The Lord must marvel at us! It would be funny to Him, if it were not so sad. We just miss it WAAAYY too often! In Mark 6 ( the crowd has gathered and suppertime is coming. It is a desolate place and Christ tells the disciples to feed the people. They reply, "How in the world?" And Christ leads them through the process and miraculously provides. He then needs some time. No wonder I need some time, even the Lord did!! He sends the disciples off across the sea while He goes to pray. When He is finished praying and seeks the disciples, they are fighting a squall out on the water and not making good time. He walks out on the water to them. Instead of giving them comfort, it scares them. He calms the storm and gets in the boat and Luke 6:51-52 say-And he got into the boat with them, and the wind ceased. And they were utterly astounded, 52for they did not understand about the loaves, but their hearts were hardened. They were utterly astounded at what He had done, because they did not get it about the loaves. The disciples were not the only ones not to get it. Few get it! Think about it: They did not get in his hometown. They did not honor Him because they knew where He was from. They did not listen to Him with Jairus' daughter. They laughed at Him when He said she was only sleeping (meaning- her death is only temporary). They turned against Him when He cast the demons out of the man because it costs them their pigs. On and on it goes. Please allow me to repeat myself: The Lord must marvel at us! It would be funny to Him, if it were not so sad. We just miss it WAAAYY too often!
So I don't know about you, but I am going to be determined not to miss it! Whatever it is that He wants to do, He can do! I am not going to miss it! Let's open our eyes, our ears, and our hearts to let God do miraculously stuff around us and we actually 'get' it!! I hope you GET IT today!!
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