Thursday, December 29, 2011

Victory In Christ

We are reading huge chunks of Revelation this time around (  It is a lot to take in but in some ways you understand the book better by reading it like that.   Today we have a true sense of the war that takes place between good and evil, or the demons and the angels, or the redeemed and the world. It is a battle.  At times it speaks of a previous fight.  At times it speaks of a current battle.  At times it speaks of the future struggles that will end when victory is finally consummated in the end.  In the meantime notice the struggle that is now taking place and why it is taking place.
Revelation 12:17- Then the dragon became furious with the woman and went off to make war on the rest of her offspring, on those who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus. And he stood on the sand of the sea.   It is a war and it is guerilla warfare.  Sometimes the enemy is camouflaged in the world.  Sometimes morality sits on a slippery slope.   Sometimes we are seduced by the sweet whispers of the evil one in our ear.  It is a sneaky thing.  However, the dragon's (or Satan's) efforts are to keep us from knowing the Lord (if we are not yet Christians) or enjoying the joy of our salvation (if we are Christians).  If he can steal you of your thrill, kill your zeal, or destroy your joy, he will succeed in keeping you from sharing your faith.  By not sharing your faith, he wins victory in the lives of others.  It is dirty pool. 
So what do you we do?  We realize the battle that we are in and we determine to live our life enjoying the victory that we have in Christ by keeping our eyes on Him.  Don't watch the enemy and his tactics in order to gain victory.  Watch Christ and follow where He leads. 
And do it today and win the battle we  face today!

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