This morning as I read I was overwhelmed by the grace of God. ( Particularly this morning, it was the message to church of Laodicea. First he tells them He is tired of their unrepentant hypocrisy. Like coffee, either be hot or cold for Christ, but don't be lukewarm. However, after challenging them to get it right, the Father of the Prodigals swings open the door of opportunity. Rev. 3:20- Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me. You are probably very familiar with that passage but it sure is sweet when you read it in its context. To those who are in sin, troubled, and wayward, come to me and I will come in, dine with you, and not only cleanse you of your sin, but guide you for the days ahead. That, my friend, is a blessing. It is also an opportunity! Take advantage of it today if you need cleansing. If you are clean before the Lord, just celebrate the one that has made you clean!
Enjoy the God of grace today!
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