I have always loved Noah. The older I get, the more I appreciate him. I often speak of Noah's example with other men. He has made a profound impact on me. Why? Because very little is said about Noah the man but most of what is said about him is marvelous (not all but most). Let me give you some examples from our reading today (www.lifejournal.cc). First is Genesis 6:9- Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his generation. Noah walked with God. Righteous and blameless or as I have read in other translations 'blameless and above reproach.' Noah had such a reputation that if people said he had done something bad, others would not believe it. However, no one did say such things, because he was blameless. The Christian life is not about pleasing everyone else with your lifestyle. You will not please everyone. The Christian life is about living at a standard that points people to Christ ORliving 'blameless and above reproach'.
The second thing I like about Noah is found in Gen. 6:22. God gives him specific instructions about how to build and fill the ark and then it simply says- Noah did this; he did all that God commanded him. In other words, he did not hesitate, cut corners, or do less than his very best. Noah gave all he had to please the Lord. When he did, God blessed him. He brought him safely back to land.
When God delivered him, notice what he did (Gen. 8:20)- Then Noah built an altar to the LORD. He worshiped the Lord. The first thing after the flood that is recorded about Noah is that he took the first opportunity he had on land to build an altar to the Lord and worship Him. What a man! He had excellent character, a beautiful obedience to God, and an insatiable desire to worship Him! What a role model. Perfect? No, but he did some things right that we should learn from...and live like...even today!
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