Thursday, January 5, 2012

Wherever You Go

I appreciate Abraham very much. I like the fact that when God called him, God told him he was being called to a land He would show him.  Abraham went somewhat on blind faith.  I have felt like that with every major move I have made as an adult.  We don't make moves across town.  I went from SC to New Orleans for seminary, from south Mississippi to SC for a pastorate, and then from SC to north Mississippi.  Each time it was on a somewhat blind faith (not being very familiar with any of the spots) and each time God has blessed.  Abraham was blessed as well and was a blessing, just as God told him.  What stands out to me is the altar building of Abraham.  God spoke to him at Shecem (12:7) and he builds an altar there.  He pitches his tent in the hill country and builds an altar there (12:8).  He comes back across it (13:4) and I am sure he used it again.  Then again in Hebron (13:18) he builds an altar there.  Abraham left smoking altars everywhere he pitched his tent.  That means he worshiped the Lord everywhere he went, regardless of the circumstances.  I believe that is the key to being blessed everywhere you go.  Worship God wherever you are!  See every location that you find yourself at on any day of the week and consider it grounds for worship.   Before you interact with others, consider that place, a  place for worship.  Before you go in a store, step into your car, get out of your car, and when you return to your home-- every time-- make that a ground for worship and I truly believe we will be blessed.  Notice something else today too.  This is in our Luke 5 passage (  In Luke 5:16 it says: But (Jesus) would withdraw to desolate places and pray.  Have you picked up on something?  Worship is not about a particular setting, circumstance, or location.  Worship is about the state of your mind, heart, and will.  Wherever you are, worship the Lord today!.....and have a great one!

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