture on their hands and heads.  The point is: where does your allegiance lie?  Are you sold on the concepts, the plans, and the hopes of this wicked world or are you sold out in your thought and action on the things of God?  Where does your allegiance lie?  By what authority (the right hand is the one of authority) do you do what you do?  Oh, let me once again remind you of the point of this passage as it is found in Rev. 13:10- Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints.  Don't side with a lost and dying and manipulative and hellbent world!  Align with Jesus!  Endure!  Stand Strong!  Sell Out!  Live it today!  Be marked by Christ, not by the World!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Real Battle

I hope you read along with us each and every day.  In 2008 I read a book called The Divine Mentor by Wayne Cordeiro that inspired me to begin a new type of study of God's Word.  It not only inspired me to do it but inspired me to encourage everyone that I possibly could to follow the pattern.  Wayne encourages you to read God's Word daily (on average about 4 chapters a day) while asking God to give you one verse for the day to encourage you and give you a sense of direction.  Some preacher friends and I came upon this discovery at about the same time.  What this plan has done in our churches to encourage people to read God's Word is quite phenomenal.  Each quarter First Baptist gives out bookmarks with the daily reading for the quarter.  We give out three levels of bookmarks.   We give out one for the reading as described above.  We give out another for lighter readers or youth.  We give out another for 4th to 6th grade readers (or really light readers-about 13 verses a day at the most).  Most of these 300 bookmarks are gone each and every quarter.  I don't know how many read but I know a lot of people share with me the impact that it has had on them.   It is neat to come together around God's Word.  This blog contains a daily devotion out of those readings.   You can also find the readings at   each day.  However, if I can help you with a bookmark or answer any questions, email me at

Today we are dealing with the foundation of the real battle.  The details are complex and can cause quite a discussion, however, the focus of Revelation 12 is that the devil could not defeat Christ, therefore he dedicates himself to attack the people of Christ.  Revelation 12:17 says "Then the dragon became furious with the woman and went off to make war on the rest of her offspring, on those who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus."  The woman has been described as Israel (correctly) and as the New Jerusalem of Revelation 21 or the remnant of real believers of the Lord (correct again).   Simply she represents the people of God (rather the Old Testament version or the New Testament version).  The Church is Triumphant and Christ has won so the devil just tries to wage wars against us daily. 
Before you go getting mad at everyone else or feeling like the Lord has deserted you, realize the real battle.  If the dragon can kill your joy, and steal your zeal then you won't beam for the Lord and you will make little difference in His Kingdom.  That is the plan of a fire breathing dragon bound for hell.
Live the Victory in Christ today and fight the battle wholeheartedly.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Power of the Witness

What a weekend!   We won the big game on Friday night and at 5 AM on Saturday Millie and I took off for Jackson.  We came home Saturday night and left after church Sunday to go back to Jackson.  We got home at 4 PM Monday and had JOY supper at 6 PM.  I am not going anywhere today but Tupelo to visit the sick.  I don't want to go to Jackson today.  I got enough of that rainy place this weekend. 

In Revelation 11 ( we are confronted by the two witnesses that cannot be tamed and shut out.  Even when it seems that they are dead and gone, they are not.  They continue on.    When Jesus sent his followers out to witness, He sent them two by two.  Why?  Two witnesses were considered valid in that day.  If only one witness to an event, the witness did not stand.    These witnesses have fire coming out of their mouths because they are proclaiming the fire of the Word.  You can knock down the witness of Christ.  You may seem to have killed it out (notice: only after their testimony was complete), however, it will be back. Have no fear!  The power of the witness of Christ cannot be shut out. 
Be a witness for Him today!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Breachmakers and Gapstanders

