Thursday, June 16, 2011

Just a Note

No internet at Grand Canyon.  It will be a few days.  No pool, sorry girls. No A/C.  Going to be 46 overnight. And I am spending more on that room than I have ever.  However, it is on the south rim.   Check in again Saturday.  And thanks for reading.
Some have asked.  I believe the advantage to being a follower is that you can put in your favorites and when you click, all the blogs you are following will pop up.  But I am not sure.  I am trying to be a blogger and follow it- just to tell people how to do it- not sure that it looks the same as it would if I were just a follower.  Someone has an insight, let me know.  

1 comment:

  1. So glad that u r enjoying some time of relaxing along with sites created by God's beauty with a little baseball thrown in. Ya'll are missed at FBC.
