Sunday, March 31, 2013

Gone! Gone! Gone!

Since January 1 I have encouraged you to prepare for Easter.  Now, 90 Days later, how prepared are you?  Well, the question is, how do you prepare?  I believe you prepare by spending daily time in God's Word, asking Him to speak a verse or a message into your heart that you can apply and live out that day. Now Easter is here and we celebrate what God has done in our lives as we reflect on what He did through the cross and an empty tomb.

One of the great joys of my trip to Israel last year was visiting the tomb that many believe is where the body of Christ laid.  I am so glad that what the angel said that morning is still true today.  As recorded in Luke 24.6- He is not here, but has risen.  
Hallelujah, He was gone!  The stone was rolled back--gone!  The tomb is empty--gone!  To sit at the Father's side.  Gone!  Over death triumphant!  Gone!  Sin is defeated.  Gone!  And He lives forevermore!

He lives! He lives!  Christ Jesus lives today!
He walks with me and talks with me along life's narrow way.
He lives!  He lives!  Salvation to impart!
You ask me how I know He lives-- He lives within my heart!

Praise Him on this rainy Easter.  Due to the weather, we will be having our Early Worship in the Fellowship Hall today followed by breakfast.  Look forward to seeing you there.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

What About You?

Today, as we continue to Prepare 90 Days for Easter (P90E), but only one more day, we read John 21 and Acts 20.24.

The risen Lord was spending time with the disciples encouraging them to carry out the ministry of the Gospel after He ascended.  He restored Peter and urged Him to feed His sheep.  He also warned him about his death that would come by the hands of others.  Peter asked about John and Jesus replied in John 21.22-  Jesus said to him, "If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow me!"

Who are you depending on to walk with you in the ways of the Lord?  Let's depend on the Lord.  People will let you down.  People will serve different than you do, believe different than you do, act different than you do.  The question is- Are you going to follow Jesus?

The greatest celebration of the Resurrected Lord that we could participate in is the life that is led by Christ as we follow His Will and His Way.

Our Resurrection Celebration starts at 8 AM in the morning at the Traceview Lake.  Breakfast will follow at 8:45 AM in the fellowship hall.  Sunday School is at 9:45 AM and Worship is at 11 AM.  If it is raining at 8 (not supposed to be), we will meet in the fellowship hall at that time. Look forward to seeing you then.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Seeing Is Believing

Today, as we continue to Prepare 90 Days for Easter (P90E), we read John 20 and I Thessalonians 5.18.

Have you ever noticed it?  Read it closely.  John 20.25-29- So the other disciples told him, "We have seen the Lord." But he said to them, "Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails, and place my finger into the mark of the nails, and place my hand into his side, I will never believe."
26 Eight days later, his disciples were inside again, and Thomas was with them. Although the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you."
27 Then he said to Thomas, "Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side. Do not disbelieve, but believe."
28 Thomas answered him, "My Lord and my God!"
29 Jesus said to him, "Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."

Once Thomas saw Christ, did he have to actually touch Him?  The passage says that He answered the Lord.  Jesus responded that Thomas had "seen" the Lord.

Don't put God to the test...just believe!  He will keep His Word.  He did then.  He will today.  Even so, Lord Jesus, quickly come!

Embrace Christ this Resurrection Weekend!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Walk Lightly

Today, as we continue to Prepare 90 Days for Easter (P90E), we read Luke 24 and Colossians 4.2-6.

The tomb is empty and because it is, we have a word to share.  Let us take advantage of every last opportunity.  Paul advises us in  Colossians 4.5-6- Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time.  6 Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.

Walk lightly and carry a big message!  Be ready...opportunity will come.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Walking and Talking Away

Today, as we continue to Prepare 90 Days for Easter (P90E), we read Mark 16 and Philippians 4.4-9.

Mark 16 gives a quick summary of the Resurrection, Appearances, and Ascension of Christ and then it gives the response of his followers.  It is found in v.20 and it reads- And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by accompanying signs.

They left their experience with the Lord telling their story.  God gave them the words, power, and strength and the proof of His power followed them.  Remember that the greatest miracle is a life that is spiritually reborn through one's surrender to Christ.  Not only is their lives changed, but it is hard evidence at the difference the life, death, and resurrection of Christ makes.  When we go away from our experiences with the Lord sharing, He will be with us and people will be changed. 

