We were at the church doing some type of ministry one morning when a couple came in that was obviously road weary. They told me they needed gas and were trying to get to 'so and so' (I don't recall.). I told them to meet me at the Exxon next door and I would give them some gas. I walked over and waited at the pump. Soon a little car weighed down by a couple's belongings pulled up. I slipped my credit card in the slot and told them how much they could have. He started pumping...and talking. They said they had left their home in Ohio some months ago and were traveling from campground to campground. I asked him if he knew the Lord and he said, "Oh Yes! The reason we are traveling is to share the Gospel. We have a campground ministry." When he got done pumping he gave me a few of his custom gospel tracts. I prayed for them and wished them God's richest blessings. They drove off to the next campground. I asked myself on the way back to the church: crazy transient people or was I entertaining angels? I see don't know and won't this side of eternity.
I have not filled up too many people's cars at those pumps in the almost five years I have been at Houston. At most, maybe twice a year. However, I have led people to the Lord at a $20 gas stop and I may have even entertained angels. I take Hebrews 13:2 seriously- Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. (www.lifejournal.cc)
So the question may be: $20? You don't even know them! Well, I'll give $20, no problem, for the opportunity to lead someone to the Lord or to even entertain an angel. More important, I'll take the time or, at least, I ought to...every time. We all should, every chance we get. Today, see the fields white unto harvest as the Lord sees them....OR....see the angels encamped around us.... either way, it is worth the look.
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