Friday, November 4, 2011

A Heavy Burden for the Unborn!!!

We have the opportunity on Saturday to read one of the greatest passages.  Galatians 2:20- I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.  It is a wonderful reminder of what it means to truly live for the Lord.  I send this a day early because I will be on the road early Saturday. 
It is my hope that all we do, we will do to please the Lord.  I pray that we will please the Lord at the ballot box on Tuesday.  Mississippi has the opportunity to make a tremendous difference in our nation and to send a powerful message for life, but I am afraid the enemy is working hard to steal us away from the opportunity.  He is doing it in the normal way- the way he does things:  lies, deceit, and fear. I always thought that pro-abortion folks would vote against Initiative 26.  I knew that some who proclaimed to be Christians would misunderstand or not see the light on the matter.  However, I have learned this week how so many have been deceived.  I am leaving on Saturday to go to SC to preach a revival.  I will not be in my pulpit Sunday or I would spend a great amount of time on this issue.  I want to sound the alarm as loud as I can through this opportunity.
I voted absentee on Thursday and I voted 'Yes' to the Personhood Amendment.  Please remember that all we are voting on is where life begins.  Do you believe that life begins at conception?  Do you believe that when the egg is fertilized, life begins?  I hope so.  Jeremiah 1:5 makes it clear that God's intentions for our lives are even before that point: Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.  Surely we believe that by the time, we are conceived, it is time to protect the unborn.  All this initiative does is define life that way.  Our laws already act on such a thought but this is an effort for clarity.  If a pregnant woman is shot and killed in Mississippi, the murderer is charged with a double homicide, because two lives were taken.  The murderer made a choice and he took an unborn life, whether he knew it or not.  However, if that mother decides not to keep that child, she can knowingly terminate its life.  The longer she waits, the worse it is.  Some fight for her to have such a right.  What about the rights of that unborn child?  Who speaks for him or her?  I believe it is our responsibility. 
Don't get caught up in the deception.  This has nothing to do with ectopic or tubular pregnancies.  On Friday morning in the Daily Journal, Dr. Eric Webb, an OB/GYN, tried to clarify: "Women are not doomed to die of life-threatening pregnancy....the mother is entitled to self-defense, where the fetus' right to life does not supersede the mother's right to life...the principle of "double effect" defends the physician whose intent is to save the mother rather than harm the child...the amendment does not obstruct the doctor from saving a mother even if the child cannot be saved."  The lies simply are not true.  Others have tried to say that it will make birth control illegal.  Only those that do not understand how birth control works, can fall for such a lie.  Birth control tries to keep from fertilization, not end fertilization once it has started.  That is unless you consider a "morning after pill" to be birth control.   The effort in a "morning after pill" is to clean out any possibilities of fertilization.  It is somewhat like a drive by shooting to the unborn.  It may or may not take lives.  In my opinion drive-by shooters ought to be charged regardless, so should someone who attempts to take another life by digesting drugs.    It does not do away with in vitro fertilization.  It may require one to do it with more due diligence.  That is not a bad thing.   Someone even told me that it may promote cloning.  Just the opposite.  The only reason cloning is mentioned is to prevent life from being ended however it is fertilized.  The needless terminating of artificially inseminated lives needs to stop.  It is a for-profit industry and lives are taken for a profit. I gave the wording of the intiative sometime ago but I want to do it again.  The question you will be asked is as follows:  "Should the term 'person' be defined to include every human being from the moment of fertilization, cloning, or the functional equivalent thereof?"  That is it!  Is a fetus a life or not?  There really is no question about it.  Don't be fooled by the evil one.  He has been using Planned Parenthood and the ACLU for years to poison lives from living for the cause of Christ concerning such matters.  They have now pumped more national money into the state of Mississippi than you would ever believe.  They will bombard you in these next days to win their cause by deceit. Why?  To defeat the opportunity of the unborn.  Don't be fooled by the evil one.  Vote  'Yes.'


  1. Not trying to be smart or anything, but I don't think you know how birth control works either. It stops ovulation, and it makes it hard for sperm to get to the egg. That's how it works if a woman takes the pill at the same time each day and doesn't miss any steps... that doesn't happen too often. So because of that another thing birth control does is thin the uterine walls are thinned so the fertilized egg cannot implant. If a fertilized egg is a person, then it stand that birth control ought to be banned because it stops a fertilized egg from implanting.

  2. @Meg- not all birthcontrol works the same. Some does stop ovulation, thus no chance for fertilization, some keep the lining of the uterus thinned/unfriendly for implantion of a fertilized egg (just as an IUD does). I26 will allow for those that stop ovulation (YAY) but not the other. The misnomer that it won't allow BC pills is just that - a misnomer. Of course that is just one of many that is being spread around by Planned Parenthood lemmings. Please don't be a lemming.
    Christie Colvin, Eupora, MS
