Monday, October 3, 2011

The Reality of Eternity

We had a great opening day to our revival yesterday.  Ken spoke to our hearts and the Spirit of God was stirring last night in a special way.  May God give us an openness to let Him have His Way!

It may not be popular to say or politically correct, but it is the truth: Hell is real. Jesus makes it very clear in Luke 16:22-23-   The rich man also died and was buried, 23and in Hades, being in torment, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham far off and Lazarus at his side. (  Hell is not for the Christian to glory in or to threaten folks with, however, its reality is stated in several different ways through the words of Jesus and is never backed away from.  I have read a couple of books about people going to heaven and coming back.  I don't know about all that.  Paul knew a man who had but he was sketchy on the details too.  I always find it amazing that people never seem to see hell and come back (although I think there is a book out about that too).  E.V. Hill told the story of a conversation he had with a man that only spoke of evangelism.   E.V. said everytime you would talk to him it was always about winning people to the Lord.  E.V. asked him one day what propelled him to such an extraordinary passion to reach the lost. His friend, Jack, answered by saying that one day his sister called him and said, "Jack, I had a dream.  I saw Daddy in hell.  It was awful."  Once she described the scene to Jack, he said he was never the same.  Now he tells all that he can about the loving opportunity of Jesus. 
That is what we are to do.  I don't think it benefits us to belabor the horrors of hell near as much as it would if we would concentrate on the amazing grace of God, but, however, you do it, tell it with love.   We are the way that God would have others to know.  We are to share the Word with others.    Notice the man in hell begged that the man in heaven could be allowed to go and tell the living.  However, the way they are to be told is through us and the way we are to share it is through  His Word. Let's do our part to share with as many as possible the loving grace of God that keeps us away from a devil's hell.
If you are in Houston, I hope to see you at lunch, this evening, or both.  Have a blessed day!

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