Sunday, September 25, 2011

How Do You Respond?

In our reading today ( we have a combination of Ezra and the beginning of the rebuild and Luke with the ministry of Jesus.  As I read I was fascinated by three different episodes where there were two distinctly different responses each time.
First it is in Ezra that they are beginning to rebuild the previously destroyed house of God.  As they begin, there is a mixed response.  Ezra 3:11-13And all the people shouted with a great shout when they praised the LORD, because the foundation of the house of the LORD was laid. 12But many of the priests and Levites and heads of fathers’ houses, old men who had seen the first house, wept with a loud voice when they saw the foundation of this house being laid, though many shouted aloud for joy, 13so that the people could not distinguish the sound of the joyful shout from the sound of the people’s weeping, for the people shouted with a great shout, and the sound was heard far away.  My, my!  What a scene! I can just hear the Rebuild Committee in their meeting afterwards- So, this is a good thing!  Right?
Now let's look at the pigs that the demons were cast to.  The healed were glad.  The pig owners were mad.  And the majority was scared.  Luke 8:37 -Then all the people of the surrounding country of the Gerasenes asked him to depart from them, for they were seized with great fear. So he got into the boat and returned.  It can be fairly fascinating to watch how people respond when God moves. 
One more passage:  the raising of Jairus' daughter.  The crowd is waiting on Jesus.  He is told the girl is dying.  He stops to heal the lady plagued with bleeding.  He gets to Jairus' house and the girl has died.  The people who have prayed for Him to come... waited on Him... put their hope in Him... are overwhelmed by the opportunity to see God do they respond when He says she is sleeping (meaning: this is only temporary)?:  Luke 8:53-And they laughed at him, knowing that she was dead.  God speaks and they laugh. 
Let's put them together:  God allows His people to build and some cry about it.  God heals and it scares people.  God speaks and people laugh.  Now if these were all one time occurrences, it would be fun to look back and see how people used to respond when God moved.   The problem is this same stuff still happens.  We still lack the vision to see God do new and mighty things through us.  We still are scared that God is going to do something that we have never seen.  We still scoff or laugh when God speaks. 
I am in a time of prayer for revival in my church and I am encouraging all of the members of  FBC to pray for revival.  However, I know, going in, that revival has a bunch to do with how we will respond when God moves.  So the question is: How do you respond?  Is your response determined by what happens or WHO causes it to happen?

God, forgive us of our agenda and let's openly submit to yours.  Help us respond to your move in a way that pleases, honors, and glorifies YOU!  Only in the Name of Jesus do we pray, Amen.

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