When Abraham, his son, and his son's son passed, God often identified Himself to the Israelite people by saying, "I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob..." To the generations that followed these great men, it was strengthening to know that they served the same God as their patriarchal fathers. They knew the stories of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and they gained courage and faith knowing that they were now serving the same God. The same God that watched over these men is the same God that walked with them today. God was identified with the work that He had done in previous generations. Today as we read (www.lifejournal.cc) I noticed something that I am not sure I ever noticed. It is Genesis 26:24 and it comes about during Isaac's well debates with other herdsmen- And the LORD appeared to (Isaac) the same night and said, “I am the God of Abraham your father. Fear not, for I am with you and will bless you and multiply your offspring for my servant Abraham's sake.” Notice the difference in what God says to Him and what He will say in future generations. He says, "I am the God of Abraham your father. Isaac had not walked enough with God yet to build such a legacy. Nor Jacob. The benefit that the Israelits had from hearing "Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob" is similiar to the benefit that Isaac had by the mere mention of his father in God's introduction. Actually I feel it meant more to Isaac. Why? Because Isaac had been with his dad when Abraham faced some of his biggest trials. Isaac was a main component to one Abraham's biggest moments with God. When he laid Isaac on that altar and walked back down that mountain knowing that God had provided, I don't believe Abraham was ever the same. Isaac had the advantage of walking with Abraham while Abraham walked with God.
I hope my children have such an advantage. I hope my life is such that when I am gone, if God whispers into one of my girls' hearts, "I am the God that your daddy served..." that it will be inspiring, strengthening, and helpful for them. I hope they can reflect on the faith trials they saw me walk through without ever wondering who came first in my life. I had such a heritage set before me. I must leave such a heritage.
That is my prayer for you as well. If there was a faith heritage before you, thank God for it today and then leave your own heritage for others to follow. Even if you don't have children in your home, other generations are watching you. Don't you dare ever think different! Live for the Lord first today...and then live for Him for the sake of others.
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