I have seen and heard a lot of preachers in my days. I attend conferences and listen to podcasts (and before that tapes) and I have heard a lot. I am found out a few things: 1) Those guys that preach the great sermons at conferences, sound a lot more normal if you listen to them week after week. 2) I have found myself to be a preacher watcher as much as a preacher listener.
Last night I heard David Nasser, a hit preacher that has wrote a few books and preached a lot of youth and college events and done quite well for himself. He started a church in Birmingham a little over a year ago and he talked about how hard it was. The strains in many areas of his life. I found myself watching him (interact and respond) as much as I listened.
One of my heroes when I was a preacher boy was Adrian Rogers. He always had the last spot on the last night of the conference and he always hit a homerun. The controversies of the Southern Baptist Convention of the 1970-80's were about over by the time I started listening. I just enjoyed good preaching. However, I also watched and I always wanted to speak to whomever I enjoyed. One night as a college student I rode to Charlotte with some friends to hear Adrian preach at a conference. I caught him in a sidehall as he tried to leave. I told him how influential he was to me. He stopped (although in a hurry) and wrapped his arms around me and prayed for me. I have never forgotten it. He took the time. Not a big thing, maybe, but it was to me. Never ignore the children. At least that is what Jesus said. Mark 10:14-16- 14But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, "Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. 15 Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it." 16And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them.
I had a little boy walk up to me the other day at the middle school. I had just given about a 3-minute devotional thought to the football team. No big conferences, no big sermon, no big deal. A little 7 year old (or close) walks up and says- I always like your Bible talks. Then he ran off and started playing again. I yelled, 'Thank you' as he went.
May God be pleased when He brings the angels for us to entertain. Be watchful and alert today!
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