Friday, August 19, 2011


In today's Scripture we run across a very interesting passage.  It is found in John 21:11- So Simon Peter climbed back into the boat and dragged the net ashore. It was full of large fish, 153, but even with so many the net was not torn. 153 large fish!  That is a good day!  That is also the exact number of fish fillets that the Senior Adults ate last night at Cravin' Catfish on our outing!  Isn't that amazing! Actually that is probably close to how many 36 people ate, but I wasn't not counting, I was kidding. 

Why 153?  Oh, that is such a question that gives theologians such a challenge they just can't help but get excited. 
>Some believe that 153 was the total number of species of fish that they were familiar with in the 1st century, and that is why they caught that many.  That would mean that God led them to reach one from every species and that would give an evangelistic perspective to the catch that would encourage them to reach the world.  That's good, ain't it?  Not really.  Historical documentation tells us that it was 157 different species that they were aware of and this Scripture does not even refer to different species.  
>Others believe that 153 fish were caught because it is the sum of 1 to 17 if you add all the numerals together (17+16+15+14......).   Why would 17 be significant?  10 is considered a perfect number in Biblical Numerology because of the 10 commandments, representing the complete or perfect law of God.  7 represents the "sevenfold gifts of the Spirit."  Put the Old Testament and the New together like that and WHAM!, what a message!!  Or is it? 
>Then there is the triangle theory.  If you make a triangle out of 153 dots, you will have an equilateral triangle with 17 dots on each side.  That goes back to the 17 numerology with some three-sided trinity thrown in.  Don't you wonder, how long did the ole boy work on that one?   
>Then there is the 153 languages that made up the world at that time and that it symbolizes reaching the world for Christ.   I don't know about that and  I can't verify the number of known languages at that time. 
So what is it?  Why, 153?  Well, I don't deny the evangelistic connection.  He did call them (and us) to be fishers of men.   When we follow His lead and not rely on our expertise, He will bless and many lives will be effected.   Along those lines, there is a great passage in the first half of Ezekiel 47 that is a wonderful illustration of the power of God bringing life and it is with a fishing connection.  A very cool passage! 
So even with an evangelistic connection, why 153?  I think it was recorded as 153 fish because it was a remarkable and memorable catch.  What fisherman would not remember a day when he got 153 fish. Some estimate that with the weight of a wet net, that they dragged in over 300 lbs into that boat.  That is quite a day of fishing!  And how did they catch those fish?  They did what Christ told them to do.  They did not doubt it.  They did not disobey even though they had been fishing for so long and THEY were the fishermen.  They did what Christ wanted them to do and He blessed them for it.   When they left that shore and saw other folks, they would say, "You can't believe what happened today....we got 153 fish..." That is a whole lot more interesting than saying "a bunch of fish."  They remembered the number, they shared it, and they never forgot it.  They did not forget it when they were trying to do His Ministry after His Ascension and things got tough, either.    Somewhere in some jail cell where they were locked up for sharing Christ, they remembered that when you follow the direction of the Lord, He is going to bless you in a mighty way, even after a long day, or a few long days.   
So let's just drop our agenda and follow His and let's see what happens....TODAY.....and have a great day doing it.

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