I love the questions of God. When God asks a question, it is not because He needs the answer. He already knows all. No, God asks questions so that we can ponder on the answer, or get to the heart of the matter. The one that Christ asks today in John 5 (www.lifejournal.cc) is one that can easily be missed. It is in John 5:6- When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had already been there a long time, he said to him, "Do you want to be healed?" Now when you first look at that question, it may seem rather silly. This man has been an invalid for 38 years and been by this pool of healing for probably a long time. Of course, he wants to be healed. Maybe so, but there are a lot of people that really don't want healing. There are those whose glass is always half-empty. Everything stinks in their lives-- just ask them. They are depressing folks that need a touch of heavenly sunlight in their dark dreary days. Many of them do not want help, just sympathy.
Then there are those that want things to change, but they don't want to make the changes that are needed in their lives to solve the conflicts, heal the wounds, guide the paths that they need aid in. There are many defeated Christians on the rolls of churches because they have choose their ways instead of His Ways. Even when alerted, some do not want to change.
Then there are those that want to be changed. They are ready for healing and will do what it takes to get it. It is a refreshing blessing to help folks who are willing to repent, turn from their previous ways, "take up their mat and walk." That is the way the Lord will have it.
So while we are talking about questions, let me ask one of you: Do you want to be healed? As we approach a new year, it is an opportunity to clean the slate and start over again (at least in our mindset). Are you willing to do what God is showing you that you need to do to make the necessary changes? I hope so. Don't wait until January 1. Start today. You will be blessed if you do. Be healed!
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