I hope you read along with us each and every day. In 2008 I read a book called The Divine Mentor by Wayne Cordeiro that inspired me to begin a new type of study of God's Word. It not only inspired me to do it but inspired me to encourage everyone that I possibly could to follow the pattern. Wayne encourages you to read God's Word daily (on average about 4 chapters a day) while asking God to give you one verse for the day to encourage you and give you a sense of direction. Some preacher friends and I came upon this discovery at about the same time. What this plan has done in our churches to encourage people to read God's Word is quite phenomenal. Each quarter First Baptist gives out bookmarks with the daily reading for the quarter. We give out three levels of bookmarks. We give out one for the reading as described above. We give out another for lighter readers or youth. We give out another for 4th to 6th grade readers (or really light readers-about 13 verses a day at the most). Most of these 300 bookmarks are gone each and every quarter. I don't know how many read but I know a lot of people share with me the impact that it has had on them. It is neat to come together around God's Word. This blog contains a daily devotion out of those readings. You can also find the readings at www.lifejournal.cc each day. However, if I can help you with a bookmark or answer any questions, email me at drheeringa@bellsouth.net.
Today we are dealing with the foundation of the real battle. The details are complex and can cause quite a discussion, however, the focus of Revelation 12 is that the devil could not defeat Christ, therefore he dedicates himself to attack the people of Christ. Revelation 12:17 says "Then the dragon became furious with the woman and went off to make war on the rest of her offspring, on those who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus." The woman has been described as Israel (correctly) and as the New Jerusalem of Revelation 21 or the remnant of real believers of the Lord (correct again). Simply she represents the people of God (rather the Old Testament version or the New Testament version). The Church is Triumphant and Christ has won so the devil just tries to wage wars against us daily.
Before you go getting mad at everyone else or feeling like the Lord has deserted you, realize the real battle. If the dragon can kill your joy, and steal your zeal then you won't beam for the Lord and you will make little difference in His Kingdom. That is the plan of a fire breathing dragon bound for hell.
Live the Victory in Christ today and fight the battle wholeheartedly.
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