Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Treasure of the Heart

Today as we continue to Prepare 90 Days for Easter (P90E) we read Matthew 6 and Genesis 17, while reflecting on physical symbols that point back to our spiritual realities.

After preaching Sunday on have a fertile heart for God and meditating on that throughout the week, I am drawn this morning to Matthew 6.21- For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

I simply ask two questions: what is your heart drawn to? Is it a hindrance in your walk with God?
There are many things that can grab our time and attention, but they all need to be prioritized under the Lordship of Christ in our lives.

Treasure The Lord today...your heart will follow you there.

1 comment:

  1. I wrote about having a forgiving heart---so that I will not have a "hard heart." Thank you for the devotions and for your great sermons.
