Friday, June 3, 2011


Last night my family rode to Amory, MS.  I needed to make a hospital visit so I did the "drop and roll". I dropped  the family at Dirt Cheap and rolled to the hospital.  Afterwards I picked them up and since we were so close to Smithville, I told them we would drive down and take a look.  Smithville got hit hard by the tornado that went through  Tuscaloosa.  A short 10 mile drive and we were on Main St. Smithville...but it is not there .  The road is still there but the neighborhoods and the businesses look like the pasture land that they were 50 years ago.   That tornado must have went down the middle of the street because neither side had a house.  Two amazing things: the devastation and the cleanup effort. It is amazing how well they have cleaned up.  In many places the only indication that there was a house is the cleaned slab left behind.  God bless the dear folks that have been hurt, lost so much, and grieved in Smithville.
After Smithville we headed back to Amory to get some authentic Mexican food at the KFC/Taco Bell.  Nothing more American than a chicken leg in one hand and a bean burrito in the other.  The kids think of Taco Bell like I do Texas de Brazil so we thought we would treat them because they had been so good.  Then we got there and realized why Millie had been so good...she was asleep.  Now a sleeping child is normally a blessed thing and a sweet smiling moment.   Not with Millie at meal time.  She is hanging all over the back seat with her mouth wide open snoring away like an old drunk at the train station.  15 minutes earlier she was begging for Taco Bell which means she has only been asleep about 10 minutes.   When that is the case, she don't care if she ever eats but as parents that are always concerned about our children's nutrition we walked her into the KFC/Taco Bell- no apple slices or side salads there.  It was ugly for a few minutes and she woke up with a whine, but then she settled in and was her sweet self. 
I thought about that ride this morning when I read - May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. - Romans 15.5-6  There is something to be said about harmonyLike a strong quartet with four point harmony is a people who not only endure but encourage each other along the way.  Whether it is a couple, a family, or a church family, there is something to be said about harmony.  Why is that so special? Because it has a purpose- with one voice glorify God.  So that God can be glorified we deny ourselves, work for the common good, and give God the praise.  Oh, that our lives and our fellowships would be marked by such!!!

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