I have always loved Lincoln logs. Lincoln logs are those wood building blocks that look like logs and make a cool looking log cabin. I had some Lincoln logs as a kid but I don't remember them as well as I do my little cars or my Legos. I liked Lincoln logs because when you put something together with them, it looked real, unlike most Lego creations. Lincoln log creations were sturdy too, unlike building blocks. They didn't look goofy, like Tinker Toys. It was just hard to beat Lincoln Logs. When you put them together, they built on top of each other well.
This morning as I was reading (http://www.lifejournal.cc/bible/ ) , God gave me some Lincoln Log Truths, the kind that build on top of each other well. The first one was found in Jeremiah 10:23- I know, O LORD, that the way of man is not in himself, that it is not in man who walks to direct his steps. First thing that you have to know to build a strong foundation is that you are not in charge. Make your plans and goals as you want and do all you can to achieve, but remember, you are not in charge. The second truth He layed down for me today builds on that. In John 14:26- But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.
If we are not in charge, then we need some help along the way. How do we get it? When we lean upon the Lord, the Helper, the Holy Spirit, will lead us through. However, notice that the guidance that He gives us are reminders of what we have already heard and read about the Lord previously. It is the Holy Spirit that brings up those passages, or those Grandma truths (if your grandma was giving you Scripture based truths). When the world is yelling all kinds of misguiding, confusing advice, it is the Holy Spirit that reminds us of the guidance that we have in the words of Christ, in the lives of those in Scripture, or in the writings of Paul.
We don't direct our steps. That is what Jeremiah told me. The Holy Spirit guides us by reminding us of the things of God. That is what John tells.
Those are Lincoln Log Truths to build a life on. Take in the Word, listen to the Spirit, and watch Him correlate those truths you read into the events of your day. That, my friend, will guide your steps.
Proverbs 16:9 came to mind as I read through this blog. Love this verse.....