That is what it is all about: simply letting God work through you.

At FBC we have been blessed this week in revival led by Dr. Gary Permenter, the writer of the P90E study.  Tonight is the last night.  I encourage you to join us for a great blessing.  Have a great day!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Blazing a Trail

Today, as we continue to Prepare 90 Days for Easter (P90E), we read Matthew 28 and Jeremiah 29.11-13.

People often ask how they can know the Will of God for their lives.  Jeremiah 29.11-13 gives us great instruction in this area: For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you.
13 You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.

God seldom, if ever,  gives a long range plan of our lives to us with all the stages and steps of life that we will endure.  However, be assured that He knows them.  What He gives us is a step by step guide to walk daily with spiritual markers along the way.

Last month when I walked the 8.2 mile approach trail to the Southern Terminus of the Appalachian Trail, it was marked by blue blazes that were painted or taped on trees.  I don't know how often they were marked, but there were times when it was several hundred yards before seeing another blaze.  We stayed on the course before us and looked for the blue blazed signs that we were headed in the right direction.  So it is with life.  Blaze a trail for The Lord.  He will guide you on your trail with markers along the way. At times it may seem unmarked, but keep looking to Him.  He has blazed a trail for you.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Under the Influence

Today, as we continue to Prepare 90 Days for Easter (P90E), we read Luke 23 and Colossians 3.23-24.
If you read closely, you will find something very interesting in Luke 23.12- And Herod and Pilate became friends with each other that very day, for before this they had been at enmity with each other.
They became friends because of their common opposition to Christ.  That is exactly opposite of how you should make friends.  Your friendships ought to be because you have a common bond in Christ.  Your friendships ought to be because you are trying to encourage or lead someone else in Christ.  Too often, however, our friendships lead us away from being what we need to be for Christ.  Pilate made a decision against Christ, did not listen to the one that advised him correctly (his wife- Matt.27.19), tried to wash his hands of his decision, and was influenced by the pressure that came from a new friendship.  

Be careful who you hang with, folk.  Make sure you are helping others improve, instead of letting them drag you down.

Let's stand and season for Christ today!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

P90E Revival

Today, as we continue to Prepare 90 Days for Easter (P90E), we read John 19, I Peter 3.18,  Proverbs 13.10, and James 4.1-2.

This week we have been reading and learning I Peter 3.18- For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit.

I cannot think of a better time to concentrate on the sufferings of Christ and the life that we can now have because of the price He paid than on Palm Sunday.   We are blessed at FBC to have Dr. Gary Permenter leading us in revival this week.  He is the writer of the P90E study and it is fitting that he helps close out our study of the Gospels over these 90 days with 5 powerpacked messages this week.  This morning he will preach at 11 AM and each night at 6:30 PM.  I encourage all to come and not miss this opportunity.

We have been made alive in the Spirit of God-- let's live it out and celebrate it this morning!!!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Sound of Music

Today, as we continue to Prepare 90 Days for Easter (P90E), we read John 18 and Galatians 6.9-10.

A couple of months ago I was leaving the School District office when I spoke to the director of the Houston Community Theater.   She was busy preparing prep packets for the new cast of this year's presentation, The Sound of Music.   After a delightful greeting she asked me if I sang.  I said, ' a little.'  She then said I was just the person that she was looking for.  She had a part in this year's play that included a song and a couple of lines.  (At least, that was the message I walked away with.)  I took the song home, asked my wife to play it for me, sang it a couple of times, and accepted the part.  The next day the script, the 120 page script, was delivered and my character's name was on a BUUUNNNNCCCHHH of the pages.   My heart started palpitating, cold sweats poured out, walking the floor took over, and something was all busting loose inside me.  I knew that I had got the role because the other dudes did not want it, but now I knew why.

I must admit that part of the problem is that I had never sat down and watched in its entirety, The Sound of Music.  It is a family favorite, but when it is watched, we are usually on a long trip and kids are watching it with headphones on while I barrel down the road in that gap between the speed limit and the speed that they actually pull you over for.   I thought and actually tried to tell my wife on day 1 that Captain Von Trapp, my new leading actor role,  was only in a small part of the movie.  I said, "He goes off to the war right after the opening scene." Although the play and the movie take place during a war era, it is not a war movie.  He leaves for a short time...only!  I found that out when I actually watched the movie...after I volunteered for the part.  

