Friday, March 2, 2012

Moving Mountains

There is an interaction in our passage ( this morning that means a bunch to me.  The reason it means a bunch to me is....I can relate.  A demon has caused a boy to have awful seizures.    Some believe that it was only disease that caused it, however, Jesus addresses a demon when he heals the boy.  If Jesus thinks its a demon, I know it is one.  Jesus asks the father of the boy questions and in his response to Christ, he asks for help.  Mark 9:22-24 records the conversation- ".....if you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.” 23 And Jesus said to him, “‘If you can’! All things are possible for one who believes.” 24 Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, “I believe; help my unbelief!” 
Now what I love about this is the honesty of the guy.  He did not have perfect faith.  He had been watching his boy suffer with this for too long.  He probably wasn't sure there could ever be hope and he was surely scared to death that the episodes would gonna kill him.  He was grasping...looking for hope.  He could have easily answered Christ, "yea, man, I believe...I am putting all I got in you."  Instead he basically said, "I don't have much."
I can relate....I don't have perfect faith.  Before you shame me too much, you don't either.  We haven't arrived yet.  When we do arrive, we won't need it because will see what we have been imperfectly believing face to face.   Christ said in Matt. 17:20 that if we had faith of a very small seed, mountains could be moved.  Several ways to understand that, but one message I get is that we don't have near enough faith in the one that holds it all in your hand.
So what are you fretting about?  What has you worried?  Not only does worrying not add a day to your life (as Christ said) but doctors tell us the stress is taking days away from us.  Notice that Jesus took care of the boy's problem, even when his Daddy admitted his faith was less that perfect.  We would do much better today to admit that our faith isn't perfect and strive to believe Him more.   Just be honest about where we are and then believe more.  
It's about time we see some mountains moved, you bunch of seedling faith, earth dwellers!! 
I am with you on the journey! let's trust Him today! 

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