Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The End Time Spirit

Everybody wants to know what is going to happen tomorrow, but the truth is we can't.  Some are so eager that they will use crazy kind of methods like hand readers and card readers.  (Take that $10 or $20 and come see me, tell me a little about what you are doing and where you are headed, I will tell you where you are going.  25% off today!)  Others will use Bible readers which sounds like a good idea and is a much better one, however, many Bible readers use liberties with Scripture to sell their ideas.   For years I have been amazed at how people use Scripture to predict the future, particularly end time events.  There is no doubt that Scripture gives us macro (large, undetailed)  ideas of what is to come.  However, it does not give us micro (the hours and days) ideas.  We see now unclearly, then it shall be clearly known.  Be careful of anyone that tries to give you a detailed account of what is to come and jumps all over Scripture to do it.  I was watching Jack Van Impe one time and heard his amazing way of throwing one Scripture out after another.  He was talking about an end time matter that I was curious about, so I started writing down the passages he mentioned.  Then I made the mistake of looking them up.  None were used in context.  It was scraps of phrases from here and there and put together for itching ears.  I don't pretend to know all the answers about these matters. Nobody else should pretend to either.
More than anything let's just listen to Jesus.  He said to them, "It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority. 8But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." - Acts 1:7-8 (
I get from Jesus that the emphasis is not to be on times and seasons but on the power of the Holy Spirit working, moving, and blowing through us.  Let's focus on energies and curiosities on that and let nothing hinder His Move in us Today!

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