Well, we were blown away by the Grand Canyon (the kids, almost literally) and then we moved on to Colorado. I had been anticipating the Million Dollar Hwy with fear and trembling and excitement. Words cannot express how beautiful it was. We were more amazed by the San Juan Mountains of southern Colorado than we were the Grand Canyon. God is such an artist and His finest handiwork of nature in creation that I have ever seen is between Durango and Colorado Springs, CO. Gorgeous! I had made a plan to go up the legendary hwy 550 good and slow and enjoy and then to hit hwy 50 and hit the road and make up time. Nope, not going to happen. It was almost as winding. Beautiful but a long day to Colorado Springs.
In Colorado Springs the internet was having trouble, so I could not write. On one side of Colorado Springs it is flat; on the other side is Pike's Peak and his friends. An interesting city on the border between beauty and wheat fields. We got a late start on Sunday, then we drove thru the Air Force Academy. If that don't make you proud of your country, you're a terrorist. We then hit the long straight I-70, the main street of Kansas. Honestly, I had been dreading Kansas. At that point our trip would be over and we would just be trying to get home. However, I enjoyed Kansas. It was straight, no mountainous curves. I could use the cruise control all day. Such a day was much needed after 350 miles in the mountains.
Since we have left, Dawn's father has had an overnight stay in the hospital and my 96 year old grandmother had to have emergency gall bladder surgery. Dawn's Dad is doing better and we are thankful. My grandmother, however, has dealt with the kind of complications that you can almost expect when you are her age. An infection and a rapid heart rate has put her in the intensive care unit. Please pray for Grandma Caton. For a few years now my prayer has been for her: Lord, as long as you give her days, please give her good days.
Wouldn't it had been something to see Elisha minister in person!? Wow, God used he and Elijah in some powerful ways. The passage that got me, however, was I Timothy 2:8- I desire that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands, without anger or quarreling. I thought about Godly men and this season of deacon election. My prayer has been for some time that God's Spirit would have a freedom to do whatever He wanted to do in our midst each and every worship hour. How does that happen? Men and women praying and not focused on self but on God and His Kingdom at work in us and through us. May God lead, inspire, and convict the men of God to always seek the face of God so that the Will of God may overwhelm our agenda and lead us in His Plan.
Onto to Springfield, Missouri today and then on to HOUSTON, MS tomorrow. It has been awesome. Now home seems mighty awesome. Can hardly wait to get there!
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