Matthew 25:32-33 -Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 And he will place the sheep on his right, but the goats on the left. (
On our travel from Jerusalem to the desert area we would often see many interesting sights that we did not have time to pull over and snap a picture of. Most pictures from the bus leave a lot to be desired. One of the sights that we saw often were the Bedouin people. They would look to be homeless but they are really not. They live in the desert. They build houses out of scraps of metal, left over wood, and such. The houses are no more than open air shelters. Many are shepherds. We saw some of their children walking home from school. Our guide told us that their kids walk five miles to school every day. They looked like the homeless, but they had chosen that life.
Because many were shepherds, we often saw shepherds with sheep or goats. One time in particular I saw four shepherds bunched up talking. They were surrounded by sheep and goats. The flocks were all mixed together but I know that once the shepherd gave his unique call, his flock will follow. The sheep and the goats would part ways.
This was a common sight in Jesus' day as well and out of that experience, He shared a story. He explained that at the end of the time, the mixture of all types of people in this world, will be seperated between those that loved and followed the Lord, and those that never claimed Him as shepherd. Eternal rewards are based on are what we do with life's opportunities.
We have heard that many times. Hearing it many times does not take away from the reality of it, but it can effect how much we still pay attention to it. This is my question for today: How well are we listening to Our Shepherd now? While on the earth and in our daily lives, how well are we listening when He calls us to gather to Him?
Let's not miss a single opportunity. Let's listen to Him now, daily, so that we will be sure to recognize His Voice when THAT day comes.
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