We immediately began practicing at least two hours for two days a week.  That crescendoed into this week, which was made up of about 20 hours of practice and dress rehearsel time.  Tonight we perform.  It is my debut appearance in the community theater or in any theater and, yes, it is quite different than preaching.  Speaking in front of people is about the only similiarity.  It has been one of the most enjoyable, humbling, audacious tasks that I have ever taken on, but I sure am glad I least so far:  I just hope this homeboy remembers his lines.  

I bring that up for two reasons.  I have been told that The Sound of Music is the biggest performance that the theater has taken on.  It is a large cast, many elaborate set changes, a ton of music, and an interesting cast of characters.  This performance was one that the director had been warned about, challenged about, and often requested for.  Today is the day.   If you haven't made plans to be there, you should.  Janet Coker is a wonderful director, coordinator, organizer, and manager of this presentation and its diverse cast of characters.  Larry Newell has taken a blank musical canvas and painted quite a picture with the colors that he was handed.  Molly May plays Maria, the lead role, and she is an amazing talent.  She is worth your time and your dime.   The nun choir is like NUN other. You should not miss them.

The second reason I bring it up is because I thought of all of that when I read Galatians 6.9 this morning: And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.  After the hours of prep, I and my fellow cast members are tired.  It has been a long week and a lot of hard work, but a good thing is worth a lot of hard work.  Tonight we long as homeboy remembers his lines.  The storm woke my dog up at 4:30 AM and she woke me up.  The storm in my gut and my frazzled mind kept me up.  Tonight we reap.  However, that is a drop in the bucket compared to what hard work for the Lord does.  The reaping for the work of God is eternal.

Serve The Lord today.  It may be more work at times that you thought or that you intended but it will be worth it.  It will be music to your heart.

Hope to see you tonight!

Friday, March 22, 2013

God's Waterboy

Today, as we Prepare 90 Days for Easter (P90E), we read Luke 22, Deuteronomy 6.10-12, and Hosea 13.4-6.

Did you notice him when you were reading?  It is easy to miss, but he is a crucial part.  Jesus wanted to have the Passover meal with his disciples in the upper room.  It would be their last time together before the crucifixion.  The longest passage  that we have of a teaching time from Christ came in that room (John 13-17).  It was an important time that Christians have always looked to for strength and guidance. The Upper Room is a big deal.  How was it all arranged?  We don't know.  However, we do know that Christ told his disciples to look for somebody.  It is found in Luke 22.10He said to them, "Behold, when you have entered the city, a man carrying a jar of water will meet you. Follow him into the house that he enters.

Just a guy carrying a jar of water.  Big deal?  No.  The only thing significant about it is that women were the water carriers.  Guys did not carry the water, so this guy would be noticeable. It would have been easy for him to say, "I am not doing that.  That is not my job." OR "I want to do something important, not just carry water."  Yet, the only thing we know about the preparations of the upper room is that Jesus told them to look to the guy carry water.  

Never underestimate the responsibility that God allows you to take on.  Never underestimate the work that God is doing in you through what may appear to be unimportant or distant.  Just follow the Lord's guidance.  Be at the right place at the right time carrying the right thing.   You may make eternal history.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Lighter Treading

Today, as we continue to Prepare 90 Days for Easter (P90E), we read Mark 15 and John 3.16-19.

Our opportunity is in Christ.  In Him we can forever be changed.  He does not only change our eternal future, but He changes our everyday lives.  As John 3.19 states- And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil.

Make the choice to walk in the light today.  You will get a much better understanding of where you are going.  Enjoy it!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

An Impossible Wash

Today, as we continue to Prepare 90 Days for Easter (P90E), we read Matthew 27.

