The greatest blessings of the Lord are the intangibles of trusting Him, loving Him, and living for Him. It is hard to explain what you have when you have Jesus. Paul repeated called it a mystery, which in the Greek speaks of a secret. Not the kind of secret that (shhhhh!) you don't want to tell or you want to keep from someone. It is more a mystery to folks outside of Christ until they have experienced it. I went to DisneyWorld when I was a teenager and they had just built a roller coaster inside a building called Space Mountain. The first time I rode that, I was amazed. It was the first roller coaster that I had been on in the dark. You could not anticipate what was coming. Now, since then, there have been other rides that do that kind of thing and I have now been to Disney more than I wanted to, however, I still cannot describe to you what it is like to experience that roller coaster in the dark if you never have. I cannot tell you when it loops or if there is a corkscrew. I don't know all the details. I just know the experience. So it is with my relationship with the Lord. If I tried to explain the many blessings of knowing Christ as my personal Savior to someone who has never experienced Him, I am not sure that I could describe it. I am not sure of all the things that Christ has done for and the benefits of knowing Him are greater than I can recall. I can just tell you my experience, and my experience is beyond maybe I can't.
As I read Leviticus 26 about the blessings of obedience, I cannot help but think that the tangible evidences as they are mentioned are great. The intangibles are even better. Maybe Lev. 26:10 will describe it best- You shall eat old store long kept, and you shall clear out the old to make way for the new. I love this passage. I love the wording for some reason. Even more I love the truth behind it. The Lord will make sure we have enough stored up, but even with that, He will give us new. That is great with the things that you can taste and feel, even better with the matters that you cannot. His blessings are matchless, unspeakable, and amazing. Enjoy Him today and tell others how you do!
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