I guess part of it comes from my earliest church memories being at Faith Baptist Church in Dafter, Michigan. We lived on an Air Force Base in the upper peninsula of Michigan (called the U-P). We would drive off the base to go to a Southern Baptist Church (almost unheard of in those parts then). The most unique thing about the church was that it was an entirely white church except for the pastor and his family (and maybe one other lady). The first pastor that I remember was an African-American. I must say that although he was my pastor for a short time (we moved away), he had one of the biggest impacts on me. Why? Well, for one, I was saved under his ministry. He baptized me. As well, and what I remember most, he prayed with me regularly. While Mom and Dad practiced choir, Bro. Wolf would sit on the back row of the sanctuary and pray with me. I was about 5 at the time. I was taught early on not to be racially bias and that there is not room for such in the Kingdom. I moved to the south after that and the atmosphere is oftentimes different about such things. I have felt the weakness of partiality in me from time to time, but that does not make it right. We are not to be partial in the kingdom. Read how Peter put it. Acts 10:34-35- So Peter opened his mouth and said: “Truly I understand that God shows no partiality, 35 but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him. (www.lifejouranl.cc).
Let's show the love of Christ to all people that God puts us in contact with and work hard to make a difference in our world with no partiality....even today!! Love folks in the Lord today. You will be surprised the doors it will open.
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