Pilate was put in a compromising position and that is exactly what he did...he compromised.   Pilate had the responsibility thrown upon him to decide what to do with Jesus.  Did he fulfill the wishes of the Jewish leaders to crucify Christ on trumped up charges or did he dismiss the charges as not relating to Roman law?  He decided to be a people pleaser.  The people wanted it the way the accusers wanted it.  Although Pilate's wife had told him not to rule against Christ, Pilate did not listen to his wife.  (Take note, men, but, shhh!- don't say anything about it.)  Instead Pilate did what he thought the majority of the people wanted him to do and then he tried to excuse himself of it.  Matthew 27.24 puts it this way- So when Pilate saw that he was gaining nothing, but rather that a riot was beginning, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying, "I am innocent of this man's blood; see to it yourselves."

The reality is the same for him as it is for us, however:  You cannot wash your hands of your responsibility when it comes to Christ.  You are responsible for your commitment to Christ, your walk with Christ, your stand for Christ, and your faithfulness to Christ.  Don't make any excuses at anytime.  Just be faithful...even today!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A World of Difference

Today, as we continue to Prepare 90 Days for Easter (P90E), we read John 17 and the book of Jonah.

In John 17 Jesus prays for the believers that will carry on the sharing of the Gospel after His Death, Resurrection and Ascension has taken place.  It is a prayer specifically aimed at those who profess Christ as Lord and who need His daily strength and guidance to make the kind of difference that we have the potential to make through the Gospel message.
Folks, He is praying for us.  He started before the cross.  He now makes intercession for us at the right hand of the Father.  Christ prays for you.  He even lives to pray for you!   How does He pray?  Look at John  17.17-18- Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.
As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world.
He prays that His Word will wash us clean and make us whole.  H
He prays that we will rely upon His Word as the truth in a world of deceptive lies.
He prays that we will share as He sends us out to make a world of difference.

Let's live to answer His Prayers today!

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Gravy of Life

Today, as we continue to Prepare 90 Days for Easter (P90E), we read John 16 and Hebrews 12.5-11.

You will have difficulties...expect it.  You are imperfect...and a sinner.  That makes for enough difficulties.  You live with and around people who have stuff going on in their lives.  They are imperfect and they are sinners.  That makes for difficulty.   You cannot compartmentalize your life like a cafeteria tray.  Your gravy from one lump of mashed potatoes will roll right into the beans of life in another area.  That makes for problems within.  You then try to grin and bear it, but run into those other people and their plate is all messed up too.  The 'grinning and the bearing' don't work as well as either of you planned and then comes more difficulties.  You then go to work or into traffic or to a ball game, and all those people's 'plates' are messed up too.  How in this world are we ever going to find peace?  I'm glad you asked.   Jesus said in  John 16.33- I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world. 

The only peace you are going to find is in Christ.  It is not about your 'gravy'.  Bring your plate to Him as you are.  You will be surprised at the peace that passes understanding when He is in your midst.

This coming Sunday, March 24,  FBC Houston is overjoyed to have Dr. Gary Permenter in revival.  Gary wrote the P90E study that this writing is based out of.  If you are local and have the opportunity to be a part of our revival, I want to encourage you to commit to come and to prepare this week for revival.  Today, as you pray ask God to reveal any unconfessed sin in your life to Him.  Get clean today before the Lord and determine in your heart that this week will be a week of preparation for revival. 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Key to Fruitfulness

Today, as we continue to Prepare 90 Days for Easter (P90E), we read John 15 and Acts 15.

The Word that God speaks to me today is simple in understanding but powerfully penetrating in carrying out.  It has an effect on every part of our lives.  Jesus said in John 15.5- I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.

Let's abide in Him today and be fruitful!  Hope to see you this morning in worship.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Two Things Today

Today, as we continue to Prepare 90 Days for Easter (P90E), we read John 14, James 1.2-4, and I Corinthians 1.26-2.5.

The verses that we have looked at it again and again this week have been the following:  James 1.2-4-   2 Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds,
3 for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.
4 And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

Remember two things today:  It is not what happens to you.  It is what happens to what happens to you.  You will face difficulty.  What difference will it make in your life?  It depends on how you face it.

Also: Stay at it regardless of what this day holds.  Be steadfast in every way for the Lord.  He is doing a work in you and He will not be finished until you see Him face to face.

Today is a travel day for us.  Remember my family today in prayer for safe travel when you think of us.  Have a great day!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Stooping To Serve

Today, as we continue to Prepare 90 Days for Easter (P90E), we read John 13 and Psalm 116.

