When I was a young teenager, there was an evangelist that drew a big crowd talking about the evils of Rock n Roll. He would talk about the evils in the lives of the rock stars, the evil in the music, and the evil in the messages that you could find in the music when it was played backwards. We played records then and it was possible on some machines to listen to it playing backward. The only message I remember was one by Queen called "Another One Bites the Dust". If played backwards, you could hear something that sounded like 'learn to smoke marijuana.' Now, it helped if they told a preteen what he was supposed to hear before they played it. If not, you were pretty clueless. The claim was that, even though you could not hear it in forward play, your mind could pick it up subliminally and have an effect on you without your knowledge. I haven't figured all that out, but I remember the line that he would always use and I still use it today: Somebody is messing with your mind and you don't even know it! He was right.
We are in a very real spiritual battle and it is easy to let the ways of the world win you over. However, in Christ we have the opportunity to be transformed... changed forever. Once we are, we are to work daily at making sure our mind and life reflect it. The passage of the day is
Romans 12.2- Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Let the Lord renew your mind today by saturating your life with the truths of His Word and having a heart to heart with the Lord early in the day. I pray it is a blessed day for you.
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