Saturday, June 4, 2011

Just Do It!

When I was about 7 or 8 years old, there was a little boy that visited our neighborhood at least a few times.  Somebody in his family would be visiting somebody in the neighborhood and we became vaguely acquainted with someone. He was a kid that did not seem impressive at first but then he started talking.  The kid could do or had done everything.  We were bike jumpers in that day.  He could jump higher...although his mom did not bring his bike.  He could think least when it came to the next thing to say.  He could do it better and bigger whatever it was...just ask him.  He then told us that he had read the Bible all the way through 3 times.   What?!!!  I was the one that was supposed to be the little holy man in our neighborhood but I could not hold a candle to that.   However, I knew that he couldn't either.  I thought, "Well he probably don't even know where the book of Hezekiah is or who Eve's mom is?"  Then I got my feet back on the ground and said, "Well, whatever your name is, you can read it all the way through but if you don't Jesus its not going to do you any good."  I don't remember what he said, although I feel sure that he gave the same kind of 'God and Country' answer that I often get today- "Me and the man upstairs is aw-ite."  If you are referring to the King of kings and Lord of lords as if he is an uncle living on the 3rd floor of a cobweb filled, creepy house, you are not alright or 'aw-ite' with Him at all.  There has to be some evidence or as Scripture calls it fruit.  That is what I thought of when I read Prov. 29:19 this morning- By mere words a servant is not disciplined, for though he understands, he will not respond.   It is not about merely reading the Word (or claiming to), nor claiming allegiance to it nor merely hearing it.  It is about doing it.  Don't be hearers alone, be doers. Just Do It!  May we do with great faithfulness, responding to His every instruction, and watch our lives be carved out my Potter as we spin through this life on His blessed wheel for us.

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