Thursday, June 23, 2011

Cleaning House

We got into SC about 8 pm EST last night.  Another long day on the road.  This time due to rainy weather. We ate lunch in Birmingham and as we left it began to rain...and rain...and rain.   Rained solid all the way in.  A lot of traffic and a lot of road construction.  I was trying to outrun the storm but it was moving fast.  However, we made it and we rode over to view my grandmother.  I celebrate for her today.  I am glad that she has seen her Savior face to face, but it felt mighty empty looking in her room last night.  She moved in with my parents about 4 years ago and had her room, her chair, and her TV.  Anytime we came, she would be sitting in her chair.  All the family would come together and she would wander on out and sit in the den with us.  She'd watch the wild children, the animated conversation of my brothers and me, and when she had enough, she'd use that walking stick to get up and go back to her room.  'Enough of that.'  It was fun to watch her.  She won't wander in anymore and we will miss that, but I sure am happy for her.

If you read the Bible reading this morning  (,  you got in on some killings. Jehu was looking for somebody else to clean out!  If it was a movie, one would say, "that's too much killing."  However, the bigger message is clear.  God does not tolerate sin.   That is the message in Kings, Chronicles, and in Timothy today.  Do not be hasty in...taking part of the sins of others; keep yourself pure1 Timothy 5:22.  We better not be flippant about our sin.  God sure isn't.  Sin causes a barrier that keeps God from doing all that He wants to do in our lives.  We have no right to get in the way of God.  Who would want to slow the movement of God in their lives?  However, that is exactly what we do when we tolerate sin, and are too  quick at it or flippant about it.  Take sin seriously. Clean out your own spiritual house before the Lord does. Take your sin seriously, because  God sure does.  Let's honor God with our lives today. 

I appreciate your prayers.

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