God is a good and gracious God. He is good to me. He has always placed me around good people who are gracious and kind. There is much kindness shown to my children. Both of them has been known to work the room as good as a stadium vendor works the stands. God is a good and gracious God. I have tried to teach my children to always say 'Thank You' when someone compliments them or gives them a stick of gum or goes out of their way for them. They are usually pretty good at it. I have always tried to show my thankfulness to others because I know God has been good to me through the acts of others as well as all He has done for me. I have oftentimes been overwhelmed by the acts of kindness that people have done for me. No feeling of thanks seems adequate at times. I told my mother about this quandary one time and she said, "Just say, 'Thank you.'" Since then, instead of trying to come up with high class wordsmithing, I just say, 'Thank you.'
God is a good and gracious God. He is to you too. Have you told Him so? When is the last time that you really expressed your thanks to God for all that He has done for you? Jesus healed ten lepers and only one came back and said 'Thank you.' It prompted Jesus to ask, "Where are the nine?" (www.lifejournal.cc) Let me give you some food for thought. Are you typically the one odd one that faithfully expresses your thanks to the Lord for all He has done? Or are you one of the nine that go about your way no matter how good God is to you? Let's be the one that gives God the thanks and the praise that deserves!
Have a great day!
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