Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Revealer

There is a lot about the work of God and His movement in our world that brings a lot of mystery. We have questions of 'why?' that will not be answered this side of eternity.  Always keep two things in mind: 1) It is not God's job to explain Himself to us. 2) We would not understand it if He did. However, we get glimpses sometimes that we need to grasp as fully as possible.  That is what happens in the book of Revelation.  It is a book of glimpses that shed light on unknown happenings all around us and some matters about what is to come.  It does not tell us near as much about what is to come as some have made it out.  The point was to give hope to the struggling IN THE MIDST of their struggling.  Victory in the end is reassuring in the middle of it, however, many of the details along the way as been misconstrued.
Today in Revelation 5 we begin to see some of the unrevealing when the unrolling of the scroll is announced.  The scroll has been written on and both sides are full.   That is not usual, however, the point is that God has filled up this document. There is no room for anyone else to add. 
It is sealed with seven waxed, signet ring seals. It is one of two types of packages. Either the scroll is rolled and the edge is sealed with 7 seals or it is held by seven threads each sealed like a glue to the seam of the paper. In the first century, a will was often sealed by seven threads. Upon one's death, seven witnesses must come for the reading and each break one seal. Until all the seals were broken the will could not be read. Because of those traditions, this scroll has often been called God's Last Will and Testament. It is not that God has died.  It, instead, means the whole comprehensive purpose of God is comprised on this page. It is all of the redemptive plan of God that is to be revealed. It is the total plan and purpose of God for humanity. Now it was time to be revealed.   The problem- nobody is worthy to break the seals.  Once again, Christ solves our problems.  Revelation 5:2 asks,  "Who is worthy to open the scroll and break its seals?" Verse 5 answers the question-And one of the elders said to me, "Weep no more; behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has conquered, so that he can open the scroll and its seven seals." What follows is a celebration of the Lord once again...and that is what should follow.  The only hope we have of knowing the plan of God and finding direction in doing our part to fulfill His plan is through Christ. He is our hope, our focus, and is not only worthy of our praise but of our full, undivided attention as well.   Here is where the hope lies.  When we would, otherwise, have no answers, now we do...Christ.  When we would, otherwise, not know what to do, now we Christ. When all the world would not make good sense, otherwise, now it can, by studying the Word and focusing on Christ.  He will break the seals that bring step at a time.  Totally rely upon Him today and have a great one!

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