Friday, December 30, 2011

Making It Right

Enough with the wickedness!  As we read through Revelation at a lightning round pace, we begin to see the culmination of evil (  It comes through the bowls of God's wrath and they favor the plagues upon Egypt quite a bit, but not completely.  The profound message that I see as the bowls of wrath are 'dished' out is the response of the wicked.   In Rev. 16:9 it says- They did not repent and give him glory. Verse 11 of the same chapter says they did not repent of their deeds.  In verse 14 they assemble for war against God.  In verse 21 they curse God.  It then goes on to show the wicked city and its destruction.   
How is all this relative?  Well, how many lives are ruined when they did not heed the warning that was layed out for them?  So many times people know what they are to do, but won't do it.  So many times people are warned that they need to change, but they refuse to.  Hardening your heart toward God in your sin or becoming callous to God's people who strive to help 'spur' you along leads to, at least, a lot of unhappiness.
Maybe you are not cursing God or attempting to assemble for war against Him (or maybe you are), but you might be failing to pay attention to some sin in your life that needs correction.  God has warned you through the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit or through the judgment that comes to the wicked in Scripture.  If you will not stop a sin pattern in your life, you are refusing to repent, just as we read about this morning.  What a horrible way to go into to a new year! 
If there is unconfessed sin, or recessive sin that dogs you daily, or sneaky sin that you too often ignore, repent today and make it right. God takes it serious.  We should too.
I pray you will be refreshed and strong when you do!  Have a great day! 

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