Well, it is fun, exciting, and nerve racking Labor Day weekend for the Heeringa's.  Abby is competing in a statewide pageant competition in Jackson this weekend.   Abby and Dawn went down on Friday.  Millie and I stayed behind to preach Houston to victory.  I speak to them each Friday and stayed around to watch them win the Battle of the Creek. Go Toppers!  Millie and I left Saturday morning at 5 to go to Jackson and watch Abby compete in the talent competition and then I escorted her last night in the formalwear.  On the road again Millie and I got home about 10 last night.  I get the joy of preaching this morning.  It is always a blessed privilege to preach and one that I know that God did not have to give me, but I am thankful each and every time.  After worship this morning, Millie and I will head back to see the final results.  I don't know how it will all turn out but Abby has done WONDERFUL!  She has spoken and sang and pranced as good as any of them and I think a lot of better than all of them ( I may be slightly bias).  Pround of my girls.  God's blessings are abundant. 

In Ezekiel this morning  I was touched by how much God just wants pure living.  It burdened the heart of God to watch the Israelites waste opportunities to walk righteously before God and instead get caught up in idolatry and worldly sins.  He searched far and wide for the righteous.  Ezekiel 22:30 speaks of the attempt: And I sought for a man among them who should build up the wall and stand in the breach before me for the land, that I should not destroy it, but I found none.   We still need breachmakers and gapstanders. Oh, that God can look at our lives and see those taking a stand for the things of God and whatever the cost.  Live for Him today! 

Friday, September 2, 2011

Serving in Heaven

The Battle of the Creek is tonight.  Houston takes on their county rival.  I have been told I am the team preacher, as long as we win.  Hope my words are an encouragement to them to get a big win.

A lot of people say a lot of things about heaven.  They say we become angels or flowers in his garden or guardians to those of us still here.  None of it is true.  Angels have not been redeemed and we have.  Our role is quite different.  We are not the same and won't be in eternity.  The guardian idea goes back to the protection that angels can give.  Now Hebrews 12 says we have a great cloud of witnesses cheering us on to persevere, fix our eyes on Jesus, and continue to perfect our faith.  Those that have went on are cheering us on.  We also get a good picture of what they are doing in Revelation 7:15-17 today: Therefore they are before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple;
and he who sits on the throne will shelter them with his presence.  16 They shall hunger no more, neither thirst anymore; the sun shall not strike them, nor any scorching heat.  For the Lamb in the midst of the throne will be their shepherd, and he will guide them to springs of living water, and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes."
  Sounds to me like there is a lot of worshiping the Lord and serving the Lord going on.  That is the same thing that He charges us to do here.  Do you think that is part of perfecting your faith?  I do.  Let's get busy at!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

An Unbelievable Love

I heard of a couple that was approaching their 50th wedding anniversary.  Someone asked the husband, "What did you do for your 25th anniversary?"  He replied, "I took her to Beijing."  The nosey guy then said, "Wow!  What a trip!  What are you going to do for your 50th?"  The husband replied, "I'm gonna go get her." That is one way to 'never have a fight' over 25 years, I guess. 

I bet the Lord feels like shipping us over sometimes.    Ezekiel 16  is a very illustrative explanation of how God's everlasting love will never leave His followers.  It is a detailed account of how God took Jerusalem,  an abandoned babe and raised her up and had a beautiful, love relationship.  However, after the union was made, Jerusalem, his bride, turned to the world.  Now in His Love He replies in Ezekiel 16:60- Yet I will remember my covenant with you in the days of your youth, and I will establish for you an everlasting covenant.  Whether you speak of the Old or New Covenant, you must often be amazed by the love that God has for us.   Jesus said that no one can snatch us out of the hand of the Father.  I am glad we can't fall out either.  That is reassuring today to know that I am in His Hand and yet He holds mine. 
I hope that kind of love will be enough to help you walk in a way that pleases the Lord today.  Sometimes people like to spur other's on by speaking of judgment or wrath.  I believe, however, what makes God smile, what overjoys Jesus, is when we do what we do because of our love for Him, knowing that He first loved us.
Love Him today wholeheartedly and let it show in all of your life!