To really understand the message of a Scripture passage, it helps to follow some rules. It helps to look at the context. Before you pick out a passage and talk about what it means, read around it. It's context makes a difference. You also look at the historical setting. Don't ignore what is happening around it. You also check the cultural context- what does it mean to the first audience? The first audience is who the letter is written to (i.e. the Ephesians), who the prophet is speaking to (i.e. the Israelites), or who the Lord is speaking to (i.e. Noah). Therefore when I pick a passage from Genesis 9 in today's reading ( and I see God talking to Noah, I have to ask how did Noah interpret it. Let me show you the passage: Genesis 9:12-13- And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant that I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations: 13 I have set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Now you and I know that what He is talking about is a bow of spectrum colors that are a beautiful reflection upon a moist sky. Not only is it beautiful and a joy to see every time you have the opportunity, it is also a reminder of God's redemption. But what does it mean to Noah? Well, notice that the word 'bow' is used. The bow that Noah would think of would be the one that would make up a bow and arrow combination (a common weapon in war in that day). The bow was a sign of warrior and when he pointed it at you, it was a sign of war. However, the Great Warrior who had flooded the earth to cleanse it, no longer aimed his bow. Instead, now God has hung up his bow. This episode of wrath is over and God has left a reminder of his grace. The sign is that the warrior has hung up his bow.
God speaks further to it: v.14-17- When I bring clouds over the earth and the bow is seen in the clouds, 15 I will remember my covenant that is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh. And the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh. 16 When the bow is in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.” 17 God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant that I have established between me and all flesh that is on the earth.” God will never destroy the earth by flood again. He has hung up His Bow. He is not at war with us. God is not mad at you. As a matter of fact, now we know that God loves us unconditionally enough to send His Son to die in our place. I don't know about you but I celebrate today that God has hung His Bow up. God does not war against us. He fights for us! Go out and claim the victory today! The Lord is on your Side!
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