You have got to love Daniel (! You have got to love anybody named Daniel....oh well, I tried. There are two things in our reading of Daniel this morning that stand out so strong to me.
They call to Daniel and ask him to interpret a dream. The king tells him that he will give him royal clothing and allow him to rule if he will interpret it. Daniel replies (5:17)- Let your gifts be for yourself, and give your rewards to another. Nevertheless, I will read the writing to the king and make known to him the interpretation. Daniel was saying, 'I don't do what I do for your reward. I do it because God has enabled me with this gift and in this interpetation I am simply making plain what is veiled- the judgment of God upon your wickednesss.' I love his boldness. I love his lack of reserve when it came for standing up for God.
When that king dies, Darius comes on the throne and is enticed to make a new decree to worship only King Darious for a month. Those that enticed him to make such a law were people who were trying to drag Daniel down. Daniel openly served God. He worshiped daily in his upstairs window for all to see. Their problem was not his worship, it was his success. It was how well he did his job. When the decree passed, Daniel did not change his ways. Daniel 6:10- When Daniel knew that the document had been signed, he went to his house where he had windows in his upper chamber open toward Jerusalem. He got down on his knees three times a day and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as he had done previously. I love it! He did not do it in defiance. He did not do it to try to prove a point. He just did it because it was his custom to do it. He did as he had always done.
The combined message of both stands that Daniel took tells me to live for Christ, never back up from it. Don't do it for a show. Don't do it to impress. Don't do it to prove a point. Do it because you love Jesus and let nothing come in the way of taking a stand for Christ and spending daily time with the Savior. We all need to stand up! Not to picket. Not to rebel. Not to complain. Just to stand up for Jesus come what may. Do it today and enjoy your Savior while you do it.
I love Daniel!