Friday, May 25, 2012

The High Cost of Low Living

Of all the passages that we read today ( a great summary of our material can be found in one of my most quoted verses, Romans 3:23- For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.  The cost of our sin is always much more than we anticipate. Solomon lived a blessed life.  Left with a silver spoon in his hand and a golden mind in his head, his appetite for exploration was far too spirited to keep him on the narrow road of seeking after only the things of God.  Queen Sheba praised him because he was so wise.  His full potential for legacy was never reached because he was far to foolish.  He tasted the flavors  of all the  world by marrying women from all over the known world.  Each brought their own pagan religion and ritual. Some were too influencing upon him.  1 Kings 11:3 states that 'his wives turned away his heart.'  The results were that  a nation blessed to have a great spiritual house built under a king with a great mind for supervision split in two within a generation after he passed.  Israel had been blessed with David, the mighty warrior king, who grew Israel to his largest state.  However, David's adulterous practices were mimicked by his boy, who was also his successor.  Solomon inherited a great land and made it greater with a great house for worship.  However, his own appetites led to the nation going the wrong way.  Sin costs Israel greatly. 
Sin costs us greatly too.  We influence our next generation and they influence the next.  The great salvation story is the forgiveness of God and the free gift of eternal life in spite of our own destructive ways.  However, never underestimate the strong web of influence that your sin has.  Nations have been destroyed because of one man's personal have have have legacies. 
Live for Christ today...for His Sake...for your sake...for their sake.

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