Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Not At Ease

I was always an above average student.  I called myself a 'B' man.  Interestingly the higher I got in education, the better.  However, I was below average in one class.  I was a freshman at a community college that had cheap tuition and a good transfer program.  You get surrounded by a lot of different types of people in such a setting.   In my first western civilization class I began to look around at my surrounding students instead of listening to some fellow talk about history that was somewhere between Bible times and American times and in a land somewhere between Bible lands and American lands.  Who cares?  Well, apparently the student taking the class should.  It helps your grade.  Nobody cared.  You could look around the room and tell, so I just climatized myself to the atmosphere.  When he should a video, it looked like it was cool to sleep, so I did.  Now what I did not know was that that particular professor was not normal.  Normally I found that in a college class if you will listen in class and take notes and then learn the notes, you will do fine. I never really studied hard until I got to seminary.  However, in West. Civ the test came from the book and, yes, from the videos. Not only was the experience bad but the grade was.  Only by the grace of God did I not fail and thankfully it was a two part class.  I took the second part with the same professor and was determined to beat him.  I did much better at the second class and my senior college averaged the scores together and I got the transfer credits I needed. It also taught me not to be at ease in college classes.
As I studied in the book of Amos this morning  the Lord was rebuking the Israelites for being 'At ease in Zion' - Amos 6:1.  Zion is the hill of the Lord.  He is rebuking them for being casual in his presence, slothful in their worship, slack in their walk.   In other words, sleeping on the job.  I wondered as I read this morning 'how many Christians are failing or are at least below average in their walk with God because they do not take it seriously enough?'  We have no right to be sleepy in the presence of the Lord.  We have no right to be slack in our walks.  We have no right to be 'at ease' when we come into the presence of the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Commander in Chief of the Heavenly And Angelic Army.
We have no right to be at ease about our walk with God.  So today, let's give God our full attention.  Praise the Lord, our Superior Officer is walking through our lives today.  Let's honor Him with our lives.

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