In John 13 Jesus commits a beautiful act for the disciples of service and devotion. He washes their feet.   The washing of feet was a wonderful service that a guest would receive upon entering a nice home with a warm welcome.  As we would take someone's coat today, they would have their lowest servant wash a guest's feet.  In that day when people went barefooted or sandaled and walked along the same roads as the domesticated animals walked, a good foot washing was important and very refreshing.
Some have made footwashing a part of worship as a required celebration for the church because of the words of Christ.  We do not celebrate it in that way.  Those special celebrations that we participate in, and that we call ordinances, are the Lord's Supper and baptism.  We chose to celebrate those two because they both directly point to the cross, the centrality of our faith, and they were both regularly observed by the first churches after the ascension of Christ. That does not mean that foot washing is not a beautiful, symbolic ceremony or that the message behind it is not of a supreme importance.  It appears Jesus was focusing on the meaning behind it. You make the call. It is found in
John 13.14-17- If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet.
15 For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you.
16 Truly, truly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him.
17 If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them.

The point Jesus is making is that we ought to be quick to serve other people.  We ought to be willing to stoop ourselves to the lowest level to help someone out.   Our service to others helps us show Christ working in us and opens the door for us to share His Truth with others.

Be quick to serve others today...and have a great day.  Be blessed and be a blessing.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Distance Makes the Heart

Today, as we continue to Prepare 90 Days for Easter (P90E), we read Matthew 26 and Luke 4.14-21.

We read this morning about the last day before Christ went to the cross.  I cannot but notice a description of Peter's actions after the arrest of Christ.  Notice it in Matthew 26.58- And Peter was following him at a distance, as far as the courtyard of the high priest, and going inside he sat with the guards to see the end. Peter was following Christ at a distance.  His distant relationship to Christ led to his denial of Christ around others.   After Christ resurrects, Peter has a meeting with Jesus and he is both restored and challenged.  After that encounter, Peter becomes a fearless giant for the Lord and makes great strides for the Gospel.

My question for today:  How close are you following Jesus?  If it is only at a distance, you are bound to deny Him in the crucial points in your life.  You will only be loosely associated with Him, and will, sometimes, deny that-- if not in words, in actions.  However, if you are walking close to The Lord.  If you are in fellowship with Him, you know that you can be restored and challenged at the same time to do mighty things for God.

Let's make sure that we are not following at a distance, but, instead, that we are walking close. Enjoy Jesus today!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A Great Day!

Yesterday I was able to do something that I have been looking to do for over five years: I walked the approach trail at Amicalola Falls, GA to the Southern Terminus of the Appalachian Trail.  This approach trail is considered 'strenous' by hikers and I know it is for a fat boy.  We bought a ride back to the van after reaching the top.  Ron Brown gives hikers rides every day and he has seen a lot.  He estimated that if all the thru-hikers (the guys and girls that take 6 months to walk the 2,108 mile trail at one time)started with the approach trail, only 1/3 would continue on.  The approach trail ends people's dreamy ideas of the great walk in the woods.  It is also something that I am sure I would not have been able to carry out (or at least without a lot of problems) a few months ago.  In July I started my prep.  I have lost 52 lbs. and walked nearly 250 miles.  Not yet physically where I want to be but I'm still striving.

Yesterday was a great day because I got to spend it with a dear friend, Bryan Clevenger.  I was Bryan's pastor for ten years and I have seen him suffer with cancer, go through unusual and painful surgeries, celebrate the miraculous birth of his daughter, and make great strides in the Lord over that decade.  I often say that Bryan is a Gulf War veteran, a cancer survivor, a Doctor of Education, a high school track and cross country coach, a history buff, and a great Christian; in another words, he is a hero.  He took me on as his case and has cheered me all along the way as I have tried to physically improve myself.

Yesterday was not the end of the journey, but only the beginning.  We plan to do more day hikes on the Appalachian Trail.  A great day and a memory maker.  Besides some muscle strain in my right thigh from all my ascending steps, I am unscathed and ready for more.

Today, as we continue to Prepare 90 Days for Easter (P90E), we read Mark 14 and Romans 16.

