As We continue in our P90E study (Preparing 90 Days for Easter), I encourage you to read Matthew 1 and Acts 4.36-37. When reading Acts 4.36-37, we are challenged to consider three individuals that have encouraged us spiritually and had significant Christlike influence.
Acts 4.36-37- Thus Joseph, who was also called by the apostles Barnabas (which means son of encouragement), a Levite, a native of Cyprus, sold a field that belonged to him and brought the money and laid it at the apostles' feet.
It was the generosity and spiritual sensitivity of Barnabas that first influenced his new name- Mr. Encouragement. I was blessed to be raised in a spiritually encouraging home with parents that lived it out before me and supported me in the calling God placed on my lives. I have pastored for 20 years this month and have been blessed with Godly folk that loved The Lord, are generous with what God has given them, and have marked my life by their influence. This morning Iwant to mention three men that did not live in my home and were not members of the churches that I have pastored.
The first was my Papa, Scott Caton. Early in my life I saw the zeal of a man changed by The Lord and determined to let folks know about it. Papa loved his grandsons and he loved his Lord. He died when I was 10 but I cherish every memory of Him. His picture hangs in my study to be a constant encouragement to keep the main thing as the main thing.
The second is a man named Randolph Center. Randy was the R.A. Leader in my church as a kid. He wanted kids to know Christ. He gave out tons of Pal bubble gum, filled up an old Dodge van, and later a station wagon, to bring unchurched kids to church to hear and see the love of Jesus. When I was burdened, I went to Mr. Center to pray for me. He would pray so hard he would shake and I was convinced (and still am), he would shake the gates of glory with the power of his prayers. When I had my first opportunities to speak to youth in the church, he was in the back, searching the relative scriptures, itching to add a word of the Word, and Amening me all along. A giant of a man of God. Mr. Center celebrates around the throne of God today and has for several years.
The third is one that I saw on local, religious broadcasting when I was pastoring in Hattiesburg. I was spellbound at the words the preacher preached. I found out he was in revival and went. Spellbound again, I asked for 15 minutes and he invited me to breakfast. That is when Ken Smith became a pastoral and spiritual mentor to me. Seldom has a week went by since that I have not talked with Ken. He has influenced as many athletes personally as any one in the nation (I am convinced) and was recently honored by FCA for his contributions. Anyone that has stopped to speak to him after a session has been encouraged by him and has felt that he is a best friend. Well, he probably is.
If I don't call him, He will call me to encourage me. I wake every Sunday morning to his emailed prayers to pastors. I spend a week every spring with him being encouraged with other ministers in, what must be, the most underrated conference in America. Fifteen to twenty of us join him in the Tennessee hills that week and leave having seen God do a mighty work. Already this morning I have received words of encouragement from Him. If you are not his friend, you have missed out. Thank you, Ken for 19 years of notes, words, and advice in The Lord! What a treasure!
The more I write the more I think about men that have influenced me. Many that I have pastored have helped me to continue to 'keep the ball in play' and continue on for Christ's sake. Thank you, Lord, for these men and the flood of memories this morning.
Ponder today on the treasures that God has put along your path. Be sure not to miss or forget the blessings that God sprinkles in your path.
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