Saturday, February 18, 2012

Never Silent

They did not know what to do with Paul!  If you are reading along with us daily, we have got to the point in Acts when Paul is being tossed around the legal system of conflicting parties and convoluted reports. Nobody knows what to do with him.  It reminds me a lot of the arrest of Jesus.  No one wanted to get their hands dirty or alienate their constituents, but something had to be done!!  I have always consider those midnight trials of Jesus to be the kangaroo courts.  Well, it does not seem much better with Paul.  All the while, Paul is on mission to Rome and he utilizes the confusion to lead him to that place of calling even when he is in custody.  Acts 25:11- But if there is nothing to their charges against me, no one can give me up to them. I appeal to Caesar. (  All they really wanted from Paul was for him to stop speaking of the Lord.  He refused.  He would not stop speaking of the Lord regardless of the costs.  If you will be quiet concerning the cause and message of Christ in this world, they may accept you a little better and like you a little more.  But for what?  You are called to make a difference for Christ-- not to win friends but to win souls.  I believe you can do a lot of both if you just keep on speaking for the Lord.  Pray for opportunities today and walk through the doors God opens for you!

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