In Mark 14 a beautiful sacrifice is made and the aroma of such a personal cost for the cause of Christ has never left the room. Jesus put it this way in Mark 14.9- And truly, I say to you, wherever the gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will be told in memory of her.

Never underestimate the impact of your personal sacrifice for the cause of Christ. We are still amazed with this lady's sacrifice.  Let's amaze folks with our dedicated service to the Lord.  Have a great day!

Monday, March 11, 2013


Today, as we continue to Prepare 90 Days for Easter (P90E), we read Luke 21, Psalm 42, and Psalm 63.

One of my favorite passages is Psalm 42.1 for a few of reasons.  First the verse- As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God. 
I like this passage because I like a walk in the woods.  Growing up in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, I have walked up several trails and I think I have enjoyed every one of them.  It is really neat when you walk up on wildlife, at least the non-dangerous type.  I like animals that are more scared of me than I am of them.   Where I live now, I often travel down the Natchez Trace Parkway and it is known for its deer in the parts I often drive.  I don't like to see them there, because they damage a vehicle.  However, there is a spot on the oft-traveled Trace with a stream flowing through and deer often assembled.  It is a beautiful scene, as long as they don't come to the road.

I also like it because I am often thirsty for the Lord.  I would have wrote this psalm- Like my dog loves to lap in her water bowl, so my soul loves to take in His Word.  What a privilege we have in God today!  Take advantage of it!

One more reason I love this passage...especially today.  Tomorrow I get to do, if it is the Lord's Will, something I have been anticipating for a few years now.  In the morning I will leave early (and will not be writing) to pick up a friend and drive to Amicalola Falls in north Georgia.  Amicalola Falls is a beautiful place of its own, but it also marks the spot where the Appalachian Trail starts.   From Georgia the trail heads north through the Shenandoah Valley to the state of Maine.  However, to get to the beginning of the Trail, you have to hike the approach trail or drive to within a mile of the Southern Terminus up a log road.  Well, tomorrow, we are planning to walk the approach trail.  The approach trail is an eight mile trail that takes you from 1300 ft to 3500 ft. to the top of Springer Mountain.  Springer Mountain is where the Appalachian Trail begins.   It is not an easy trail, but it ought to be fun to do.   Bryan Clevenger is the one going with me.  Bryan is a Gulf War Veteran, a cancer survivor, a triathlete, a high school coach, and a wonderful man of God.   Bryan also is well prepared to carry my carcass out of there if it is more than I thought it was.  I look forward to the day.
Pray for us if you think of it tomorrow.

I look forward to this day as well.   Are you thirsty for The Lord?  He is the only thing that satisfies

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Cross Talk

Today, as we continue to Prepare 90 Days for Easter (P90E), we read Matthew 24 and I Corinthians 1.10-18.

It is not how much you know, how well educated you are, or how powerful your words are.   I believe in continuing to learn, getting a good education, and being careful what you say, however, being God-led in your words or actions is even more crucial...and more effective.   Paul, a very educated man who continued to learn and spoke powerful words, said in I Corinthians 1.17- For Christ did not send me to baptize but to preach the gospel, and not with words of eloquent wisdom, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power.

Talk of the cross, Gospel-oriented conversation, Christ-exalting language is more effective and  life-changing than your knowledge of current events or your ability to spout out big words.  Speak Jesus and you will see lives effected.

Do it in wisdom with good lingual skills and with great examples, but don't waver away from the cross.  Speak Jesus today.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

A Scurry Hurry

Today, as we continue to Prepare 90 Days for Easter (P90E), we read Mark 13, Romans 12.9, 2 Corinthians 6.6, and I Peter 2.22.

I have been reflecting this morning on Mark 13.33-34- Be on guard, keep awake. For you do not know when the time will come.  34 It is like a man going on a journey, when he leaves home and puts his servants in charge, each with his work, and commands the doorkeeper to stay awake.

When I was a kid and had a task to do before my parents got home, I had a tendency to wait until the last minute and then scurry as they pulled up to complete the task and look like I had been hanging out.  I wanted the appearance that I had been working the whole time and was now resting.  Most of the time it was done in the last minute or not quite complete.

My children do the same thing to me.

