Today, as we Prepare 90 Days for Easter (P90E), we read Matthew 22 and 2 Peter 3.9.
Throughout the ministry of Jesus the religious leaders were trying to pin Jesus in His Words or in some situation. They would hover at the back of the room, murmur among each other, and then plot and plan some way to embarrass, interrogate, or catch Jesus in some misjudgment that they could hold against Him. They had to be careful about it, because they did not want to offend the people listening. They just wanted to turn Him off from the people following Him and get Him to say or do something that transgressed the law. They are at it again in Matthew 22. They have built up a scenario, no doubt after several power meetings, that seems impossible to answer. Well, He does answer and then turns it on them again, but I want you to notice their mindset going into the question. Read their lead statement into the question. It is in Matthew 22.16-17- And they sent their disciples to him, along with the Herodians, saying, "Teacher, we know that you are true and teach the way of God truthfully, and you do not care about anyone's opinion, for you are not swayed by appearances. Tell us, then, what you think.
Now, remember, they were trying to set Him up, however, their first comments were the truth. They knew what He taught was the truth. They knew He did not care about anyone's opinion. He was going to take His stand with no reservations. They knew that He was not swayed by their authority. The question I have to ask you and me this morning is this: Do people KNOW that about us?
Are you easily swayed? Do you give in to peer pressure? Are you one way with one person and other way with another group? Jesus had a solid testimony because people knew without a doubt where He stood. We should have such a testimony as well.
Stand Up, Stand Up for
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