If we are not careful, we will act like peacocks, showing our flumes to as many as will look. People go in deep, deep debt to try to keep up with the Joneses and when they do, the Joneses refinance and trump them again. I even get tickled on social network sites how people 'report' what they are doing- How grand this restaurant is or how glorious the vacation. Some of it is sharing experiences, I understand, but some of it is just showing everyone else how great you are. Many are dying for affirmation. From kindergarten through adulthood many seek through trying to outdo each other.
Well, if we are going to outdo each other, let's do it biblically. Romans 12.10- Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. (www.lifejournal.cc) If we are going to try to be better than someone else, let's do it the right way. Let's love better. Let's lift up better. Let's encourage better. Let's honor God better, by honoring others better. Let's put ourselves and our exploits behind others, and honor God and others at the same time.
It's a challenge but it is worth the effort. Let's outdo each other today!
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