Let's not do it to the Lord!  Let's work 'til Jesus comes and make a difference in the world that He has planted us.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Ignoring the Camel

Today, as we continue to Prepare 90 Days for Easter, we read Matthew 23 and Romans 8.14-17.

In Matthew 23 Jesus is straightening out the religious leaders who are so proud of themselves.  In the midst of the corrections, He speaks of a passage that has become one of my favorites.  I mention it often because it is one of the biggest hindrances in the life of a Christian and one of the biggest setbacks in the life of  a church.  Jesus put it this way in Matthew 23.24You blind guides, straining out a gnat and swallowing a camel!

We have a tendency to make a big deal out of the little things and to neglect the big things.  That kind of misdirection will mess us up in any venue, in all relationships, and will effect every good work that it influences.

Focus today on what is important and don't sweat the little stuff.  Have a great day!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Where We Stand

Today, as we Prepare 90 Days for Easter (P90E), we read Matthew 22 and 2 Peter 3.9.

Throughout the ministry of Jesus the religious leaders were trying to pin Jesus in His Words or in some situation.  They would hover at the back of the room, murmur among each other, and then plot and plan some way to embarrass, interrogate, or catch Jesus in some misjudgment that they could hold against Him.  They had to be careful about it, because they did not want to offend the people listening.  They just wanted to turn Him off from the people following Him and get Him to say or do something that transgressed the law.  They are at it again in Matthew 22.  They have built up a scenario, no doubt after several power meetings, that seems impossible to answer.  Well, He does answer and then turns it on them again, but I want you to notice their mindset going into the question.   Read their lead statement into the question.  It is in Matthew 22.16-17- And they sent their disciples to him, along with the Herodians, saying, "Teacher, we know that you are true and teach the way of God truthfully, and you do not care about anyone's opinion, for you are not swayed by appearances. Tell us, then, what you think. 

Now, remember, they were trying to set Him up, however, their first comments were  the truth.  They knew what He taught was the truth.  They knew He did not care about anyone's opinion.  He was going to take His stand with no reservations.   They knew that He was not swayed by their authority.  The question I have to ask you and me this morning is this:  Do people KNOW that about us?

Are you easily swayed?  Do you give in to peer pressure?  Are you one way with one person and other way with another group?  Jesus had a solid testimony because people knew without a doubt where He stood.  We should have such a testimony as well.

Stand Up, Stand Up for

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

In the Storm

Today, as we Prepare 90 Days for Easter (P90E), we read Mark 12 and Hebrews 10.23-25.

We are surrounded by trees at my house.  When the straight line winds come and the threat of tornadoes, those big trees can be scary.  We hear branches fly and see the shadows of the limbs blowing back and forth.  How much notice do you get when one is coming down?  They have been standing a long time and there is a reason for that, but in the storm, it can shake you up.

There are other storms in life as well.  More noise and shadows than big trees can ever cause.  What do you do?  I believe that you remember who you are to put your confidence in.  Whether is a weather storm, a storm of emotion, or a storm of personal difficulty, remember who is there, even when you don't recognize Him.  Remember what Jesus said to the disciples in the midst of their storm.  In Mark 12.50- But immediately he spoke to them and said, "Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid."

You are not riding through this storm alone.   Rest in The Lord.   He is with you today.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Fresh Reminder

Today, as continue to Prepare 90 Days for Easter (P90E), we read Luke 20, Genesis 6-8, and Ephesians 2.8-10. 

I tell my family often that I love them.  I want them to know and hear it and never wonder about it.  
Sometimes when Millie, my 6 year old, is up in my lap, I will ask her- Do you know what?  I have done this so often that she will often say- I know, I know, you love me.   Inevitably, when she answers me like that I will say- No, I think you need to go clean your room or something similiar just to try to baffle her.  We have a laugh and then I say, I love you, girl. 

Now, I don't say that to try to draw a perfect picture of the bliss of a pastor's home.  We are just like everybody else.  I am very time conscious and live with three slow ladies-- how do you think it goes? However, I try to remind them often of the most important things, so that there will never be a doubt.

Can the apostle Paul and I remind you this morning of a precious truth?  It is found in
Ephesians 2.8-9For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.

You did not earn it.  You cannot maintain it.  Lean hard upon the grace of God that can change you, shape you, and never leave you.  It is not you.  It is Christ in you.

