What if a Josiah came to America ( http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2%20Kings%2023;%202%20Chronicles%2035;%20John%207 )
And there was a great reformer that came to office in America. His influence was so wise that both of the political parties strived to work alongside him to improve the financial and moral mindset in America. A Constitutional Amendment requiring a balanced budget was established. Not only was it kept, not leading to any deficit that first year, the debt clock significantly slowed as the payments toward the debt increased.
Understanding the great financial needs within their own land, they withdrew support to other countries based on need and allied connections. It was made known that the intention was not to harm or set back, but the fact remained that the money was not yet available to help in such a way.
The reformer met with the governors of each state and reminded them of states rights concerning the laws in which they established. However, he also reminded them of the federal rights and the need for taxation to reflect the moral standards in America. Therefore same sex marriages would not be able to file joint tax returns, nor would they share Social Security benefits.
The reformer also strengthened the borders, deporting illegals and allowing their children who were citizens born in America to stay with legal Americans if they so choose and if they had such family or friends to remain with. If not, they must return with their parents to the native land until adulthood and then they could attempt to refile for a return to America.
The welfare dept was radically changed. Food stamps went to only those who could adequately report the need on the quarterly basis in which they were required.
There was also a reevaluation of the justice system in America. Those that were sentenced to death by a jury of their peers no longer waited 15 to 20 years for their execution. 30 days were allowed for an appeal. Within 30 days the appeal board evaluated it. If the appeal was not successful, justice came within 90 days of the original convicton saving the states and nation over a half a million dollars per felon.
When Christmas came, all holiday trees were removed and replaced with Christmas trees. Proclaiming himself to be Christian and reminding that the nation was established upon religious liberty and the motto on our money is In God We Trust, reminders of the Navity were placed throughout the White House...
Kinda fun to think about ain't it. Might need to think it out a little more but I could not help but think about such scenerios. However, notice in our reading that it was too late for Judah. I hope America is not too far gone.
Pray that God would bring rise up Reformers in America. I would love your response or added reformed notions. A "You might be a reformer if when you come to office...." list we could establish.
Email me at drheeringa@bellsouth.net. Have a great day.
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