There is an opportunity available for all that must be seized. There is an expiration date to the offer that is unknown and is individualized. However, the offer is still available now. We must seize! We must share!
It is described several ways by Jesus in Scripture. At one point He talks about the bridegroom coming and being ushered in by the prepared bridesmaids. Once the bridegroom goes into the courtyard to join the wedding feast, any who have not entered will be left out. OR Once the sheep and the goats are separated in the end, it will be too late. OR as today's passage says ( in
Luke 13:25- When once the master of the house has risen and shut the door, and you begin to stand outside and to knock at the door, saying, ‘Lord, open to us,’ then he will answer you, ‘I do not know where you come from.’
There are a lot of uncertainties about the future. Sometimes the most emphasis is placed on what we know the least about: the future. Scripture has been turned, twisted, pushed and pulled to say many things that folks have grown to accept even though they cannot find it in Scripture. I see that happen more about the future or the end of time than any other matter. However, if you read the words of Christ, He makes it clear. You get one shot at this life. You need to make the right decision before it is too late. Why put off such a major decision when you do not know when it will be too late. Come to Jesus today! Admit that you have done wrong (and are a sinner) and ask Christ to forgive you as you surrender your will and way to His and commit your life to live from this day forward to honor, obey, and follow Him. And if you have made such a commitment, let it be known by becoming a part of a local congregation and publicly acknowledging the Lord.
And if you have done that, then show your gratitude to God by living for Him and giving others a personal invitation to come to Him today. I pray that God will open doors for us to share today, and they we may see the world as HE does.
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