Live and lean on those truths today.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Juicy Fruit

Today, as we continue to Prepare 90 Days for Easter, we read Mark 11 and John 15.

I don't know about you, but I want my time, energy, and effort to be put into something fruitful.  What is the secret?  Jesus says in John 15.5- I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.

Sounds to me like our time with God is the way to see fruit produced in our lives regardless of what we are doing.   Like the sun and rain are required for growth in plants, let the Son shine upon you and the Spirit rain into your heart through the Word every day.  We'll find our lives to be much more fruitful.

Have a fruity day-- do what it takes!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Cross Fellowship

Today, as we continue to Prepare 90 Days for Easter (P90E), we read Matthew 21 and Colossians 3.12-14.

I am preaching on the cross this morning as we anticipate Easter coming and when you preach on the centrality of the entire message, it is always exciting.

Colossians 3.12-14 tells us how our fellowship ought to be.- Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience,
13 bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.
14 And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.

When those traits identify us and we are looking to the cross,  God will be at work, no matter what we face.

Hope to see you in worship.  If not with me, in a church in your spot.  Have a great day!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

A Smell that Sticks

Today, as we continue to Prepare 90 Days for Easter (P90E), we read John 12 and Colossians 4.12.
When I was very young, we lived on an Air Force base in the upper peninsula of Michigan, not far from Canada.  We had very cold winters with snow drifts that would cover the side of a house  and snow that stayed on the ground for months.  Pudgy was the legendary dog that was in our home as I was growing up.  Dad would walk Pudgy in the 'little woods' right behind our house every night.  The 'big woods' were across the road and were good for longer strolls earlier in the day.  The difference for me: I could go in the little woods but never go to the big woods.  Kinda a Wizard of Oz kind of thing.  Anyway, one night as Dad and the dog made the late night pit stop, they met a friend.  The friend had black and white fur and a stink sac right around its tail that it could aim very well.  Immediately the dog and the Dad's life was changed.

No longer were they welcomed into their own home.
The dog that was so used to be petted was now shunned.
The Dad, ol' reliable, did not have the same magic to him anymore.
When the wind chill is below zero and your aroma is so bad that the family wants the windows down in the station wagon, you stink.  No two ways about it.
I know what they say, but you can bathe in whatever kind of juice you want stink.  We threw rotten tomatoes at them, but as they said of Lazarus, "But they stinketh."  The aroma filled the house, or at least their lives, for a time.

Let me tell you about another aroma that filled a house.  It is in John 12.3- Mary therefore took a pound of expensive ointment made from pure nard, and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair. The house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.

It was a precious perfume that she was using and its fragrance was wonderfully strong, but so was her  sacrificial service for the Lord.  When you are willing to serve the Lord, no holds barred, and lay all you are at his feet, the sweet aroma of sacrificial service will effect many lives.  It will change the aroma of a household.  It will sweeten the smell of a church.

Serve the Lord today with gladness.  You'll be smelling fine!

Friday, March 1, 2013

The Messing of the Mind

When I was a young teenager, there was an evangelist that drew a big crowd talking about the evils of Rock n Roll.  He would talk about the evils in the lives of the rock stars, the evil in the music, and the evil in the messages that you could find in the music when it was played backwards.  We played records then and it was possible on some machines to listen to it playing backward.  The only message I remember was one by Queen called "Another One Bites the Dust".  If played backwards, you could hear something that sounded like 'learn to smoke marijuana.'  Now, it helped if they told a preteen what he was supposed to hear before they played it.  If not, you were pretty clueless. The claim was that, even though you could not hear it in forward play, your mind could pick it up subliminally and have an effect on you without your knowledge.  I haven't figured all that out, but I remember the line that he would always use and I still use it today:  Somebody is messing with your mind and you don't even know it!  He was right.

We are in a very real spiritual battle and it is easy to let the ways of the world win you over.  However, in Christ we have the opportunity to be transformed... changed forever.   Once we are, we are to work daily at making sure our mind and life reflect it.  The passage of the day is
Romans 12.2- Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Let the Lord renew your mind today by saturating your life with the truths of His Word and having a heart to heart with the Lord early in the day.  I pray it is a blessed day for you.