Monday, November 11, 2013

When Tempted

Today we read Psalm 122 and 1 Corinthians 9-11.

Temptation is very deceptive. It is easy for us to feel and respond differently to temptation than we should. I want you to be clear what Scripture teaches us about temptation.  These are some truths that you need to put on the mirror of your memory and be reminded of them everyday.

1.  You are not the only one being tempted like you are. 1 Cor. 10.13a- No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. 
It is easy for us to feel like nobody could ever understand our circumstances.  That feeling of uniqueness will make us more vunerable to fall to the temptation.  The reality is that we all are different with different weaknesses and struggles, but there are common threads of sinful troubles in all of us.  If we all got real honest with each other, we would find our struggles are not that different. How we respond to it usually makes the most difference.   However, understand that a strategy of the evil one is to make us feel like we are the only one that has experienced such as this, therefore it is OK for us to do.  It is just a lie of the evil one. Don't fall for it.

2. You can walk away from your temptation without falling to it. I Cor. 10.13b- God is faithful and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability...
The devil also likes to make us feel that there is no way that we can walk away once we have been tempted.  That is simply not true.  Remember: being tempted is not a sin.  Falling to temptation is.
A child of God has the power of God within him, you have power to overcome.  Don't be fooled into thinking that you have no choice.  It is simply not true.

3. You have the power of God to guide you out of your temptation. 1 Cor. 10.13cbut with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.
This point is worth reiterating because Scripture repeats it.  You are not on your own.  Others have been there.  The Lord is with you.  If you are a child of God with the Spirit of God in you, He will strengthen you.  He will also provide you a way out.  A temptation is not a dead end.  It is a cul-de-sac. Turn around.  Walk away. He has enabled you and provided you a path to walk away from temptation without yielding to it.

The first half of the battle is understanding these principles, believing them, and marking them on the memory of your mind.  The second is to reflect back on them when tempted, apply them, and walk away from temptation.

I pray that you

I hope to see you today at the noon lunch and the revival worship at 6:30 PM tonight at FBC.

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